Minnesota Family Pulled Over; Police Shoots Man For Getting His License...After He Told Him To Get H

No one should have to die though.

Feds or some level of government need to punish entire police departments for behavior like this. Take away their money for 3 months whenever something like this happens and force them to improve their department. Make the money talk. The culture needs to change. I'm ok with the brotherhood of cops because there are a lot of good ones and it is a tough job, but we can't let that protect and encourage reckless behavior.

The whole system has to change.

Cameras in every civilian's hand is one big step. This will take time.
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So if I am thr only person in my family to go to college, and I am essentially "feeding" 8 mouthes, and I don't want to leave this earth because I know my family will be messed up; I am a COWARD?


Wouldn't they be messed up regardless? They die or you die and its harder for them to be "fed".
No one should have to die though.

Feds or some level of government need to punish entire police departments for behavior like this. The culture needs to change. I'm ok with the brotherhood of cops because there are a lot of good ones and it is a tough job, but we can't let that protect and encourage reckless behavior.

The whole system has to change.

Cameras in every civilian's hand is one big step.

everyone who has died as of late have been killed on cam and the cops get off lol.

Also the Feds are the ones who make the system, so what reason do they have to change it? It's working like they designed it to.
No one should have to die though.

Feds or some level of government need to punish entire police departments for behavior like this. The culture needs to change. I'm ok with the brotherhood of cops because there are a lot of good ones and it is a tough job, but we can't let that protect and encourage reckless behavior.

The whole system has to change.

Cameras in every civilian's hand is one big step.

everyone who has died as of late have been killed on cam and the cops get off lol.

Also the Feds are the ones who make the system, so what reason do they have to change it? It's working like they designed it to.
In an ideal world the feds answer to the voters and the people.

In reality I know it doesn't work like this but the least we can do is make sure we elect (and campaign for) politicians who will at least try.
In an ideal world the feds answer to the voters and the people.

In reality I know it doesn't work like this but the least we can do is make sure we elect (and campaign for) politicians who will at least try.

the only time politicians listened to the people is back int he days where the people would execute anyone they did not like, but nowadays its all about the money bags.
Any "man" not willing to? Yes.

See.. the problem with this is...

we cant even end our own internal conflict.. nothing gets done in a house divided

lets stop glorifing murder and infidelity and countless other ignorant ****... stop feeding into the stereotypes THEY want us to live up to.. lets treat each other better and stop being so influenced by the things they dangle in our faces to keep us hypnotized and distracted

once WE become stronger, THEN we can put this power we have to use.. we have power, but like i said.. the pieces to our Voltron are scattered all over the place...a lot of it self inflicted
See.. the problem with this is...

we cant even end our own internal conflict.. nothing gets done in a house divided

lets stop glorifing murder and infidelity and countless other ignorant ****... stop feeding into the stereotypes THEY want us to live up to.. lets treat each other better and stop being so influenced by the things they dangle in our faces to keep us hypnotized and distracted

once WE become stronger, THEN we can put this power we have to use.. we have power, but like i said.. the pieces to our Voltron are scattered all over the place...a lot of it self inflicted
STOP scapegoating rappers and stereotypes.

Socioeconomics is the cancer of black and brown communities.

We lack empathy and point fingers.

You know how hard it is for a kid to live in poverty where they're more than likely being raised by one parent?
Nah Lucky,My point is making blanket statements So any woman that isn't willing to die for this cause is a coward? Knowing she will leave behind kids?I am not talking about thatA. I dieB. NY family diesSituation. I am speaking of people walking in the line of fire in case a WAR pops off.
People say Black people need to unite and hit "them" financially (where it hurts)."Pull our resources together."

Again, WTF does that even mean.


Everybody pitch in $25 a month into a big bank?

Who is going to be in charge of that money?

What will the money be used for?

Can each individual take out of that bank?

What if I am poor and can't donate, can I get access to resources?

What about the well to do family that doesn't need any handouts from Woodbridge. Are they "not down for the cause" because they don't want to participate in it?


