NT , your thoughts on your children marrying outside of their race . Mature Discusson ...

dont have kids but when i do and they're dating, race is the least of my concerns. as long as their partner is good to them and the relationship is strong and healthy i'm happy.

i'm mexican and my family would prefer to see me with a hispanic female but its not a big deal f she wasn't.
Originally Posted by JD214

I seriously don't care of those relationships, as long as it's a boy and a girl.

But yes, I would have a problem if it was my kids.

Some of our Hispanic or my Mexican communities won't really accept it because of the religious beliefs.

My mom want me to marry a Catholic, for example if I marry a White chick that's Baptist she'd have to get baptized, do her first communion, confirmation, and understand the sacraments then i'll be able to marry her. Then my parents will be fine with it.

But some of my family members won't accept an African-American chick.

I still remember some white chick I know at achool was pregnant with a black dudes kid and her dad made her abort the baby because it was from a black guy.

I like latinas, but mainly white/caucasian female though.
date a white catholic (italian, irish, etc...) problem solved
Who gives a rat ***, we aint living the life that was present a few hundred years back. Everyone is equal, regardless of race and color. On a social level there might be slight differentiation, but thats just how modern society is. As long as my son/daughter's significant other treats them well, idc what race they are. You only live your life once and to take that away from my children, im just not with it
Considering I'm the product of a interracial marriage, I encourage my children to do what they want.
Nothing to discuss for me. If someone finds someone they love, I'm all for it. I only have a problem when people use stereotypes to justify dating preferences. I really hate that.
everyone has their preferences, but you said you'd be fine if it was another race as well as long as they treated your kids right so i don't see nothing wrong with how you feel.
Originally Posted by j4ck

minorities tend to "enforce" same race marriage...
 you can't be serious....white people tend to enforce this more than others.  All other races think of whites as a come up, and all other races think of blacks as a failure 
Alotta good points in here and I'm glad it hasn't gotten out of hand.

I'll explain my reasoning better.

I come from a family that's extremely proud of our roots. As I'm sure everyone here is. I just feel like I'd want my girls to continue our race and keep my grandkids 100% .

As I write that I realize it comes off wrong and I sound like Hitler but by no means do I feel that extreme. I just love the idea of keeping our heritage going, our traditions. Of course it can be done with someone of another race and if my girls met someone who they loved and loved them equally and treated them right I'd have no issue at all. As someone else stated its just an issue of preference.

We can all say it doesn't matter and whatever but deep down inside everyone has their preference . Not about racism at all, I look at it as having a love for your race and culture, doing your part to maintain it.
Meh considering I plan on marrying a white Jew, I don't think I'd be in a position to tell my kids who they can or can't marry.
Originally Posted by onewearz

Alotta good points in here and I'm glad it hasn't gotten out of hand.

I'll explain my reasoning better.

I come from a family that's extremely proud of our roots. As I'm sure everyone here is. I just feel like I'd want my girls to continue our race and keep my grandkids 100% .

As I write that I realize it comes off wrong and I sound like Hitler but by no means do I feel that extreme. I just love the idea of keeping our heritage going, our traditions. Of course it can be done with someone of another race and if my girls met someone who they loved and loved them equally and treated them right I'd have no issue at all. As someone else stated its just an issue of preference.

We can all say it doesn't matter and whatever but deep down inside everyone has their preference . Not about racism at all, I look at it as having a love for your race and culture, doing your part to maintain it.

I've seen this statement nearly verbatim be used to justify white supremacy.
Originally Posted by SneakerPro

Originally Posted by onewearz

Alotta good points in here and I'm glad it hasn't gotten out of hand.

I'll explain my reasoning better.

I come from a family that's extremely proud of our roots. As I'm sure everyone here is. I just feel like I'd want my girls to continue our race and keep my grandkids 100% .

As I write that I realize it comes off wrong and I sound like Hitler but by no means do I feel that extreme. I just love the idea of keeping our heritage going, our traditions. Of course it can be done with someone of another race and if my girls met someone who they loved and loved them equally and treated them right I'd have no issue at all. As someone else stated its just an issue of preference.

We can all say it doesn't matter and whatever but deep down inside everyone has their preference . Not about racism at all, I look at it as having a love for your race and culture, doing your part to maintain it.

I've seen this statement nearly verbatim be used to justify white supremacy.

Of course but again that's not the case at all
Well.. My parents prefer me to marry a Ghanian woman or a Black American.

I honestly don't know if i'm ready to become the first person in my family to start the bi-racial offspring...
but it is.

just because you're substituting another race doesn't make it any less racist. you want your daughters to keep your race pure, plain and simple. hitler wanted the same thing.

i mean, re-read it and see how ridiculous it sounds.

i mean, really, keep your grandkids 100%? why does it matter what % puerto rican they are? will you love them less either way? chances are you won't. and even if they are "100%", what makes you think they will keep your traditions anyway?
Originally Posted by onewearz

Originally Posted by SneakerPro

Originally Posted by onewearz

Alotta good points in here and I'm glad it hasn't gotten out of hand.

I'll explain my reasoning better.

I come from a family that's extremely proud of our roots. As I'm sure everyone here is. I just feel like I'd want my girls to continue our race and keep my grandkids 100% .

