NT I can't sleep

Same. I'm just watching Kill Bill 1 and surfing this site. Should be studying.
I've been amped all night after the Manny win, plus gotta get ready to tail gate for the Giants/Eagles game so I ain't gonna sleep until tonight.
I feel like a lame, but, how do you embed videos? I just see code when I copy/paste and photobucket isnt uploading...
Originally Posted by 18key

I feel like a lame, but, how do you embed videos? I just see code when I copy/paste and photobucket isnt uploading...
on youtube if you look right of the video it says Embed and just copy and paste that into your post
6am n I'm laying down wideeeee awake .. Bout to guzzle a cup of milk .. Wish I could
, that always knocks me out .

I can't sleep either, 5 am here, im contemplating, should I just ride it out, or pop a seroquil and get knocked out for 9+ hours, or, wait till tomorronight, then take it so ill be ready for monday? Ehh...i'll figure it out.
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