I mean what does, "Pull our resources together" PHYSICALLY / LOGISTICALLY look like?

I've already said nobody has all the answers yet but the only change will come from white people in power facing financial strife.

Us organizing, protesting and marching doesn't move the needle because our spending power is still tied directly to the system.

Y'all in here talking about only they can end white supremacy, I'm curious to know why you think that would ever happen?

There's been atrocities for over 300 years man, y'all can wait another 300.

What is your way to make it stop?

There's different answers to solving the problem fellas. Just like solving a puzzle.....there's different pieces that all shape and form together to get the results your looking for.
Nah Lucky, My point is making blanket statements So any woman that isn't willing to die for this cause is a coward? Knowing she will leave behind kids? I am not talking about that A. I die B. NY family dies Situation. I am speaking of people walking in the line of fire in case a WAR pops off.

I specifically said men. If you're afraid it's cool.
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Low key sick of seeing these, "Well here in Belgium...", posts, but I know Colombia means well.

IN AMERICA, white people don't think about systematic racism. AT ALL. It doesn't affect them. They aren't going to feel "the need to educate themselves on (systematic) racism and join the minorities in fighting for justice and equality." Why would they fight against a system built to help them (like mAliz) said? They won't.

I know you mean well Colombia but you don't know what it's like to be White in America just as much as I don't know what it's like to be black in America. To be totally honest, if it wasn't for me getting back on NT a few years ago, I wouldn't even know what systematic racism is. It's so ingrained in EVERYTHING in America and pampers to white people so much that most white people don't understand how good they have it. How can you address something or join a fight to fix it when most aren't even aware of it or if they are refuse to acknowledge it.

I agree with this, "but I do feel it is our duty as white folks to join our minority brethren in the fight for equality. Minorities didn't ask for white supremacy and systemic racism. Y'all shouldn't have to carry the largest burden in trying to fix the problem." But what will be your call of duty in Belgium to join the fight? I don't even know what I can do in America now to "join the fight." Maybe someone can tell me. You say a lot of nice things...but that's all they are...nice things (that will probably never happen; it's a nice outlook though).

I just don't see these issues going away for a few more generations unfortunately. It may never go away TBH.
I apologize if I come off as demeaning/holier than thou sometimes. I agree that these issues won't significantly improve for at least a couple generations, if ever at all. I'm not condemning you or other white people who aren't aware/educated about issues like white privilege and systemic racism, apologies if it seemed that way but I agree with what you said about society being built that way. Not all humans are evil so I think education and being aware of these issues are an essential part of improving the situation.

We won't live to see that goal achieved judging by the current situation and how society functions but I think we can take small steps.

I think what we can do as white people to "join the fight" is pass this knowledge to our children/close surroundings and speak up against racism we come across. I've mentioned this before but my dad is a white supremacist. If it wasn't for my mom I could have turned out like him.

That is why I believe being made aware of these issues and instilling this knowledge in your children will be the groundwork for future change.

It's all idealistic of course but one can dream right?
I'll put it this way. Would you give your life to protect your child if he/she were in the line of fire?

Would you put it all on the line if some was going to kill your mother in front of you?

How about your girlfriend or wife?

If you would go all out for them to continue breathing on this planet, even though they live in a system that will give a cop paid leave to blast you and then a slap on the wrist, what the **** are you willing to die for? So your loved ones can carry on among those that hate them?

The majority of this country doesn't like your blackness. They're entertained by you, but you might as well be a pet to them.

So you'll die for that, but won't put your life on the line for these animals to put a cease to this garbage, if for nothing else the respect that comes from the fear of knowing that if they kill one of ours we'll kill 2 or 3 of theirs?

Are my people cowards? Are y'all waiting for another Malcolm or Martin to be killed and then tuck your tail between your legs? Are you men or boys? W... T... is wrong with y'all?
Please tell me how youre putting your own life on the line for the cause. Plz and thank you
So what do you suggest? How do you level w/ a group of people who only know violence? How do you even the playing field? Praying & all that other nonsense will not work. It's a scary situation b/c there are really not many options left. & sitting back while taking it is not an option.
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I'll put it this way. Would you give your life to protect your child if he/she were in the line of fire?

