NT At what point do you cut ties with your "best" friend? (Semi-long read)

sounds like ben and cam from how to make it in america. lol. off topic, but are you that "crazy long driveway" post guy?
I've got a VERY similar situation. I've tried to kinda forgive & forget, but when the same behavior keeps happening over and over and over again with no apologies or explanations, it gets old. I did what a couple of others suggested, and just kinda gradually quit speaking to him. After about 2 weeks of nothing, I got a text asking if I was gonna come through this event he was having. I just gave it the "yeah, I'll try," and went about my business. After 3 weeks while I was out of town, somebody got in his house and took a few things, and he calls me asking if I did it. I was like first, I'm in VA, 2nd, why the hell would I come to your house and take stuff? When he finally asks me why I haven't been around, I very nicely explain my side of the story, and he makes a bunch of excuses that showed me how truly little attention he had been paying to our situation - despite the fact that we are supposed to be "brothers."

After about 2 months, a mutual friend tried to mend the fences and got us to hang. We make plans and invite him along, then he immediately starts trying to alter the plans to HIS liking. First thing homie does when he walks in my house is start ripping my living room furniture. Seriously? That's the best way to act when you know I'm tired of your BS? Clearly nothing is gonna change with this guy (in either of our situations), and it's tough trying to figure out what to do. You can only put up with so much before you just have to move on and let them attempt to get their act together. All you can really do is hope that enough people walk away or voice their displeasure about the routine and hope they try to correct it.

Originally Posted by Cragmatic

Originally Posted by MoreUptempo

cmon, you have to give me some cliffs bro

-Me and my friend came up with an idea to start a t-shirt company/brand
-My friend makes music.
-My friend would constantly flake when we had plans to work on our shirts because he'd rather be making music
-Tells me I can work on it on my own, he continues to flake as a friend, I find out from a mutual friend they were still gonna work on the shirts.
-Had bought us WTT tickets back in August that he hadn't paid in full on yet, was gonna give his ticket to someone else.
-His Ex of 6 years who was also a good friend of mine passed away a few weeks ago, we became tight again given the circumstances...
-Went to WTT, had a blast, dude actually went on a 3 minute rant about how good of a friend I am while he was drunk.
-Back to doin the same old stuff again that he was before.

That is the quickest way to sum it up lol.
Sorry to say but I have a feeling that this dude is not one of your boys that you should consider a best friend. Not to be cold, but the death of a mutual friend and drunk feelings will bring any two people together, no matter how little you know each other. 
There's no question for me as to who my real ride or die, groomsmen type boys are. Call me fortunate, but I don't think that there should be any question for anyone really
since noone is ever in the reading mood:

Spoiler [+]
i cut ties with my best friend since grade 7 a couple years back. alot of people didnt like him and i never understood why. then when we started growing apart and lost my bias and what have you towards him, i realized why people didnt like him. he was an arrogant lazy liar and a flaker. why is it always the broke ones that flaunt how much $$$ they have?

he would always try to contact me if he needed something out of the blue. like, "hey man, you wanna sell me them kobe's for the low?" or "wanna hook up them edmonton oilers tickets?"...#$+# outta nowhere. #$+# you i aint selling you +@+!, and even if i did, it would NOT be for the "low" @$%!+ *$%

once he called me to help him on essay for a program at some random *$% local tech school (nothing wrong with random *$% local tech schools tho) he was attending while im attending university elsewhere. i said ok and when we met up he said, "cmon man, i dont care what grade you get, just do it for me, please?" #$+# that, if you dont care what mark you get, do that +@+! yourself and fail yourself. i have projects and finals myself. i said "no" (obviously) and he turned around and told everyone that i turned my back on him and wouldnt help him. riiiiiiight...

he recently contacted me over the summer and turns out hes engaged. good for him. cause marrying a girl you met overseas then dating for 2 years at age 22 is ALWAYS a good idea, right? *declines invitation*

theres more, but i need to go to bed

that boy is a fake friend.
burn that bridge and let that boy sink.
had 3 "friends" I knew from middle school. As soon as high school ended, seen how fake they were. No longer acknowledge their assistance.
I was lost for a second when you said she left Earth. But now i understand.

People have expiration dates.

Some people call them "reasons and seasons", I call them expiration dates.

You have to recognize when people expire. Consuming expired goods is bad for your health. Peace.
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

People have expiration dates.

Some people call them "reasons and seasons", I call them expiration dates.

You have to recognize when people expire. Consuming expired goods is bad for your health. Peace.

This is a jewel right here.
i got 2 friends like that.. flake constantly, "we gotta chill more" alla that BS.

i take everything these dudes say with a grain of salt nowadays. i think not making plans at all is better than some "well get together soon, ill hit you up." i got used to it. they're you're homies bc of the time invested in eachother but when it's on some "help me out when im hurtin" tip, you should know who you really got you. he aint one of them anymore.

in response to your situation, dude sounds like one of the dudes mentioned above. ITS JUST TALK bro. he aint serious bout no T Shirt company.. its all small talk. when you blaze, you get the most creative and most profitable ideas ever!! after the high goes down, that talk is forgotten G. worry about you and dont worry about what the F he's doing. when he needs something, he'll most def hit you up.. its on you if you wanna answer that call.
To everyone who had a serious reply, thank you, I appreciate it.

I know what I need to do.
Originally Posted by Ruxxx

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

People have expiration dates.

Some people call them "reasons and seasons", I call them expiration dates.

You have to recognize when people expire. Consuming expired goods is bad for your health. Peace.

This is a jewel right here.

I like this a lot. Good stuff right here
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