Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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Why would it suck if Bran is the NK? If they tie it in properly that would make heads spin everywhere and goes perfectly with the bittersweet ending we were told this would have...

We died laughing when the wights pulled them big *** chains from out of nowhere to drag Viserion out the water...also the thought of seal team 6 type wights being on the NKs payroll to dive down and wrap the chains around his neck :lol:
I still don't see how humanity wins. The logical outcome is that everyone dies. I hope everyone dies.
I distinctly remember thinking in the first couple seasons who dumb it was that there was magic on the show. That was never the strength of the show for me. Also, I remember that Arya's storyline in Braavos really seemed to drag on.

Point is, the show was never perfect. Is it moving too fast and are there plot holes as a result? Of course. Is it less enjoyable or worse than it was in prior seasons? I don't think so.

Is the whole kidnap-the-wight-to-convince-Cersei the most blatant plot hole in the entire series? Yes. Is it a dumb way to drive the plot for 3 episodes? Yes. Is it still ****ing cool to see Tormund and Jon and others fighting the WW army and getting bailed out by ****ing dragons? **** yes.
Point is, the show was never perfect. Is it moving too fast and are there plot holes as a result? Of course. Is it less enjoyable or worse than it was in prior seasons? I don't think so.

Agreed. In spite of its pitfalls, I'm loving watching this season and dreading waiting a year, maybe two, to watch it again. :sick:
I distinctly remember thinking in the first couple seasons who dumb it was that there was magic on the show. That was never the strength of the show for me. Also, I remember that Arya's storyline in Braavos really seemed to drag on.

Point is, the show was never perfect. Is it moving too fast and are there plot holes as a result? Of course. Is it less enjoyable or worse than it was in prior seasons? I don't think so.

Is the whole kidnap-the-wight-to-convince-Cersei the most blatant plot hole in the entire series? Yes. Is it a dumb way to drive the plot for 3 episodes? Yes. Is it still ****ing cool to see Tormund and Jon and others fighting the WW army and getting bailed out by ****ing dragons? **** yes.
the wight thing was extremely stupid but you could argue they didn't have many options. it's act now, think later when the WWs are coming.

i still don't understand coldhands not getting on... i even watched inside the thrones and still don't get it lol. seems like a sucker way to go out for such a cool character
I still don't see how humanity wins. The logical outcome is that everyone dies. I hope everyone dies.

Until the NK gained Super Javelin skills they could have cleaned up the White Walkers quick.

All they had to do is drop a team with dragonglass weapons down to take out the Night King and have the dragons keep the Wights at bay.
Agreed. In spite of its pitfalls, I'm loving watching this season and dreading waiting a year, maybe two, to watch it again. :sick:
One more thing, the big story arcs were set-up many seasons ago and now we're seeing the payoff, in a way.

They're not going to invest time to establish new long-term story arcs. Throwing in Urine last year already seemed too half-baked and underdeveloped. Even the Sand Snakes disaster was too late in the show. We really just care about characters and stories set-up in the early seasons. And they're finally all converging.
hopefully the speed up doesnt ruin the overall show. they have 15 episodes instead of 20. those extra 5 episodes could of helped transition but here we are. i dont know how in 9 episodes they are going to tie it all together without it feeling rushed. i think part 2 of this season will just be war all season. not much filler or tangents. just humanity vs night king and crew.

what does bran know already that no one else does? feel like a huge twist with him will take place.

when will people know jon is a targ?

if cersei dies by anyone other than arya, what is aryas purpose then. it seems like her purpose has been cersei for quite some time now.

will bronn get that castle?

where sam and how does he fit into this?

what about euron and the sully and dothraki.

even if part 2 of this season is all about the war with the ice peeps, i dont think they have enough time to tie off all these loose strings. this show will go down as the best of all time or will suffer its place in history based on rushing the closing of this series. dont think there is anything in between.
correct me if im wrong, if bran was heard at the tower and changed hodors fate by looking into the past, do the night kings fates interchange when night king grabbed brans hand? although we saw the face of night king before he was night king, i wonder if that exchanged altered their paths.

I think NK grabbed Bran's arm in the present. Unlike Hodor, NK seems to be able to bend some of the laws of physics which is why he can see Bran and touch him in the astral plane.
I'm to the point to where I'll be shocked if the Night King isn't Bran or some how caused by Bran.

The Azor Ahai prophecy has him kill someone he loves in the battle for the dawn.

Maybe Jon murks Bran
GoT is so much more in-depth and complex than any other show ever though. There's way more characters and they become intertwined and come full-circle. TBH this show could be 8-10 full seasons and 90% of us would not complain. Pacing and action might not be as good as it is this season but I would trade it easily for some better writing, less plotholes, and better character interactions/development. It's held to such a high standard though and is still better than anything else out on TV IMO.

GoT is easily the GOAT TV show for me; it's unfortunate that it's not getting the proper justice it deserves.

The Wire is a pretty complicated show and they were able to wrap it up in 5 seasons. The show trimmed a lot of fat from the books but there was still some left. I think they could have gone 7 full seasons and a shortened 8th but not too much more than that.
The writing has become terrible. The dialogue is juvenile at times.

Also, how many times are D&D going to have a character almost die then save him at the last minute. So far off the top of my head:

-Jon saved by the Knights of the Vale in the Battle of the Bastards
-Jaime saved twice by Dickon and Bronn in Loot Train.
-Tormund saved from getting dragged into the ice.
-Jon saved by Benjen today

It's getting corny.
I kind of don't understand the Bran = NK theory, why would he want to kill everyone? He's just a huge piece of **** from becoming the 3 eyed raven?
If he's referring to game part being based on real life European history well yeah he didn't come up with that.

And then of course, dragons, zombies, and magic aren't original concepts either.

But the combination is all GRRM.
I kind of don't understand the Bran = NK theory, why would he want to kill everyone? He's just a huge piece of **** from becoming the 3 eyed raven?

With winter coming the world needed something to unite itself against because their petty wars would have got everyone killed.

Bran saw that and became the NK.
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