As I write that I realize it comes off wrong and I sound like Hitler but by no means do I feel that extreme. I just love the idea of keeping our heritage going, our traditions. Of course it can be done with someone of another race and if my girls met someone who they loved and loved them equally and treated them right I'd have no issue at all. As someone else stated its just an issue of preference.

We can all say it doesn't matter and whatever but deep down inside everyone has their preference . Not about racism at all, I look at it as having a love for your race and culture, doing your part to maintain it.

I've seen this statement nearly verbatim be used to justify white supremacy.

Of course but again that's not the case at all

Personally, I believe you already stated your case. Do feel that your children will not "pass down" the Puerto Rican heritage?
Originally Posted by CWrite78

but it is.

just because you're substituting another race doesn't make it any less racist. you want your daughters to keep your race pure, plain and simple. hitler wanted the same thing.

i mean, re-read it and see how ridiculous it sounds.

i mean, really, keep your grandkids 100%? why does it matter what % puerto rican they are? will you love them less either way? chances are you won't. and even if they are "100%", what makes you think they will keep your traditions anyway?
Puerto Rican isn't a race. Aren't Puerto Ricans technically a "genetic" mix themselves?
Originally Posted by amrcangangstr

Originally Posted by onewearz

Originally Posted by SneakerPro

Originally Posted by onewearz

Alotta good points in here and I'm glad it hasn't gotten out of hand.

I'll explain my reasoning better.

I come from a family that's extremely proud of our roots. As I'm sure everyone here is. I just feel like I'd want my girls to continue our race and keep my grandkids 100% .

As I write that I realize it comes off wrong and I sound like Hitler but by no means do I feel that extreme. I just love the idea of keeping our heritage going, our traditions. Of course it can be done with someone of another race and if my girls met someone who they loved and loved them equally and treated them right I'd have no issue at all. As someone else stated its just an issue of preference.

We can all say it doesn't matter and whatever but deep down inside everyone has their preference . Not about racism at all, I look at it as having a love for your race and culture, doing your part to maintain it.

I've seen this statement nearly verbatim be used to justify white supremacy.

Of course but again that's not the case at all

Personally, I believe you already stated your case. Do feel that your children will not "pass down" the Puerto Rican heritage?

Nah I think they'd do a good job of doing so but who's to say they marry someone who prefers to not acknowledge their culture and prefer to raise their kids in the culture solely. Don't act like I'm making up ridiculous scenarios. These things happen. Jewish people are notorious for making sure they marry within their race, no one see issues with that, they blatantly say it, no cares at all who they offend. And I don't wanna make a blanket statement towards Jewish people but it is what it is. I got an attorney at my job, Jewish, who just finished saying this.
honestly what's the big deal if he's willing to accept and show love to someone of another race that would marry his kids if they treated his kids right?

he's just saying he has his preferences that's all but he didn't say he would flat out dissaprove of someone from another race even if they were good to his kids.
Originally Posted by onewearz

Originally Posted by amrcangangstr

Originally Posted by onewearz

Of course but again that's not the case at all

Personally, I believe you already stated your case. Do feel that your children will not "pass down" the Puerto Rican heritage?

Nah I think they'd do a good job of doing so but who's to say they marry someone who prefers to not acknowledge their culture and prefer to raise their kids in the culture solely. Don't act like I'm making up ridiculous scenarios. These things happen. Jewish people are notorious for making sure they marry within their race, no one see issues with that, they blatantly say it, no cares at all who they offend. And I don't wanna make a blanket statement towards Jewish people but it is what it is. I got an attorney at my job, Jewish, who just finished saying this.
Okay. I see where you are coming from. You are not necessarily teaching your kids "Puerto Rican" only, you would just PREFER that they marry Puerto Rican.
What does your grandchildren being 100% of a race that's already mixed to begin with have anything to do with learning about your family's heritage, tho????
Originally Posted by amrcangangstr

Originally Posted by onewearz

Originally Posted by amrcangangstr

Originally Posted by onewearz

Of course but again that's not the case at all

Personally, I believe you already stated your case. Do feel that your children will not "pass down" the Puerto Rican heritage?

Nah I think they'd do a good job of doing so but who's to say they marry someone who prefers to not acknowledge their culture and prefer to raise their kids in the culture solely. Don't act like I'm making up ridiculous scenarios. These things happen. Jewish people are notorious for making sure they marry within their race, no one see issues with that, they blatantly say it, no cares at all who they offend. And I don't wanna make a blanket statement towards Jewish people but it is what it is. I got an attorney at my job, Jewish, who just finished saying this.
Okay. I see where you are coming from. You are not necessarily teaching your kids "Puerto Rican" only, you would just PREFER that they marry Puerto Rican.

Exactly, at no point am I saying they can only marry a Puerto rican or I'm done with them. Not at all, I'd prefer them to marry a Puerto rican man but I would have no problem with them bringing someone of another race home as long as they treat em right and respect them. That goes for any race, Puerto ricans included.

There ain't a part of me at all that's racist, my best friend for over 30 yrs is black, if his son treated my daughter right and they fell in love I'd have no problem at all and look forward to my cinnamon grandkids
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