Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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Just paying it forward. People were hyping it up in another thread and it def lived up to the hype. Even my cousin was telling me how awesome the show was.
Haven't been in here in a while, so sorry if it's late -

'Game of Thrones' Stars Explain That Sansa, Littlefinger Look

Here's a section of Sophie Turner's post-finale Q&A with The Hollywood Reporter:

In the scene, Sansa tells Jon that only a fool would trust Littlefinger. Later, she meets with Littlefinger and he paints this picture of himself on the Iron Throne, with Sansa at his side. She rejects him in the moment, but when Jon is crowned King in the North, Sansa and Littlefinger exchange a look. What is Sansa thinking about Littlefinger's pitch by the end of the episode?

"As you say, she rejects him in the beginning, but there's definitely something in her that's ... it's kind of a jealousy toward Jon. He's getting all of the credit for basically Sansa saving his ***. Obviously he played a huge part in the Battle of the Bastards, but Sansa really saved him. There's a bit of jealousy there. She looks at Littlefinger knowing that he would have put her as Queen in the North, and given her the credit she deserves. I don't think she's gunning for the Iron Throne anytime soon, but she realizes that Littlefinger might be a better ally than she thought, a more trustworthy ally than she thought. [...] I think she'll forever be wary of Littlefinger. But I think she realizes now that he's more loyal to her than she initially thought. He's tried to prove that. If he truly is loyal to her, then he's a wonderful, wonderful ally to have. But she'll forever be skeptical and wary of his motives. She's not stupid enough to follow him blindly."

Here's what Sophie told Variety of the scene:

What's going through Sansa's mind in those final moments as Jon's being declared King in the North?

"She's not getting the credit she feels she deserves, that Littlefinger would grant her with. He obviously wants her on the Iron Throne and him by her side – she doesn't want that, but she wants recognition for the effort that she put in, in order to claim back Winterfell, because if it wasn't for her, it wouldn't have happened. So I think she's seeing Littlefinger as a bit more trustworthy and more of an ally than she initially thought."

Aidan Gillen also tackled the subject, taking a broader view in his Q&A with Vulture:

A few characters give each other some ambiguous glances full of subtext, such as the one between Jaime and Cersei. What's behind the look in that Sansa and Littlefinger exchange, when Jon becomes king in the North?

"As an actor, I never say, 'This is what I'm trying to say here ...' I don't want you to know what I'm thinking. Actors tend to not tell each other what they're up to, and it wasn't really discussed when we shot it. But when I was looking at Jaime watching Cersei, I was asking myself the same question! 'What is he thinking?' Personally, I like ambiguity. It gives you something to think about during the hiatus.

We only had a few scenes with Littlefinger in season six. But one thing he was trying to do consistently was sow some kind of seed of disquiet with Sansa in terms of Jon, and how closely related they really are, and how valid he really is as a king, or a leader, or a brother, while at the same time encouraging what might be her own position. There's a certain amount of, 'I told you so. Is this what you want? Can you trust him?' And all of that has been said anyway, in the previous scene. But there's also a degree of excitement, because the lords are pledging their allegiance to Jon Snow, and we didn't necessarily know it would go that way. Speaking for Littlefinger, it was one of those moments where you go, '****! Maybe this is a bigger thing than I thought it would be. How are we going to deal with this?' Given that he enjoys chaos and uncertainty and the thrill of all of that, it was a big moment for him."
Been hearing Marco Polo is an amazing show. Confirmation

I definitely *** with Marco Polo Season 1. Not too sure of what to make of Season 2, might have to do a rewatch but S1 is cool. The actors who play Kublai, Sidao and Hundred Eyes were my favorites. Diverse cast, obviously they took some luxuries with historical fact but they had to.

Also, The Last Kingdom is now available on netflix. Awesome show. Can't wait for season 2.

Just started this show. Looks interesting. Game of Thrones really opened up a lot of doors for these epic, Middle Ages type of shows.

