Official Final Four thread

Originally Posted by blazinjkid

that $$+% ruined my weekend in Atlantic City. that's all i've gotta say.
Blazin, I wondered how long it was going to take you speak your peace
maaaaaaaaaaan. i was sitting up in Trump Plaza, blowing like $12 a drink left and right in the lounge, trying to get myself twisted enough to be able to endurethat *!++. i took a double shot of Goose with 2 minutes left, hit the blackjack tables and pissed my money away

i won't get into the X's and O's too much because it's obvious we came out flat-footed as hell and they took it straight to us, and that'sall there was to it. our defense was embarrassing, especially down low (
). we had NO heart. nobody stepped up in the first half to stop the bleeding when we needed it. not Lawson, not Green, not Hansbrough. we let their Dintimidate us and we looked like we were playing hot potato the way nobody wanted the rock. as far as next year, i wouldn't be surprised if all of thembounced. i think Ty and Ellington are as good as gone, and that'll push Green and Hansbrough out the door as well.

what a @+*#!! way to end a good season
come on PHIS.... get that one and only... RHODES waseatin Frosted Flakes with no milk Calapari said
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