NT, what do you say when a girl says they look ugly

Most of the time she's just fishing for compliments. I usually say I agree
Its usually works out for me.
I haven't met a girl that called themselves ugly before.
It's the opposite with me. Most girls that I know love themselves too much.
my gf was thinking the same thing about telling her female friends that. She said suggesting something else that would look better.
"I think this would be more suited for you" - i think this would work better.
"I dont think this is the right look" ehhh?

but when in doubt "no honey, you dont look fat in those/that ____"
i hate when people try and fish for compliments.

it screams "Please! i have no self-worth! Validate me!"
Originally Posted by 703 Hwy

Shut up @@*!%


they are just wanting attention and want themselves to feel more pretty.
thats why they pick less hot friends. so they can feel good about themselves.
i say no theyre not.....even if i have to lie....cause like everyone said.....low self esteem is ugly itself....

but the one that messes me up is when they said "i got fat".......

the hell are u supposed to say to that.....you cant lie...so youre set up for fail right away........
If they're actually ugly I say "oh well, it's not like everyone can look good"

If they're not ugly I say
"You know damn well you're not ugly so stop fishing for compliments"
Originally Posted by IHaveMyOwnOpinion

If they're actually ugly I say "oh well, it's not like everyone can look good"

If they're not ugly I say
"You know damn well you're not ugly so stop fishing for compliments"


just awkwardly transition to another topic
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