NT this is a man vol: getting out of control

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Don't claim to drop science then blatantly lie in the next paragraph. Heteronormativity is not a worldwide concept. It is becoming more and more evident through research and analysis that "gay" and "straight" are not the end all be all, they're a western concept. Some cultures recognize more than 2 genders, and some also recognize multiple orientations. Watch this documentary if you're interested in learning.


The gray area is recognized at this point. Do people disagree with this? Of course. But if you want to "drop science" then drop it correctly.
Ah okay, you're a contrarian ...it's not about right or wrong it's about proving ME wrong. Again as I stated already science is working to better understand LGBT psychology and concepts. Mostly if not all terms are loosely used by science and the community itself.

I gave case studies accepted and participated by the LGBT community and medical society ...yall giving non-profit pamphlet jargon and public television point of views from the program's producer. Which is not to educate but invoke philosophy into the spectrum of a subject.

But whatever ...

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Charles we gotta meet sometime man. You seem like a cool dude and its hard to find people that like to think in this city :lol:

Nomad I'm not giving you pamphlet jargon. I'm telling you what I've read from sociologist who have determined that its not as simple as "gay" and "straight". Like I said, whether you accept it or not, heteronormativity is NOT a worldwide concept. I'm doing this from my phone but if you really care enough you will research further.

I'm treating this subject like I have time and time again on this board. If going by scientific research makes me a contrarian I'll take that label. Popular opinion isn't always what's right, b.
In reference to that gif, I remember seeing that episode, and there's no way he could've thought that wasn't a dude :lol:
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Charles we gotta meet sometime man. You seem like a cool dude and its hard to find people that like to think in this city

Fburg is full of idiots, man. 
thread just got wild informative. lets dig in...

See now I'm gonna pretend I'm not choppin it up with fellas on a sneaker forum and drop some science.
Let me start by saying you can pretend to be a freedom fighter all you want. But at the end of the day there are risks involved. Secondly I didn't say transexual I said TRANSGENDER. A transgender person suffers from gender identity crisis which causes them to identify with the opposite sex of which they were born. So If you're born a man and are attracted to men YOU ARE A HOMOSEXUAL. MTF (Male to Female) Transgender people are called Homosexual Transgender.

Okay, don't have sex with strange people and you can completely avoid this.

People in here throwing around poorly constructed, non-fact, purely speculated and assumed jargon.... a mouth isn't just a mouth (that mouth belongs to a MAN who is HIGHLY at risk)...and the biology isn't the same.You're altering your biology mentally and physically. Vaginoplasty DOESN'T function like a REAL VAGINA.

Under the law? Yeah a mouth is a mouth. The law doesn't care about your sexual hangups an fears.

It's a mental disorder. Most people go undiagnosed because they are confused so they live out their frustration by leading double lives and eluding gender assessment. And this is where STRAIGHT people become victims of homosexual hazards. Like HIGH RISK LIFESTYLE choices being IMPOSED upon us without our knowledge.  Hazards the doctors tell these women to DISCLOSE to partners.


American Psychology Association.

Is being transgender a mental disorder?

A psychological state is considered a mental disorder only if it causes significant distress or disability. Many transgender people do not experience their gender as distressing or disabling, which implies that identifying as transgender does not constitute a mental disorder. For these individuals, the significant problem is finding affordable resources, such as counseling, hormone therapy, medical procedures, and the social support necessary to freely express their gender identity and minimize discrimination. Many other obstacles may lead to distress, including a lack of acceptance within society, direct or indirect experiences with discrimination, or assault. These experiences may lead many transgender people to suffer with anxiety, depression, or related disorders at higher rates than nontransgender persons.

i feel like this definition is dependent upon the pre op/ post op detail. so pre op are the ones who endure the mental distress (not disability in this case) of not wanting to be their gender right? acceptance in society is really an issue after transformation so it is really an issue of self acceptance; not accepting your genetic makup, how you were born. it was posted earlier that this mental distress leads to depression, thoughts of suicide and attempts, having a bleak outlook on life overall. but my question is why do human species suffer this? why is this issue in existence at all? why do some believe they are uncomfortable as their born gender and think they will be better off as the opposite? i should point out, as previously stated, that a small percentage go through distress post op because of regret. why the human species?

******s are homosexuals at the end of the day. rich homosexuals who did everything to become almost another gender, because i still think all that medical reconstruction has to cost at least 4 yrs of ivy league tuition.

