NT How do you perform a smash and dash?

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

tell them you love them
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

I can help you with the dash part-
I'm really open about not wanting  a relationship but some women can't take a hint---So I usually tell them they can do better (which is usually a lie) or they should find a nice God fearing man who will put a ring on that finger

If all else fails I just tell them I'm gay
this one had me

Tell them you have Aids.
Lose interest in her. Dont text or call, start ignoring her and just fade away

That hitting it raw thing is true though....!%+!%@@ get sprung when you hit it raw and that is a different/harder situation to get away from. Depending on how crazy the chick is
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

tell them you love them

I dont believe in deception... Tell them the truth.

If you just want to hit it, you can say that in so many words without being "rude", per say. Girls respect that.
Yep.  Girls will respect you....and not sleep with you
But the best way to get away is tell them it was a mistake.  Girls get real offended by that one but its not like your being too rude.  They will be like o i had a ton of fun last night.....you respond with....i think it was a mistake...i really like you but i get more of a friend vibe between us.
Originally Posted by alexsal

Lose interest in her. Dont text or call, start ignoring her and just fade away

That hitting it raw thing is true though....!%+!%@@ get sprung when you hit it raw and that is a different/harder situation to get away from. Depending on how crazy the chick is
Originally Posted by alexsal

Lose interest in her. Dont text or call, start ignoring her and just fade away

That hitting it raw thing is true though....!%+!%@@ get sprung when you hit it raw and that is a different/harder situation to get away from. Depending on how crazy the chick is
Originally Posted by alexsal

Lose interest in her. Dont text or call, start ignoring her and just fade away

That hitting it raw thing is true though....!%+!%@@ get sprung when you hit it raw and that is a different/harder situation to get away from. Depending on how crazy the chick is
She'll get the hint. OPs probably scared to hurt her feelings.
You gotta be a straight
 sometimes bro

Don't lie and say you love or you have an STD

Karma exist folks
Originally Posted by Truballa101

Originally Posted by alexsal

Lose interest in her. Dont text or call, start ignoring her and just fade away

That hitting it raw thing is true though....!%+!%@@ get sprung when you hit it raw and that is a different/harder situation to get away from. Depending on how crazy the chick is
She'll get the hint. OPs probably scared to hurt her feelings.
You gotta be a straight
 sometimes bro

Don't lie and say you love or you have an STD

Karma exist folks

Aint no girl im talkin bout in particular its just I see my homies and some of yall talkin bout just smangin chicks wit no relationship and I aint never been able to swing that
But Pof for sure

1 maybe 2 dates & you're busting guts
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