NT-Artist Song Battle Thread

Aight, I'll be taking over for Rill--uh...MotivatedMidwestMogul from here on out as he enjoys his stay in camp. I've recieved his full endorsement, so think of me as him, only over 5' 6".

From what I can see, we still need a few more contestants before we can start round 1. New thread (that I can edit as needed, obv) coming soon, but until then sign up here. Here's what we got as of now, far as I know:

1. Potus2028

6.lil smitty
10.y0ung j33zy
11. SoVerSoTowel




1. No seeding. Matchups will be paired by "pulling numbers from a hat" so to speak.

2. Each round will have a specific song category. There will be 4 rounds/categories. (For example, if the first round's category is "Featured verse", all 16 contestants in the first round should post a song where they fell they killed the "Featured verse". If the second round's category is "Story telling song", the remaining 8 contestants should post a S.T.S...and so forth.. ) This will help with making sure the songs in question are comparable, while also adding suspense, and insuring a diverse competition. it's not absolutely necessary for a contestant's song to fit into the chosen category. Every one doesn't make the same music after all.... but judging should be harsher for songs that do not fit the criteria. It's only fair.

3. Once the category is announced for each round, contestants should PM/email the host a link to their song so that the host can update the brackets for the round. The judges then have a week to reply back to the host of the tourny with their decisions for the round. At a predetermined time, the host will then post the winners and the tourny will move on from there.

A couple thoughts...

- Using PMs efficiently is paramount if we're to run this smoothly and with coordination. Between the start of the round and the end of it a full week later, I believe 7 days is more than enough time to decide what to post, figure out where to send it, and have it judged objectively.

-If music videos are used in place of MP3s or other audio, I opt that they be judged SOLEY on the musical content and not the imagery.

-The host has to be commited and reliable. I haven't been a music forum regular in a very long time so I can't make the call and I have no opinion on who should host and who should judge.

-Once we start this thing, it will be a month until it's finished. Trying to move it any faster won't work, but if it goes any slower it will die out anyway. It's up to us to stay active and keep it alive if we DO get this cracking.... Anybody without the attention span to see it through shouldn't participate. I'm just saying.

Again, this is your new captain speaking...please keep this thread active until we get 5 more contestants and 3 judges. Kthxholla.
Originally Posted by niquefreak94

wow. if this all goes down it should be pretty funny.

Def think it has potential...just need a few more contestants and some folk that want to judge. Shouldn't be too hard to find 3 people who want to tell others if their music sucks or not, right?

Originally Posted by potus2028

Originally Posted by niquefreak94

wow. if this all goes down it should be pretty funny.

Def think it has potential...just need a few more contestants and some folk that want to judge. Shouldn't be too hard to find 3 people who want to tell others if their music sucks or not, right?

my name's already up there
Team Scene's down if it ever happens.

Do these have to be all new songs? Not complaining. Reason I ask is because there are dudes here with catalogues that haven't been heard. So while some might be making brand new music, others are just dropping unreleased tracks.
Originally Posted by niquefreak94

Originally Posted by potus2028

Originally Posted by niquefreak94

wow. if this all goes down it should be pretty funny.

Def think it has potential...just need a few more contestants and some folk that want to judge. Shouldn't be too hard to find 3 people who want to tell others if their music sucks or not, right?

my name's already up there

Oh, looka that...you damn sure are. My fault, homie.
Originally Posted by Nako XL

Team Scene's down if it ever happens.

Do these have to be all new songs? Not complaining. Reason I ask is because there are dudes here with catalogues that haven't been heard. So while some might be making brand new music, others are just dropping unreleased tracks.

Hmm... I guess it's a judgement call...well, I guess if the judges haven't heard 'em before, it's new enough. This contest is really about seeing the best music that NTMF has to offer. It's definitely gonna happen once we get more contestants/judges...new thread's going up Monday no matter what.
I wanna be contestant.

It looks like you'll need 4 "original" songs so I might actually be out. Doing the 9-5 thing might not afford me the opportunity to write and record a new song every week so pencil me in for a judge and maybe an alternate for contestant if nobody else comes through. You can always anonimize the judging and set up a poll for votes you know?
Aight cool...so if I have this right, we got:

1. Potus2028

6.lil smitty
10.y0ung j33zy
11. SoVerSoTowel
17.* GolfAlphaBravoEcho alternate, in pencil



That's a good idea about the voting too if I can keep it unspammed...I'll keep it in mind if we don't get 2 more judges by the end of the week. Tryna get this poppin ASAP.

I need to start updating the OP to reflect these changes so there's gonna be a new thread later...I lurk NTMF, I know at least 16 of y'all can go...you don't even gotta ask me to put on a beat, it's BYOB.
Originally Posted by GolfAlphaBravoEcho

I wanna be contestant.

It looks like you'll need 4 "original" songs so I might actually be out. Doing the 9-5 thing might not afford me the opportunity to write and record a new song every week so pencil me in for a judge and maybe an alternate for contestant if nobody else comes through. You can always anonimize the judging and set up a poll for votes you know?
This is my problem. I don't think I'll have enough to write and record.

I'm more than willing to be a judge though.
Originally Posted by JordanJayyy7

whats goin on with this? any openings?

3 more if you take one...

Originally Posted by IHaveMyOwnOpinion

Originally Posted by GolfAlphaBravoEcho

I wanna be contestant.

It looks like you'll need 4 "original" songs so I might actually be out. Doing the 9-5 thing might not afford me the opportunity to write and record a new song every week so pencil me in for a judge and maybe an alternate for contestant if nobody else comes through. You can always anonimize the judging and set up a poll for votes you know?
This is my problem. I don't think I'll have enough to write and record.

I'm more than willing to be a judge though.

I'll take that as a sign-up...

3 or 4 more contestant slots open and we need one more judge...let's get this #%%! started, NTMF!
Come on y'all, we just need 2 more combatants and a judge and we can get this %#!*+%%@%#@! started already...
This isn't dead in the least...just had some technical difficulties. Anyways, you can be in the competition with pre-recorded material but judges will be instructed to give preference to fresh work, so it better be the +$@$.

Leclutch James is in, 9th Wonder you need more than one track if you plan to go over one round...
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