No United airlines thread ? VOL....Delta won

Delta is weird b.

They kick off this man for using a bathroom.

But on a separate flight there was a sexual predator who groped the passenger next to him, and said inappropriate things to her. All delta did was relocate him to another seat. :x
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Delta is weird b.

They kick off this man for using a bathroom.

But on a separate flight there was a sexual predator who groped the passenger next to him, and said inappropriate things to her. All delta did was relocate him to another seat.
Didn't even know about this story (HERE IT IS) but the gall ol dude had geez man
Got an email from the united CEO explain the whole situation . Offering apologies and explaining how they are changing the policies
Y'all have friends who work for airlines? Mines sound just like the ones in this thread lol.

Yea, it's definitely something in the work culture that's infectious..

Imagine if everyone else in the service sector had the attitude that airline employees have [emoji]128514[/emoji]

It's just appalling what they put their customers through. Dude needed to use the bathroom. He got up once, it was explained to him that he needed to be seated for takeoff. And then the plane was delayed from taking off for 30 minutes. 30 minutes the plane wasn't moving, and he couldn't hold it anymore. He used the bathroom for a minute and went back to his seat. And then the pilot turned the plane around and made everyone wait another two hours where they made everyone get off and reboard. What was the ****** point? From what I understand, in the time the man went to the bathroom and sat back down, the plane wasn't even moving yet [emoji]128514[/emoji] And they were going to arrest him. :x
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Didn't even know about this story (HERE IT IS) but the gall ol dude had geez man

Man what the hell???

Yea I know. Keep the sexual offender on the plane but try to arrest the man who needs to use the bathroom. To the NTers who work in the airline industry, I'm sorry, you guys need retraining. Like ASAP. As in yesterday [emoji]128514[/emoji]
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As far as I understand it, both parties were wrong.

The father does not have the authority to transfer the ticket from his 18 year old son who caught an earlier flight to his infant. However, the airline employee clearly does not know the rules herself. She said the airline recommends for infants to be seated on their parent's lap during flights and that's 100 percent false. If you check the website, for anyone under the age of 2, they recommend baby seats. She was also wrong with threatening the family with jail time and foster care. She was also wrong for booting the family off after the father decides to concede on some 'It's too late, you should've made up your mind when I gave you the chance' steeze.

Damn, I'm trying to fly to Cali and London this summer. I'm going to memorize the airline recommendations and contract of carriage.

This could've been an easy fix. Number one, don't overbook the flight and two, just let the family pay to transfer the seat instead of kicking them out, making them pay for four more tickets and making them pay for another night at a hotel.
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As far as I understand it, both parties were wrong.

The father does not have the authority to transfer the ticket from his 18 year old son who caught an earlier flight to his infant. However, the airline employee clearly does not know the rules herself. She said the airline recommends for infants to be seated on their parent's lap during flights and that's 100 percent false. If you check the website, for anyone under the age of 2, they recommend baby seats. She was also wrong with threatening the family with jail time and foster care. She was also wrong for booting the family off after the father decides to concede on some 'It's too late, you should've made up your mind when I gave you the chance' steeze.

Damn, I'm trying to fly to Cali and London this summer. I'm going to memorize the airline recommendations and contract of carriage.

This could've been an easy fix. Number one, don't overbook the flight and two, just let the family pay to transfer the seat instead of kicking them out, making them pay for four more tickets and making them pay for another night at a hotel.

yeah that's what i keep telling people. now a days you have to learn the laws to protect your rights with police as well as "laws" of the airlines...they are both bullies
Actually more like fools wildin since it was only between passengers. Just some dude trying to be disrespectful to my chick and we got into it. Would've gotten physical if folks didn't intervene.

Best airline ive been on my entire life. And also turkish airlines too.

Best airline ive been on my entire life. And also turkish airlines too.

My pops said good things bout Turkish airlines. Said Lufthansa used to be great but now its ehhhh
Always heard Lufthansa and Al Nippon were great. Seems the worst ones are the ones under the American corporate bean counter umbrella. Actually thinking of it, the best domestic option I've done was Virgin.
My pops said good things bout Turkish airlines. Said Lufthansa used to be great but now its ehhhh

Havent been on lufthansa since like 2001 lol So pops could be right. Turkish airlines is all about the customer service, hella nice people and the planes are nice too.
Lufthansa used to be good, but yeah, they've fallen off in recent years. I've run into a bunch of issues with them due to constant delays and strikes, but obviously nothing as bad as United, Delta, etc. KLM and British Airways used to be good too, but they've declined over the past decade

Major Asian/Middle Eastern Airlines>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>European Airlines>>>American Airline companies
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Suggest flying Emirates if u get a chance. Went to Dubai and Thailand last month on it and it was the best airline I had been on.

Loved their entertainment system.
I would like for foreign airlines to come to the United States and introduce more competition, but as I understand it, there are existing regulations that discourage that.

The way things are as is, American Airlines everywhere can continue to team up and beat up on the consumer
Genevieve Pascolla recently posted a harrowing tale to her Instagram, of a male passenger she was sitting next to who began masturbating under a blanket. Pascolla, who claims to have video of the incident, did at least manage to get herself and another female passenger relocated away from the creep — but United’s response was less than ideal, according to Pascolla, especially since they confirmed what he was doing:

They then started making jokes about the situation asking “what perfume are you wearing” and excusing him saying “he’s had a bit of wine” no one stopped him. He was allowed to finish, with a child sitting closely by. After exiting the plane first to talk to security the security guard asked me if I’d like an apology from the offender I immediately rejected the request.

Pascolla then contacted United about the situation and, a month later, got an email back saying, in essence, that they were very sorry, but “Hey, what are you going to do?” No refund was offered (a choice which United has reversed as the incident has gotten more attention). The email Pascolla posts ends with the hope that the next flight will be a “more positive experience.” Considering what happened, it’s a bit difficult to think of a way it could be much worse.

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