No Fap 2k14 Vol. Together we can make it.

this thread cracks me up especially with that 1 guy blocking everything to stop looking at pr0n i was in tears :lol:... but i can vouch that no fap works... i see myself becoming more confident and more social with friends and people i dont know....i wouldnt think twice about anything and say how i feel without holding back and also i feel more calm and focused....this is how i felt after 2 weeks but for some reason i cant get passed that 2 week mark :smh: but im starting again and im back at it almost a week strong... hopefully i go 1 month strong because i do plan on picking up some chicas with my new found game :pimp:
normal sex. when you regularly watch porn it doesn't allow

you to have the highest level of pleasure from a real woman.

it'll still be pleasurable, but it will never be as pleasurable as

if you don't watch porn. it's a fact. has nothing to do with who

you are it's just based on psychological and physical priming

and conditioning.

[COLOR=#red]So damn true [/COLOR]:smh:

this is true, and porn programs it's viewers to often focus on their own needs instead of their partner's.

psychologically when you watch porn you're not viewing it with the mindset and intent on self-control. You're looking for that nut...


I'm in.

But i'm more interested in a NOPRON 2k14, as I believe it is much more detrimental than fapping.  I'm close to day 80 of no fap/nopron, it sucks...but my brain has 10+ years of damage done due to pron and I don't expect to be healed soon

[COLOR=#red]I want to be done with it all together[/COLOR]

Remember dont give into temptation. One minute of euphoria is not worth the heartbreak and dissapoint and loss of mental health that fapping will cause.


This is day 4 for me and I feel like there are triggers everywhere on tv today out to get me. I had to change hgtv because a woman in yoga pants and a tight shirt had me feeling some type of way :lol:

This is going to be a long year

[COLOR=#red]That black mirror is something else fam'ron :smh: .. my TV hasn't been powered in 3 years or so [/COLOR]

I don't know about your wal-mart, but the yambs at my wal-mart are some grade F yambs. :x

I'm out.  I totally forgot I even signed up for this.

:lol: :lol:

I was that bad once. First time ever fapping was after high school, lol. Did it a few times a day. It was like I got a new video game. Used to be late to places and missed out on sleep. I think I did it so much that I was drained. Knew it was bad when I would rather fap then go out and get yambs.

Good post by akuratl02. I'm definitely gonna try to give it up and just focus.

And I'm definitely cutting the pron out. I feel like it's ruined a lot for me. I expect way too much and those girls looks like **** without the makeup.

[COLOR=#red]That pr0n is something else man [/COLOR]:smh:

Stay strong, bros

The benefits will be much greater than those few seconds of dopamine hits you get

Interesting video

:pimp: :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: [COLOR=#red]One of the better vids I've watched on youtube, along with some documentaries on wildlife animals[/COLOR] :lol:

This is me, man.

Somewhere along the line I've started getting social anxiety, I don't go out, I'm pretty much down to 2 or 3 friends which I rarely even see anymore, I don't go after girls, and I've had 0 motivation to get my life in the right direction.

Last year I did a month of no fap and I noticed some improvement. I had started lifting weights and my testosterone was through the rough, the anxiety was gone, I felt more confident, and then day 30 came and I fapped my brains out. I tried to get back on track after that but I had lost the motivation. All of the negatives came right back into my life too.

This time I'm hoping to reverse a lot of the Pr0n damage I've done to myself. I can't even front like I've never had a limp noodle before either. That's probably the worst feeling on the earth and I never want that to happen again. It was only a couple of times, but still, it's embarrassing. :smh:

[COLOR=#red]Stay strong bro

Gona try and quit porn all together , I think its getting to me.

[COLOR=#red]With you on that, really got me looking at women as nothing but objects, pure toys.. had a full line up of women and just looked at all of them as nothing but wet juice boxes.. when I sat back and thought about it not too long ago, **** made me like I was less than human, just an animal with no feelings for women :smh: .. glad I changed that a bit [/COLOR]

I've been off it since September. Wasn't particularly difficult for me. I've noticed a lot of benefits, but I'm not big on discussing my sex life with random people on the internet, so I'll leave it at that.

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There's no greater war than the one against the mind. Resiliency and mental strength guys. We're in it for long haul.

[COLOR=#red]Preach [/COLOR]:pimp:

I was at the gym today and I couldn't stop staring at every single girl. I just wanna rape every chick lol... Can't let sex run my thoughts.

Stay strong bros


Still in..I want hot mouth everyday tho

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@you go boy

That 2 week mark always seems to get me. Like I'll congratulate myself saying " K I got this for another week" then end up fapping due to that midnite boredom.

But I have faith I'll conquer this demon.
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had a serious wet dream the other night, thought i was peeing the bed and jumped up immediately. had man goo everywhere. pissed me off because this chick i mess with is coming to visit for the weekend and i was saving up for her face, now my load is less than i want it to be. :smh:


Day 99

Never thought I could do this and I'm so glad I'm doing it.  The feeling of nothing to hide is incredible, I feel like a boulder has been lifted.

