Mens Hygiene.. what are you using? so fresh and so cleannn cleannn..

Copped some charcoal and white soft facial sponges from amazon daily deals that have my face glowing. Don't even use facial cleaners anymore. These joints are the truth.
just copped that that african soap (not the fugazi one) and the oil with the bunch of J's :lol:
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What products should I be using to get them 360s
my joints ain't hitting right...

Go into the 360 post but for short the brush is crown quality brush so you spend less time brush, Cvlabel wolfing pomade if you have a lot of hair or the butter pomade, Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie and to top it off with the Sweet Jamila.
Go into the 360 post but for short the brush is crown quality brush so you spend less time brush, Cvlabel wolfing pomade if you have a lot of hair or the butter pomade, Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie and to top it off with the Sweet Jamila.
Anybody have any experience with charcoal toothpaste? I just ordered a tube

I copped a tube and used probably 2/3rds of it. Mostly got it because I heard it has good whitening properties/results. I can't really tell if my **** got whiter or not lol. The one I got has clove as an ingredient, so if you're not a fan of the flavor it'll probably not be worth it IMO. I don't mind the taste too much. It's also jet black so make sure you rinse your mouth hella much afterwards or you might end up walking around like a goof with black **** in your grill lol. I switched back to my regular toothpaste, but still use the charcoal one every now and then.
whats the best way to get a white grill? i brush everyday but need them pearly whites
Probably to brush once in a while with hydrogen peroxide and a little baking soda. I've tried brushing with some tumeric but haven't seen much difference and it's messy. Still haven't tried white strips since they hurt your teeth.
whats the best way to get a white grill? i brush everyday but need them pearly whites

Best way = paying to have a professional whiten your teeth. White strips work, but have some mild side effects for some people. Like shogun shogun mentioned, brushing with toothpaste that contains hydrogen peroxide or swishing some around in your mouth ****** works too. I don't think it's good to do long term though because it messes with your gums and mouth. I tried charcoal toothpaste, but can't really tell if my teeth got whiter or not. I guess I should have done some before and after pics.
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Best way = paying to have a professional whiten your teeth. White strips work, but have some mild side effects for some people. Like shogun shogun mentioned, brushing with toothpaste that contains hydrogen peroxide or swishing some around in your mouth ****** works too. I don't think it's good to do long term though because it messes with your gums and mouth. I tried charcoal toothpaste, but can't really tell if my teeth got whiter or not. I guess I should have done some before and after pics.

Have you had your teeth professionally whitened? I tried the white strips a long time ago and it made my teeth so sensitive I was afraid of getting done professionally because I thought it might be even worse.
whats the best way to get a white grill? i brush everyday but need them pearly whites
Any of these or the other optic white ones work for me. Get compliments all the time on my pearly whites. 
Have you had your teeth professionally whitened? I tried the white strips a long time ago and it made my teeth so sensitive I was afraid of getting done professionally because I thought it might be even worse.

I haven't. I did try the white strips and had some sensitivity also. Still did the whole box though and somewhat saw results. Obviously not what they advertise in commercials and other ads though lol.
i do use optic white toothpaste.

I think im gonna try the strips and switch to sensodyne paste
I tried those charcoal loofas from Amazon and I feel like they suck at lathering and they develop a weird smell after the 1st use
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