People in here throwing around poorly constructed, non-fact, purely speculated and assumed jargon.... a mouth isn't just a mouth (that mouth belongs to a MAN who is HIGHLY at risk)...and the biology isn't the same.You're altering your biology mentally and physically. Vaginoplasty DOESN'T function like a REAL VAGINA.

A female vagina gets wet to stimulate and facilitate the penis' entry and sperm survival and also fight off infection, her arousal is her NATURAL chemical response to reproduce

A male Vaginoplasty DOESN'T get wet and must be lubricated, because it's penis foreskin spit in half and inserted in the lower abdominal. She doesn't have a cervix and it causes urinary problems. Which can be unsanitary because you don't have a constant stream of urine, it SPRAYS all over the place. Secondly you have to have your bowels restructured which sometimes is cause bowel mucus to fill the vagina..different from actual FEMALE VAGINA mucus. Fecal mucus. Between the inadequate rubbing of NON LUBRICATED skin and rectum surgery one can imagine the cesspool of germs and bacteria waiting to happen.

Though some of this i knew, :x :x :x at it being spelled out like that. Good lord

yea i had an idea, but still :x what is the ******g point, is it even worth it knowing all that? :smh: :x

See now I'm gonna pretend I'm not choppin it up with fellas on a sneaker forum and drop some science.

Let me start by saying you can pretend to be a freedom fighter all you want. But at the end of the day there are risks involved. Secondly I didn't say transexual I said TRANSGENDER. A transgender person suffers from gender identity crisis which causes them to identify with the opposite sex of which they were born. So If you're born a man and are attracted to men YOU ARE A HOMOSEXUAL. MTF (Male to Female) Transgender people are called Homosexual Transgender.

People in here throwing around poorly constructed, non-fact, purely speculated and assumed jargon.... a mouth isn't just a mouth (that mouth belongs to a MAN who is HIGHLY at risk)...and the biology isn't the same.You're altering your biology mentally and physically. Vaginoplasty DOESN'T function like a REAL VAGINA.

A female vagina gets wet to stimulate and facilitate the penis' entry and sperm survival and also fight off infection, her arousal is her NATURAL chemical response to reproduce

A male Vaginoplasty DOESN'T get wet and must be lubricated, because it's penis foreskin spit in half and inserted in the lower abdominal. She doesn't have a cervix and it causes urinary problems. Which can be unsanitary because you don't have a constant stream of urine, it SPRAYS all over the place. Secondly you have to have your bowels restructured which sometimes is cause bowel mucus to fill the vagina..different from actual FEMALE VAGINA mucus. Fecal mucus. Between the inadequate rubbing of NON LUBRICATED skin and rectum surgery one can imagine the cesspool of germs and bacteria waiting to happen.

BY LAW in some states if you are a transgender person you REQUIRED to have doctors CERTIFY that you are COMPLETELY transitioned into the opposite gender, mentally and physically. It's a mental disorder. Most people go undiagnosed because they are confused so they live out their frustration by leading double lives and eluding gender assessment. And this is where STRAIGHT people become victims of homosexual hazards. Like HIGH RISK LIFESTYLE choices being IMPOSED upon us without our knowledge.  Hazards the doctors tell these women to DISCLOSE to partners.

Now to clear up some HIGH RISK SPECULATION with FACTS:

Prevalence of HIV antibodies in transsexual and female prostitutes.
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prevalence was studied in an unselected group of 216 female and transsexual prostitutes. Subjects were asked about age, biological sex, marital status, children, length of occupation, sexual practices, and drug abuse history. Blood was drawn on site. All 128 females who did not admit to drug abuse were seronegative; 2 of the 52 females (3.8%) who admitted to intravenous drug abuse were seropositive. In contrast, 11.1% of the 36 male transsexuals (including 3 out of 32 non-drug abusers) were seropositive. The results support the notion that vaginal transmission of HIV is less effective than anal transmission.

Persistence of high-risk sexual activity among homosexual men in an area of low incidence of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.
Before 1985 only five cases of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) had been diagnosed in New Mexico, and there was no information regarding prevalence of antibody to the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Of 166 gay and bisexual men tested in 1985 in New Mexico, 20% were found to have antibody to HIV. Of 153 responding participants, 107 (70%) reported practicing receptive anal intercourse in the last 12 months, and only 13% of the 107 reported the regular use of condoms. High-risk sexual activity may have persisted in part because of underestimation of the local risk of acquiring HIV infection. Voluntary serologic testing and education of members of high-risk groups should be stressed in areas where the incidences of AIDS and of seropositivity to HIV are low but where high-risk sexual activity may still be prevalent.

