MTV's The Challenge

too bad she was kinda ditsy or whatever

she was def BAD
Paulie a whole ***** and a half.

:rofl: Wes drunk on power. Talking about Wes and his angels. He really got them to follow his lead on a good plan.

Hunter mentally weak.

Georgia was looking fine as **** when they went out. Before I just saw her as the chick with the string accent with questionable taste in men thats crying a lot.
OH wow, a cliff hanger?
Man I hope they don't start doing this ish again.
This is rubbish.
I might go mental if they did that again. Nah but this was ep 11 out of 18 I believe so not much time for many more cliffhangers til the final.

Wes" plan definitely works more for his self and not Dee and Mattie as much. It sucks Mattie did Kyle dirty as I want to see the whole Paulie/Cara pair get split up.
Wes look so stupid on this show. I can't wait for him to lose, he's a bozo.

I want to see what Hunter is crying about now. Packing his bags and leaving, SMH

Respect to Georgia for not taking that weak *** deal. I think she calls out Cara or Nanny.
Wes must be doing something right, he’s the only Male vet left on the show. People are falling for his trap. If anything he looks smart and manipulative and people on the show know that and still fall for his words and deals.
Cara face is busted...
Georgia body was lookin nice. Never noticed how athletic she looked.
Mattie body is on point.
She be doin that double chin face though..
Wes must be doing something right, he’s the only Male vet left on the show. People are falling for his trap. If anything he looks smart and manipulative and people on the show know that and still fall for his words and deals.
That's the beauty of Wes' sneaky game. They know he gonna screw them over but they still keep him around.

And the thing is even if they send him to elimination its not a guarantee he loses so all you're doing is possibly risking someone in your alliance.
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Wes plan is great for his game :pimp:
He got the top women not to say his name and he might have Paulie now. Great moves.
Wes ol Bob Backland lookin *** running the house cuz it no veteran dudes.

Cara trying so hard to convince people she done with Kyle. She was on Kyle **** just as hard as she on Paulie.

I like Georgia, she always positive and sweet. Even when she called Wes the devil. It sounded positive. :lol:

Dee in those shorts.... Got damn.
i'll never understand the chest tats... but damn she look good. and the australian accent would send me over the top

when georgia not wearing that nicole clown make up she looks real good.
but them huge eyebrow make up with the red lipstick ...nahh
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