NT share your thoughts!

Oct 18, 2006
so my mom been b!tching at me again about school and all that crap...im just looking to see what jobs are out there that involves a tiny bit of school but notalot...any ideas? maybe a course or get a certificate within a couple months or so and be working a decent paying job? im not looking to go to school foranother 10 years and realize that thats not what i want to do no more...anyways let me hear what you guys have in mind? or what some of you are going throughright now...
You can always get one of those computer training degrees and work as a secretary type person.
Well maybe you should listen to your mom and stop being hard headed
If you dont go to school, real talk, you arent going to get a decent job unless you know people
So either you go to school and get that diploma and *#%*, or you clean bathrooms at the Marriot.
No offense, but you sound lazy as hell "what jobs are out there that involves a tiny bit of school but not alot."
Theres mad people out there that have education diplomas, what makes you think managers are gonna choose you over them?\
But then again, UPS is always hiring along with Fast food joints
I suggest you go to school because at the moment the job market is horrible. You're not gonna get a decent paying job with only a little bit of school, andany of those courses you can take to help you get a job usually take much longer than a couple of months to complete.
Listen to your Mother.

An education is first, money can always come later.
More education equals more money in the future.
hey if school's not for you, it's not for you.

the only downside is that the big bucks aren't either.
Originally Posted by The Somali NTer

Who's breasts are those in your avy?

Denise Milani.
i hate my college.

i hate it.

i want to go around the student union building with a can of pepper spray and just go Lysol on them ho's.

yeah, i'm mad...
I just watched a clip on CNBC not 2 minutes ago that talked about schools that train people to maintain wind turbines. Apparently Barack is dropping some veryshiny and pretty pennies into that field. Supposed to be very lucrative seeing that there are only 5 schools that have it and 20 schools are to add it in thenext 2 years. Its out west/midwest though
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