I would say Tudors also played a part in this. Crazy hype during it's time.

And cosign on Marco Polo. Good watch.
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Thanks for the recommendation on Marco Polo. Listened to this 5 part podcast series (Hardcore History - Wrath of the Khans) a while back and it had me interested as hell. Will start this week
Id have to watch the tudors and all that first but vikings is nice.
I stopped watching black sails mid season.
Sansa dumber than I thought :lol: : { She definitely gonna die if half of next season deal with her scheming, being manipulated by LF, and try to screw over Jon as they march to King's Landing or to the wall.

She getting jealous and want credit :lol: ***** you aint even tell anybody you had another army to help :lol:

I bet LF told those same lies to crazy titty Lady Aryn about her being his queen of Westeros.
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Difference between Lady Aryn and Sansa though is that LF def wants to get it in with Sansa. I could see his mind being clouded by her.
how much do the actors know about the story though? she probably knows about as much as she was told to convey for those scenes but i think she's speculating about next season and her relationship with Jon and LF as much as we are. or no?
how much do the actors know about the story though? she probably knows about as much as she was told to convey for those scenes but i think she's speculating about next season and her relationship with Jon and LF as much as we are. or no?

D&D basically confirmed everything she said in that interview in their commentary after the finale. They said that she wasn't thrilled about getting passed over by Jon and that it "will be interesting to see how their relationship unfolds next season."
^^^ The thing is, Jon doesn't really seem to want to be king. He's serving as leader because he knows he has to unite the North in order to fight the WW. But beyond that, I don't think he wants to be king. The King In the North stuff came from other people; not him. Recall that Jon gave Sansa her parents' old bedroom at Winterfell because she's "the lady of Winterfell." So, if Sansa is feeling salty toward Jon, its really because of LF being up in her ear an not anything Jon is actually doing.
Difference between Lady Aryn and Sansa though is that LF def wants to get it in with Sansa. I could see his mind being clouded by her.
:lol: Only person it ever seemed like he wanted to smash was Cat cuz he actually loved her.

This whole LF is sprung off Sansa is something I aint seeing. To me it just seems he's gotten use to manipulating women and is just having more trouble with Sansa due to what she has went through with Joffrey, Cersi, and Ramsey and LF's time with her in the Vale simply wasn't enough.

To me the only reason he pays her any mind is cuz she has some worth in being used in his plans. If Sansa died in S7E1 he's find Arya and start trying to manipulate her. Probably have to promise her he'd help her get close to everybody on her list instead of lies about love and making her his queen.
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Nah, he lusting after some salsa. He kissed her before and wanted some again. Yeah, he manipulates her but he's still a man and she's attractive and reminds him of the girl he never got over.
Started to read the books and I'm half way through 3. Man reading how Aryas story is really playing out makes me love her character even more. Went through so much from leaving Kings Landing and how she executed leaving Herrenhal with Gendry and Hot pie and she's only 10 years old. She is a real one.
Nah, he lusting after some salsa. He kissed her before and wanted some again. Yeah, he manipulates her but he's still a man and she's attractive and reminds him of the girl he never got over.
All to manipulate her and I guess fool many viewers.

He had Lady Aryn obsessed with him to the point she killed her husband.

He know Sansa susceptible to those same weaknesses cuz that Tully blood is weak and tainted (for the most part).

Also not seeing how Sansa reminds him of Cat :lol: Unless it's the making stupid decisions and taking Ls.

And as far as LF being a man and lust, son ran the best ***** house in Westeros for years with the finest women working for him. I'm sure he's had all the strange he's ever wanted to take care of his needs which is why he can pass up fine yambs like Ros. Dude is in control of any urges. He's not breaking for the likes of Sansa Stark.
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I think Sansa looks like Cat when she was younger. Carcetti Finger definitely trying to get in them guts. He ****** and married Lysa for her lands, he never gave a **** about her. Plus Lysa is ugly and gains weight over the years (in the books).
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