OFFICIAL 2010-11 SACRAMENTO KINGS SEASON THREAD - Vol. Too Lazy To Make A New Topic Right Now!

D.Cousins played great last night
Originally Posted by nicedudewithnicedreams

I am surprised considering his struggles in his last couple of games.
They probably selected him before the games where he was struggling. And I'm sure Wall's TOs didn't help.
The Sacramento Kings have reached agreement to send Jon Brockman(notes) to the Milwaukee Bucks in a sign-and-trade deal for Darnell Jackson(notes) and a future second-round pick, league sources told Yahoo! Sports.

Brockman, 23, averaged 2.8 points and 4.1 rebounds in 52 games last season with the Kings. Jackson, 24, split last season with the Cleveland Cavaliers and Bucks.


I will miss the Brock Ness Monster. I hope he gets PT on the Bucks somehow and does some damage with his hard work. The Kings don't need Darnell Jackson, but the 2nd round pick might be useful in the future. 
Antoine Wright will soon sign a one-year deal with the Kings, according to Dallas Morning News columnist Tim Cowlishaw.

Wright, 26, played in Toronto last year, starting 10 games amid 67 appearances and averaging about 20 minutes a game. He is not the shooter you are looking for: his career three-point shooting percentage is barely over 30 percent. He plays the wing positions.

He's known primarily as a defender, although he played for one of the worst defensive teams in the league last year. He does seem to have had a positive effect on Toronto's defense while in the game, however.
^ its an okay signing, but i would like to see a rasual butler/roger mason type of player next (at the right price)
Yeah, I wouldn't mind a three-point shooter for cheap. But I'm thinking those two would want more money and multiple years.

But yeah... Matt Barnes on the Lakers. Sac-Town's Finest tho? Best of luck to dude I guess.
Tyreke Evans Looks Done for the Summer from Team USA

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7/23/2010 6:04 PM ET By Chris Tomasson
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o Chris Tomasson
o Senior NBA Writer

Tyreke EvansLAS VEGAS -- Tyreke Evans' Team USA run for this summer looks to be over.

The Sacramento guard, who suffered a sprained left ankle in Tuesday's first practice of training camp that wiped him out for the week, is resigned to the fact he won't be invited back for the Aug. 10-16 training camp in New York and for the World Championship, Aug. 28-Sept. 12 in Turkey.

"It happened at the wrong time, but I just got to ice it and get better and get ready for the regular season,'' Evans said in an interview Friday with FanHouse, after he missed his third straight day of practice and was ruled out for Saturday's intrasquad game that concludes the first camp. "I know I probably won't make (the team). I didn't even play. That wouldn't be fair to the guys who played. I'll just go home and rest and get ready for next year.''

USA Basketball chairman Jerry Colangelo pretty much agreed Evans' summer is over with the team.

"It's pretty evident it's hard to give him the kind of consideration if he hasn't been able to participate, but we haven't made any final decisions,'' Colangelo told FanHouse.

Told Evans himself believes his summer is over, Colangelo was even stronger.

"I think so,'' Colangelo said. "It's a bad break for him to come up with the injury. But we've had a few bad breaks (since camp started last Tuesday, namely big men Robin Lopez and David Lee being lost due to injures and Amar'e Stoudemire due to insurance trouble).''

While Evans said he could be healthy enough for the New York camp, he's not expecting to be invited.

Evans' loss would drop the roster to 18 for the 12 final roster spots. Colangelo said he would remain a full member of the roster for future summers.

Evans said he hurt his ankle when he came down on the foot of North Carolina forward Tyler Zeller, a member of the college select team.
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