**** Pron...never again...

:pimp: [COLOR=#RED]Congrats[/COLOR]

"It's amazing what you learn doing this. I think I now fully understand the saying that 'knowledge is power.' Once you know how something works and how it affects you, it's much easier to muster the willpower to make a change if you so wish."

[COLOR=#red]True words right here [/COLOR]

brahs, anybody other no fappers...


and its especially weird bc i never wake up and remember my dreams. like ever
id say one dream every couple of months

[COLOR=#red]Man, im barely a full day in and I had a dream about smashing one of my bosses who I really really don't like... just that she's in her early 40's and has a crazy *****y attitude which I, oddly enough, kinda like[/COLOR] :smh:

Once your streak get up in numbers. You'll wonder why you fapped to porn or whatever in the first place. Before I did not fap, i would get nervous when I was about to get yamb and wonder it I was going to get it up. Now, that's not even a second thought. I'm always ready. :lol:

I think today I'm on day 210.

[COLOR=#red]Amazing![/COLOR] :pimp:

It all depends on the individual homie. 

-Some dudes addicted to dat dopamine.
-Some wanna practice self discipline.
-Others been exposed to masturbation since an early age and wanna break that routine.
-Frequent fappin can effect one's confidence in dealing with the opposite sex, so a few might wana regain that.
-There are dudes in here that are just straight up addicted to porn, constantly seeing dem busty DD's and fat mass can flaw your perception of women. Not all women built like that and not all of them scream to high heaven at the slightest sense of penetration
- Building off my last point;constantly bombarding yourself with certain types of pron/fetishes can actually cause erectile dysfunction because you basically hack your brain into only being aroused by that certain thing or act.
-And for the most part, the guys here simply want to challenge themselves. Me included

I'm sure dudes here not sittin in front of ******* 10 hours a day with box of tissues ALWAYS by the pc. Hell if some of ya'll ever went to r/nofap on reddit you'd think your problems are lightweight compared to some of them:lol:  

With that being said: First week down :pimp:  

:pimp: [COLOR=#red]Tell em[/COLOR]
That boy Patrick Bateman really is reading the entire thread :lol: :lol:. Glad he quoted that vid though, gonna watch it again.
[COLOR=#red]Tomorrow Day 1 begins.. will be visiting this thread as much as possible.. Ima start from the first post, dont know how today is my first day even opening this thread, to those of of you with great results :pimp: :pimp:[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#red]My dude FlyNY[/COLOR] :rofl: :lol: :smh:

:lol: I'm in this with you.

I broke yesterday thanks to Asa Akira and Rachel Starr. Then again thanks to Lori Alexia.
But today is a new day. No fap/porn for the next week is my goal. After this week I'm gonna stretch it to another week and so on.(Baby steps)
dude went ahead and took all the precautions, extra precautions, and more precautions :rofl: :wow:

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I'm telling you man, it's like how they make dogs wear blinders to keep them from running after after cars and **** :lol: :smh: , if i got easy access I'm gonna see a chick with yoga pants on TV and then immediately be like "I wonder what ******** been up to?" (Edit: damn b r a z z e r s is censored on here? :lol:)

My dude I ain't even lying, I would go get that book within the next week or so I know myself. I just gotta keepyself busy, I find myself doing bored faps pre than anything

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Go to a library an hour away. Or get somebody you know to give you a password or something. You can adjust it different ways but it's definitely worth it bruh, cause the bored fap and the just got home from the bar/club and didn't pull anything drunk fap have ruined streaks for me multiple times :smh:. Locking it up takes alot of the work out of it, If I don't hit 120+ days I would be shocked honestly.
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Lets take this day by day

What is something u guys do to deter from fapping? Like when u get the idea to fap how do u deter urself?
For me, this stretch of good playoff basketball && hockey got my mind SO far away from fapping right now...brushing like a madman in an effort to get the waves back ain't hurting either...:pimp:

Oh, && when I keep my phone out of the bathroom, things go very well...when I don't, I get sniped by temptation :lol:
[COLOR=#red]Just finished watched Don Jon :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: Really enjoyed that![/COLOR]

Lets take this day by day

What is something u guys do to deter from fapping? Like when u get the idea to fap how do u deter urself?

[COLOR=#red]I'm about to listen to some music and straighten up a little bit.. Also told myself I will make sure to get some fresh air and start reading more.. [/COLOR]
use ur mental disprine brahs... go to work/school come home... clean, workout etc ..just do stuff u need to do.
when the day winds down just go to sleep.

if im really having a hard time and need to watch...ill watch like maybe a few min of pron and let the bonar hang out. I'll call these bonar sessions. maybe ill move it up/down and left right but I will never fap or touch the head. then ill shut the laptop and go to sleep. next day I feel pumped as **** :wow: :pimp:
In this again 

Fapped about once every two weeks but now I'm in it for the long haul 
I'm in. 

