It looks like a kid ate too much fruity pebbles and threw up on your shoes IMO... but do you mang.
Its funny to me cuz if u threw a limited tag on the fruity pebble throw up shoes. most of u would go nuts.. whats basically the most sought after lbj.....ohhh the fruity pebbles. I ENJOY ALL CRITICISM ANYWAYS CUZ IT PUTS MORE POSTS ON HERE FOR ME TO READ LOL. I DONT DO FACEBOOK
honestly if i didnt have nike talk id be bored all day i love you guys heres another pic for ya
Beieve me the 4s in my opinion were my fav. a bit tight but sweet. never got the fruitys. saw them in person thats it but would trade my space jams for em in a second or if i had corks id trade em .
Hey bruh.. I like em... and dont we all get multiple pairs of what we like??

I own 4 pairs of Bron VIII V1 Triple Black joints.. and when I find more in my size.. I'll buy more...
You created a new account just so you repost your iDs again and again?!? Bring back the approval process ASAP! Why not go to the sneaker showcase section and post your "blog" about your love for your iDs?? Just a thought.
dude i just figured out nike talk i dont even know what a blog is homie. all i know is some one asked for more pics of my ids i showed it to them. PLEASE get off of my case this a lebron x id thread. if you dont have any (not saying you dont) u shouldnt be aloud on here. i enjoy coming on here but someone has something to say about everything. if u dont like a post guess what u can scroll down the page with ease my man
dude i just figured out nike talk i dont even know what a blog is homie. all i know is some one asked for more pics of my ids i showed it to them. PLEASE get off of my case this a lebron x id thread. if you dont have any (not saying you dont) u shouldnt be aloud on here. i enjoy coming on here but someone has something to say about everything. if u dont like a post guess what u can scroll down the page with ease my man

I mean really.

Dude is posting pictures of Lebron X ID in teh ID thread, what is the problem?

It's okay if everyone doesn't like, he does, and he bought them
I just like to pick on em cause he writes those long paragraphs everytime :lol: its pretty funny idk.
Very well executed ID up there. Great use of pink and photo blue! Thought experiment: imagine if Lebrons weren't on ID and that color released. People would be going nuts for it...IMO..
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