Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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even if part 2 of this season is all about the war with the ice peeps, i dont think they have enough time to tie off all these loose strings. this show will go down as the best of all time or will suffer its place in history based on rushing the closing of this series. dont think there is anything in between.

I don't think we'll get much more epic of a war than Blackwater / Hardhome / etc. Maybe they'll stretch out a big war to two episodes, but I can't see them affording a longer-running war.

There are two main conflicts that need to be resolved in season 8: one with the WW and one between Cersei and Dany. But I think one of the two will be primarily resolved without having a giant war (Arya or Jaime may assassinate Cersei, for example).

Then we have all the interpersonal battles (Arya vs Cersei/Mountain/etc, Hound vs Mountain, Tyrion vs Cersei, LF vs Varys, etc.) and unclosed loops (Jon and Sam, Brienne and Tormund, Brienne and Jaime, Bron and NK, Melisandre and Lord of Light and all the other religious people, etc.). And what's the final purpose for people like Theon?

All these storylines can be addressed in the next 8 episodes. But there won't be time left for much else.
NK footage before the cgi.


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With winter coming the world needed something to unite itself against because their petty wars would have got everyone killed.

Bran saw that and became the NK.

if that's the case is he trying to kill everyone for real? seams like it, unless he doesn't have power over it.
Where airthompson at?

Dude said ain't no ice dragons happening, this ain't no pokemon.

Welp, it looks like it is :lol:
The writing has become terrible. The dialogue is juvenile at times.

Also, how many times are D&D going to have a character almost die then save him at the last minute. So far off the top of my head:

-Jon saved by the Knights of the Vale in the Battle of the Bastards
-Jaime saved twice by Dickon and Bronn in Loot Train.
-Tormund saved from getting dragged into the ice.
-Jon saved by Benjen today

It's getting corny.
they've killed off so many major characters in the past. now that we expect it and think they're going to die, they save them instead. plot twist :lol:
I'm the biggest complainer in the world when it comes to current seasons breaking rules but man I just don't care about fast travel.

Yeah, the fast travel is pretty insignificant. It's not like past seasons didn't use it too. The only difference was that they'd show an extra scene of something happening between point A and point B, but people would still get from point A to point B within one or two episodes max. Without fast travel, people would just complain about things like the scene with Arya and Ed Sheeran :lol:
The writing has become terrible. The dialogue is juvenile at times.

Also, how many times are D&D going to have a character almost die then save him at the last minute. So far off the top of my head:

-Jon saved by the Knights of the Vale in the Battle of the Bastards
-Jaime saved twice by Dickon and Bronn in Loot Train.
-Tormund saved from getting dragged into the ice.
-Jon saved by Benjen today

It's getting corny.

I mentioned this in the spoiler thread during the week, D&D probably agreed to this 8 or so years ago thinking GRRM would have finished the books by now. They would simply adapt a highlight reel of the books to film. Now they've actually been tasked with finishing the damn thing, so I can see why it would end up being a little Hollywood.

What I don't understand are the shortened seasons.
also the thought of seal team 6 type wights being on the NKs payroll to dive down and wrap the chains around his neck :lol:

Yeah this was ridiculous. These wights are nowhere near coordinated enough to do all that :lol:

I don't want to sound like I hate the show now. I still look forward to it every weekend, but recently it's gone from "Damn this show is the GOAT" to "It's a show that I enjoy watching". It's gone from a unique show where you never know what will happen to something more "safe" and generic, if that makes sense. Even without reading spoilers, it was so obvious that somehow the dragons would come in and save the day, and since there's an entire season left, it won't be easy and something will go wrong
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i was reading about the size of Westeros to get a sense of how long it should take to travel between landmarks.

It wasn't very clear. Basically GRRM has a **** sense of scale and there are inconsistencies in the size and scale of Westeros. I feel like Westeros should geographically be the size of Great Britain but then climate-wise it is on the scale of South America (or even North America) in order to accommodate the distinct weather in the north and south.

Throw in that it's unclear if a) any of the measurements are accurate (characters in the books/show are presumably throwing around wild estimates) and b) who knows if the same rules apply there (like how can winter last for years?).

And it doesn't seem like GRRM obsessed over these details to make everything perfectly consistent.

So anyway I'm fine with a raven taking a day to fly to Dany and the dragons taking half a day to fly back to the wall.
I thought even though they're fast traveling the time elapsed is the same as before? though I seen pod at the meeting in the preview so I'm not sure.
Jon and Dany lookin Cain and Ronnie in the hospital after he and Harold got shot in Menace

Dany saw them stab wounds and was like

Jon pleading for forgiveness but Dany like

Meanwhile outside the room Lord Friendzone


Arya gotta chill on the savagery...LF is in the cut baby ma
I know your sis soft but..

Salsa high born privileged herself through Westeros U.

She aint learn a got damn thing in all this

Was worried af about Tormund whew
Homie talkn about I've been South of the Border, New Mexico count right? He deserve them Brienne yambs doe

Tyrion gettin checked all season

What happened to him man? He used to be beautiful

Night King = Nick Saban

Lost a marginal player that was a reach in the draft to begin with only to land the top prospect in the country

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