Official Global Warming Thread

Dude I’m the same way. I remember someone told me on here if I throw banana peels in the woods or something I’m littering.

I told them to F off. It will just turn to dirt or something will eat it.

that’s different than chucking a beer can in the river.
The response to climate change is gonna have to totally uproot the way majority of the planet is used to living.
Trump said about global warming that we need to clean up our forest, there’s a lot of sticks and stuff. Sadly that seems to be about as far as anyone is thinking on the situation.
I’m curious to see if “they” will reverse it.....or just pick up the pieces once “we” are extra crispy.

Billionaires with all the money in the world. They rather go to space and just horde the money to themselves.
Why else do you suppose they’re flying out to space? They know time is running out and they need all the money in the world to escape what’s coming. Got them looking at new real estate with no plans to move us in.
I need to check that one out, thank you 👍

I liked it. Some reviews didn't like it but it played well. Good cast (Damon, Foster, Fichtner, Copley among others) and it shows how scary the future could be. Plus it's directed by Blomkamp. If you like Sci-Fi you'll enjoy it. 👍
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