Would you put it all on the line if some was going to kill your mother in front of you?

How about your girlfriend or wife?

If you would go all out for them to continue breathing on this planet, even though they live in a system that will give a cop paid leave to blast you and then a slap on the wrist, what the **** are you willing to die for? So your loved ones can carry on among those that hate them?

The majority of this country doesn't like your blackness. They're entertained by you, but you might as well be a pet to them.

So you'll die for that, but won't put your life on the line for these animals to put a cease to this garbage, if for nothing else the respect that comes from the fear of knowing that if they kill one of ours we'll kill 2 or 3 of theirs?

Are my people cowards? Are y'all waiting for another Malcolm or Martin to be killed and then tuck your tail between your legs? Are you men or boys? W... T... is wrong with y'all?
well said. things will never change till drastic measures are taken by the people who are being violated and are willing to risk they  lives in order for that change to happen. 

its not going to happen. people arent willing to put they lives on the line. this will be going on forever until people are really fed up . they arent right now. its all talk. ...... 
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There's no war if nobody is willing to stand in front of the line

But it is foolish to think/say/believe EVERYONE should be willing to step up and be in that position

Numbers will matter if it comes down to it.

Brolic talking about not only owning your own but knowing how to use it is gospel. Learn, teach your kids, teach your family.

If I gotta go I'm going out on my feet.
So what do you suggest? How do you level w/ a group of people who only know violence? How do you even the playing field? Praying & all that other nonsense will not work. It's a scary situation b/c there are really not many options left. & sitting back while taking it is not an option.
Outside of an asteroid that destroys the Earth, I realistically see nothing happening that will swing things our direction.

The only thing we have is HOPE
Numbers will matter if it comes down to it.

Brolic talking about not only owning your own but knowing how to use it is gospel. Learn, teach your kids, teach your family.

If I gotta go I'm going out on my feet.
Don't bail him out. That isn't the only thing he said.
So what do you suggest? How do you level w/ a group of people who only know violence? How do you even the playing field? Praying & all that other nonsense will not work. It's a scary situation b/c there are really not many options left. & sitting back while taking it is not an option.
Outside of an asteroid that destroys the Earth, I realistically see nothing happening that will swing things our direction.

The only thing we have is HOPE
Nah. Never banking on hope. Unfortunately, in order for things to change, something drastic has to happen. That's just the way this world is set up. It's really up to the people affected to decide if they want to make that happen.
STOP scapegoating rappers and stereotypes.

Socioeconomics is the cancer of black and brown communities.

We lack empathy and point fingers.

You know how hard it is for a kid to live in poverty where they're more than likely being raised by one parent?

this dilemma we find ourselves in comes from a number of things.. some things we cant control, such as the system being created by the white man for the white man..

however, the little things we can control RIGHT NOW, any time its brought up people get defensive and say its "deflection"

NO its not..its trying to reach a goal one step at a time ...starting with the most easy to attain..

we dont need anyone else for us to be better to each other and respect each other..take more pride in our communities and stop going at each others throats --- doing half the mans job for him..

we have to work 100x harder than the man...it sucks but thats what we were born into.. but being dealt a bad hand doesnt mean you cant treat your brother kindly..it costs nothing to respect him.. but no, its common place for us to take pride in which one of our hoods got the realest street cats
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So what do you suggest? How do you level w/ a group of people who only know violence? How do you even the playing field? Praying & all that other nonsense will not work. It's a scary situation b/c there are really not many options left. & sitting back while taking it is not an option.
That's the thing that scares me the most.

What can WE do?

We can lobby to get bills passed, but the system needs an overhaul.

There's blacks and browns all over the U.S. that are saying he should have complied, he shouldnt have resisted, he shouldn't have said he had a gun, etc...etc.

We need to be on the same page first and foremost.
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