My BF is really depressed, what do I do?

May 3, 2009
I've always had a thing for people outside my race. More excitement to it. Although I am put in a position right now where my current bf told me he wouldnt be able to marry because I'm not arabic.
I've always had a thing for people outside my race. More excitement to it. Although I am put in a position right now where my current bf told me he wouldnt be able to marry because I'm not arabic.
I've always had a thing for people outside my race. More excitement to it. Although I am put in a position right now where my current bf told me he wouldnt be able to marry because I'm not arabic.
So these past two months have been really tough for my boyfriend, he moved out of my house because his brother moved out to be with him so now he has to pay his own rent. $1100. Compared to $300-400 when he was living with me. He got two tickets recently that he has to pay for this month, and he's really going through it. I've done everything that I possibly can, I lowered his rent to $950 to help him out, offered to give him my paycheck this week to help him pay for these tickets, told him everything that I possible could to make him not give up and I dont know what else to do.. Any suggestions? I hate seeing my man go through it..
tell him to put his big-boy pants on and deal with it.

we all have issues.
Originally Posted by NYVictory45

S his D

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]
Originally Posted by Club29

tell him to put his big-boy pants on and deal with it.

we all have issues.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Seriously. Suck it up (no pun)[/color]
So basically he's having financial problems, if he doesnt accept your money I dont really know what else you could do. I'd say be supportive but being supportive doesn't pay bills.
OP is the definition of a woman. props to you for doing all you can and even more props for asking NT for help. is your boyfriend a NTer?
Why would his brother move out if he can't get a place of his own, unless your BF suggested them moving together
U gotta give him some tough love miss. All u're doin for him is very coo and shows u care about him but u gotta tell him to buck the ++%! up and get what needs to be done, done. That and ++%! the %$#% out of him should help. Vjj is the universal medicine for men
Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

OP is the definition of a woman. props to you for doing all you can and even more props for asking NT for help. is your boyfriend a NTer?

Thanks. Oh he's definately a NTer.. Cant get him off this.
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