NT, Share your MILF/Cougar experiences

I have yet to experience this
some of yall got milfs and cougars confused
milfs dont gotta be old
they are mothers Ud Like to F
a cougar is an oldie huntin for young meat.
Originally Posted by MBen32

I Always wanted to !+!# an older woman. But like many of us youngins(i'm 20)
I never knew how to approach one to get them to take me serious. But this one fell right into my lap. It was last semester, i was staying with my aunt, who had recently moved to SC, on the weekends. She had a new friend of hers always come over. 32, 3 kids, and always talkin some freaky @%%#. So she immidiately caught the attention of me nd my cousin, whos 20 as well.
Basically it became a competition of who was gonna !+!# first. So one weekend my aunt was going back to Maryland for the weekend and me, her, and one of my younger cousins went with her. We left SC around midnight and made it to MD, outside of Baltimore, around 7:30 that morning, we stopped to nap at my aunt's friends house to waste time before we had to check in to the hotel. So me and the friend from SC crashed on the floor, she insisted that i share the cover with her. And somehow we ended up cuddling, she had on this LONG %*% dress and i remember her laying with her butt agaisnt me. So after awhile, i was like !+!# this, this is the best shot ima have, so ima go all in. So i began to nonchantly feel on her, and next thing i know i was gettin my fingers wet
then she started playin with me. At that time that was the extent of what we could do, due to location. So we check in the hotel and my aunt told me that her friend asked her if it was alright that she mess with me, and my aunt was like, No, Why? and she said, cause if Marcus(my name) keeps messing with me like that, hes gonna get *%$@+!...I was like
Say no more.
My aunt ended up letting us get the hotel for the night and i proceeded to smash. then it would carry over to SC, where i continued to smash throughout the summer.
Until i left to go to Maryland for about a month before school started back up.

- My aunt had a friend who always told us(adults in the household) freaky %*% stories
- I was intrigued and wanted to approach but didnt want to make her feel uncomfortable
- she came to Maryland with us for a weekend and i smashed
- came back to SC and she became a quick phone call and !+!#


Dont mind my facial expression

I was drunk as @%%#.

She looks like a freak, I know you got those other pics
I was about a week into 18...She was 43ish.."Seperated"...Had a daughter I had gone to school with for years who was a year below me...

It happened in the back of my car...

Havn't had one since though...

Oh ya the daughter found out.....
Originally Posted by TheInfiniteSR

Originally Posted by MBen32

She looks like a freak, I know you got those other pics


Nahh, although i could have and i usually do, for some reason i never requested the "pics".

Cause it was like, why ask for pics when i can jut call and get the real thing.

Cause if i did, please believe im always one showing love in those posts..
Originally Posted by MBen32

I Always wanted to !+!# an older woman. But like many of us youngins(i'm 20)
I never knew how to approach one to get them to take me serious. But this one fell right into my lap. It was last semester, i was staying with my aunt, who had recently moved to SC, on the weekends. She had a new friend of hers always come over. 32, 3 kids, and always talkin some freaky @%%#. So she immidiately caught the attention of me nd my cousin, whos 20 as well.
Basically it became a competition of who was gonna !+!# first. So one weekend my aunt was going back to Maryland for the weekend and me, her, and one of my younger cousins went with her. We left SC around midnight and made it to MD, outside of Baltimore, around 7:30 that morning, we stopped to nap at my aunt's friends house to waste time before we had to check in to the hotel. So me and the friend from SC crashed on the floor, she insisted that i share the cover with her. And somehow we ended up cuddling, she had on this LONG %*% dress and i remember her laying with her butt agaisnt me. So after awhile, i was like !+!# this, this is the best shot ima have, so ima go all in. So i began to nonchantly feel on her, and next thing i know i was gettin my fingers wet
then she started playin with me. At that time that was the extent of what we could do, due to location. So we check in the hotel and my aunt told me that her friend asked her if it was alright that she mess with me, and my aunt was like, No, Why? and she said, cause if Marcus(my name) keeps messing with me like that, hes gonna get *%$@+!...I was like
Say no more.
My aunt ended up letting us get the hotel for the night and i proceeded to smash. then it would carry over to SC, where i continued to smash throughout the summer.
Until i left to go to Maryland for about a month before school started back up.

- My aunt had a friend who always told us(adults in the household) freaky %*% stories
- I was intrigued and wanted to approach but didnt want to make her feel uncomfortable
- she came to Maryland with us for a weekend and i smashed
- came back to SC and she became a quick phone call and !+!#


Dont mind my facial expression

I was drunk as @%%#.
Not a bad catch!
Homie what you posted is not MILFs, you posted Cougars. There's a difference learn it first before you go out trying to "bag" these differenttypes of women
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