NT, What Beer Do You Drink?

I always wondered how much beer I've had over the years that didn't taste as it should because 99% of what I buy, goes right in the fridge if I plan on drinking it within a month or so. The only reason it doesn't go in the fridge is because it doesn't fit or I have it already in there. For example, I totally forgot I have the coconut/proprietors bottle sitting in there since last November.

I drink every beer I can ice cold whether I'm supposed to or not because anything even luke warm is hard to drink, but I just wonder how many beers over the year I've "stored" waaaaayy too cold and it changed the beer, taste and otherwise. 

Bretts not included, storing most beers that people age (stouts, porters, barley wines etc.) in the fridge will just slow down the aging process.

I currently have two stouts in my fridge due to issues they've had (acknowledged by the brewer) from storing in warmer areas. Everything else is in the basement.
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Good to know. I don't typically store beer for any period of time like that. I usually don't want to pay for X amount more a beer just to let it age. I'll drink it and if I like it, I'll keep it on the radar for next time. Not to mention, I don't have the will power or control to save beer 

The reason I saved that proprietors was because I actually wanted to taste it back to back with this year but I honestly don't know if I am going to get up and wait in line for 4-5 hours again to get BCS this year.
Have they released the pricing structure on this years BCBS releases? I know they are in 500ml/ 16.9oz bombers. So little limits may be more restricted.

Lagunitas Sucks just made a return here. They have it marked as a seasonal. I have no idea anymore with that one. Quarts sit for months. Then sixers come and go with no real schedule. I seem to ship even checking the hard to read julian dating most of the time. I did have an interesting experience between a big bomber and a six pack 12 ozer. just a couple days ago. The sixers were fresher by a couple weeks, yet they tasted a touch less fresh. I mainly buy because of the extreme value you get from a 8.% beer @ just $8.50/sixer. I used to get a nice sweet citrus hop candy type vibe. But I was picking up almost too much sweetness this time around on the sixers.

Pretty safe to say if I don't like Lagunitas IPA or Ballast Point Sculpin I just don't have a taste for IPA's? I always hear those mentioned among the best, and I keep trying different ones every now and then but I haven't found one I enjoy yet.

Really enjoying Sierra Nevada and Leinenkugel Oktoberfests this season.
Relatively easily available and a great example of their IPA genres?, Yes I would say those two are great examples. Although IPAs can take on quite a few characteristics. I guess youd have to pinpoint what you hated out of the beers. Just the straight hop flavor? Too much pine type taste? Was it a bitterness issue? Both the ones you named for me have more of a citrus type flavor with a touch of pine.. Many IPAs now are going for what many call "tropical IPAs". Think of a fruit juice infused type beer, with a touch of hops. These also seem to be less bitter than other examples. Like they take the best part of the more tropical styled hops and get only aroma and taste out of them, without the harsh bitterness.. I say, keep trying. You're in CA. Can't go wrong with many many many examples in your area.

Don't get me started on aging. It's tricky. I have had a couple side by side by side tastings, and felt the older one was BETTER almost always, but not two years worth of time of waiting better. It's a subtle act most of the time. When I see breweries age something for 4 months, I don't quite think thats enough time usually. Even a year in the fridge, like I do with my stuff, is tricky. I have seen some stuff on the shelves for 3 years that tastes better than stuff "cellared" to its 100% strict efficiency specs. So i don't know anymore. I honestly feel beers need 5-6 plus years to see a true difference. I catch small differences but is it "worth the wait" differences? I dont think so.

meyer23, You aint living if you havent had a room temp imperial stout. I'm actually sad when breweries tap their stouts at the same temp as all their other beers. We know how bud light tastes warm. Even IPAs open up as they warm. Stouts and most other above 10% beers are optimal 55 degrees and up
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I can't stand IPA's but yeah, I need my beer slushie style 
 Maybe I'll find an Imperial Stout and try it room temp but it's going to be tough I think.

I haven't seen the pricing yet but I haven't really looked either. I don't think it matters with that beer. They could charge $75 a bottle and people would buy it. 
Not sure how this qualifies as an ale, but I had it at the bar last night.


Tastes just like Mug root beer. My wife, who is not a beer drinker, ended up ordering one after trying what I had.
I wish you all could try the 10.7% they originally brewed it at.

^ They finally opened a tap room, here is the list. I've had every one of them...the 19.5% Root Beer will get ya' 

And the French Toast @ 10% taste like Maple Syrup; a little too much.
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I knew them all but #1 

With that said, there is no doubt I know, stouts at least, taste different as they warm. Perfect example is BCS and as a matter of fact, I had a Founders Breakfast Stout last night and could taste it change as it warmed. 
Drove over to Founder's today and picked up a some Backwoods Bastard. Has seemed easier to find in recent years, but if any out-of-state folk are interested in a trade, let me know.
This is what goes down in NM.

Pickups from last week

I was not too fond of enjoy by. Kind of a sickly sweet flavor. Hops sorta faded in all aspects. So glad some places split up seasonal 6 packs.

Unfortunately buying some beer for a trade yielded a couple more beers.

Lots of stuff happening around me with breweries and what not. Can't remember my last draft beer at many of these places. Canned and bottled variety is Killin it. And for a cheaper bargain. Why not. Think I'm doNE with $5 pints.
Been drinking Vietnamese Beer while i was on vacation for the past 3 weeks.

Taste very light, not very good, but at 25 cents a pint in a bar, who can complain :lol:
Getting a raise at work calls for a celebration:
Damn, nice haul! How's the El Dorado compared to their other single hopped beers?
El Dorado is great.  Perfect mix of fruity/bitter. One of their better single hopped beers, if you ask me.

I also have to say this batch of All Green Everything is fantastic.  First time I had it it was very boozy/malty.  Not the case with this new batch.  This one tastes like straight up pineapple juice.  Glad I bought the max.

Just a heads up for the NY/Mid-Atlantic NT'ers out there: in two weeks Other Half  is gonna be releasing the Other Half/Trillium collaboration beer and Green Diamonds.
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