(Note: Don't know if many are familiar with Jackson Heights or Corona Queens The immigrant Hispanic community is highly populated by transgender prostitutes.)
[The homosexual transmission of HIV/AIDS in Mexico]

HIV homosexual transmission is steadily increasing; the recent decline in the percentage of homosexual cases is artificial because of the increment of cases under other categories. Men who report exclusive homosexual behavior have higher prevalence rates of infection than bisexual men. Individuals with insertive/receptive behavior (mixed) have the highest risk for HIV seropositivity, mainly because of sociological, rather than biological reasons. This difference in risks for HIV and condom use may be related to the selection of sexual partners from specific social networks. Condom use was demonstrated to be an effective method for preventing HIV seropositivity among those who always use condoms. However, it is alarming that only 5% of respondents reported condom use in all sexual encounters. Social and geographic differences in the cumulative numbers of cases, HIV prevalence, sexual practices and condom use must be taken into account in the planning of preventive programs.

so i gathered from this that the HIV rate is higher among gay men than straight men? but what is it really saying? women can have HIV also.

furthermore, homosexuality has been around for thousands of years. so how old is HIV really? i always understood it as a virus that emerged in the 80s and resulted in certain demographics being widely blamed for its emergence (gays weren't only blamed).
Damn, what happened to the good ol days when these "chicks" just looked like Torres and JC dressed in drag, with big beefy Adams apples?? :smh:
:smh: At dudes in here really defending trangender women's right to holla at straight dudes.

I dont care how you try and chop, justify it, rationalize it, destigmatize it, legitimatize it, smack it up, flip it, or rub it down(oh No)

What does their gender identity disorder have to do with me? Nothing.
What does his longing for society to accept him as a woman have to do with me? Nothing
What does his sexual preference have to do with me? Nothing.

Then why am I being put into the equation?

Its not like these transgender women are looking to become lesbians. Nope. They want straight men. Because they want to live a normal life as possible.
But the problem is, aint no straight men going to agree with this ever. Straight men dont want a woman who used to be a man(And technically still is) PERIOD.

Take the Amiyah Scott dude up there for example. We dont know the context of the pic taken but s/he aint laying up under some chick. S/He is laying beside another man. And I know when s/he hits the club its not in no sweat pants. No s/he is wearing that freak em skirt, with hair done, nails done, makeup done. And when that random dude that s/he finds attractive approaches, s/he doesn't want to run him away so she doesn't tell him because s/he wants to get to know him.

But that is part of the problem. Cause dudes aint goin to the club to get to know women. They are goin to find something to smash on

So the question is;
How does a person like Amiyah Scott's right to feel comfortable in their own skin negate the rights of a straight man who wants to be left out of their quest to feel comfortable?
At dudes in here really defending trangender women's right to holla at straight dudes.

I dont care how you try and chop, justify it, rationalize it, destigmatize it, legitimatize it, smack it up, flip it, or rub it down(oh No)

What does their gender identity disorder have to do with me? Nothing.
What does his longing for society to accept him as a woman have to do with me? Nothing
What does his sexual preference have to do with me? Nothing.

Then why am I being put into the equation?

Its not like these transgender women are looking to become lesbians. Nope. They want straight men. Because they want to live a normal life as possible.
But the problem is, aint no straight men going to agree with this ever. Straight men dont want a woman who used to be a man(And technically still is) PERIOD.

Take the Amiyah Scott dude up there for example. We dont know the context of the pic taken but s/he aint laying up under some chick. S/He is laying beside another man. And I know when s/he hits the club its not in no sweat pants. No s/he is wearing that freak em skirt, with hair done, nails done, makeup done. And when that random dude that s/he finds attractive approaches, s/he doesn't want to run him away so she doesn't tell him because s/he wants to get to know him.

But that is part of the problem. Cause dudes aint goin to the club to get to know women. They are goin to find something to smash on

So the question is;
How does a person like Amiyah Scott's right to feel comfortable in their own skin negate the rights of a straight man who wants to be left out of their quest to feel comfortable?
i asked that ? and got no answer i even posed it as what if it happen to you ? to the dudes being like " its their lives let em live like they want to live " but what happens when thier lives enter some ones-else's? how long do they keep it secret ? and what do they expect the reaction to be if they werent 100 from the jump?that jerry springer gif says alot ( even thou i think its fake ) 
I think they want you guys to be "deal with it"
For example when you find out say "meh" and walk away lol
But that will never happen
This isnt like sleeping with a girl while you are drunk and waking up and finding out she is hideous

Amayah dates gay dudes

I never have to worry about anything like this :smokin
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