Sick of all those temptations man. 

...especially because I am a man of faith (or try my best to be) studies, read a devotional just about every morning, but still can't resist most of the time. Get so damn upset at myself the moment it's like 'ahh, who cares.' Afterwards you're like...seriously? Was that worth it? So frustrating man.

Grew up with parents that were separated/ would sleep in my bed would I was having sleepovers with friends, left magazines under my bed once when I was in 6th grade or so...never been the same since. 

I went like 4-5 months in high school once and I have no idea what I did to change it. It was just like one day I was like 'I don't need it.' And I literally didn' mind didn't want it at all, I was never tempted or anything. Don't know what happened.

Best of luck to you gentlemen.
Man, reading this thread really connects me with ya. It's like we all beat our ***** together (or are trying to stop) so that's makes us like beat meat brothers.

BMB, we all we got!

Anyways, let me tell y'all about the 1st time I beat my ****.

I can't remember if it was the summer before I went off to college, or the winter break of my 1st year in college. (Late bloomer) Either way, I was at home. And I was on one of those streaming sites, watching some Spanish chick finger herself. In my head I'm like "**** it let me try this and see what's the hype" .

I never beat my **** to the point where I nutted. For some reason I always stopped. Anyways, I go all the way and *splash*, **** just starts oozing out. At this point im like "Yooo this **** feels mad wild B"...10 minutes later, I'm like.."yo, what if there was a video where it's like I'm smashing the chick?

Low and behold, POV was an option. I discovered Point of view porn and I've never been the same. 1st video I remember is that Duvalle joint where she had the necklace that said "Dior". I believe this was with Peter north.

At this point I didn't know any chicks names. And this video was the first thing to pop up under POV. So I cut off the lights, turn on the headphones, grab the cocoa butter Vaseline lotion and a rag to clean up with. I get mines and I bust my load and now I'm on google frantically searching what her name was...cus a ***** like me wanted more! So I find her name under one of the comments and BOOM. It was like I done opened the closet door to Narnia, my *****. I searched Ms. Duvalles name and came across a gold mine. Keep in mind the original vid I seen was before all the implants, back when she was a slim shorty. I saw her new pov **** with the butt shots and boob job, and it was a wrap. I had material for the whole week. All week I was busting nuts. And with that came the discovery of a bunch of new names that I still have stored in my mental archives.

Pretty much the point that I'm getting to is a helluva drug man. I'm looking for a way to clear my mental archives. I don't wanna remember no more names. I don't wanna remember no more sites. Today is day 1 on this mission, and imma see how this goes
Man, reading this thread really connects me with ya. It's like we all beat our ***** together (or are trying to stop) so that's makes us like beat meat brothers.
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Successful day 1 :pimp:

Anyway, this pretty much started it all - Middle School Confessions, HBO documentary

I think it came on real late one night, and I was watching it like it was the greatest thing ever seen by man.. Just a horny young man seeing all of these white girls and thinking to myself "I want in" :rofl:

This documentary just got me REALLY interested in girls, like...really...white women in particular :lol:

First time I nutted was around the age of 13 or 14.. was just browsing teen chat rooms with webcam capabilities while no one was home.. came across some girl and after about 15 min of sex chatting, she just started playing with her breasts and what not on the cam.. When I started fapping, some white stuff came out and I was like :wow: "what the hell is that??" .. scared the crap outta me :lol: .. I closed the chat room immediately, zipped up my pants and sat there frantically for the next few minutes trying to figure out just what that was :lol: Man I was nervous as heck to touch my willy for a few days after that

Anyway, a few weeks later, while no one was home.. started browsing Yahoo Groups looking for sex stuff...I mean, ****!!! I was only 13/14 and I was amazed at how WIDELY available this stuff was and and every thing, "NT thick" women and mature women were my preference.. It went from watching only and being aroused, to coming across hardcore stuff later on and just fapping left and right... I wasted a lot of time doing this.

Like someone said, these days, I'm a man of faith..I mean, stronger than your average person too.. I feel ashamed, terrible and like a complete failure when I do it. I need this out of my life completely. I have a female in my life whom I care so much for, she's beautiful, highly intelligent, soft voice and treats me like a straight up Prince, she still got her flower too and I ain't even take it yet, because this feels so right, Im just being patient.. I dont wanna be desensitized and treat her like a piece of meat or a *****. This pr0n stuff is a damn destructive drug that needs to be conquered.. I want to be human again :lol:. Stay strong bros :pimp:
in the moment it's like 'ahh, who cares.' Afterwards you're like...seriously? Was that worth it? So frustrating man.

Getting off pr0n, is like getting off of heroin

the sluttiest, silky-est dirtiest talking women, existing only to please in every way possible 24/7

I'm going to try to go back to sear's catalogs or something to get right
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