***Official Political Discussion Thread***

With off year elections like these, I don’t think that the size or progress of the BBB and other national policy plays a big role. These are contests between small electorates and culture war drives mobilization.

I wish that Democrats would punch back on these culture wars. Like “they don’t teach CRT in k-12 but they should, it’s based and far superior to the schmalzy stories about the founders as singular geniuses. I’d gladly trade “Unite the right CHUDs” for Salvadorans, I’d love to deport those tiki torch dip****s but I don’t know which country would take them. If anything, we need more Trans bathrooms and we should arrest people who maliciously misgender people. Let’s meltdown every single confederate statues, those hollow eyesores were thrown together to intimidate black people, melt those statues down and turn them into housing for the homeless.”

Please stop with these too clever by half response to conservative culture war. Lean into them and match conservative’s intensity.
We need our own media and radio to push back against the lies. Rather have this L tonight than next year.
It’s legitimately an uphill battle for the Dems damn near at all times. I agree the Dems need to run better candidates. Maybe dumb things down and simplify their message. Maybe fear monger and say the gop wants to take away your social security. Because there’s more dumb uneducated people who have minimal knowledge when it comes to politics and what’s going on and ultimately each of their votes counts just as much as those who follow politics and are more informed on the issues and topics. At the end of the day someone who is well educated and follows politics, their vote counts as just one, the same way some dummy who has no clue what’s going on does.

Republican voters are generally less educated. So it’s easy to rile their base up with fear mongering and dumbed down talking points like socialism, critical race theory, the blacks and browns hate America, socialism, defund the police, the Libs want to take away your guns etc while using those boogeyman’s without ever having to seriously articulate their argument or ever getting challenged on it. And given the lack of education for alot of their base, them simply hearing what they want to hear regardless of accuracy or truthfulness is simply good enough for them.

You got a bunch of white people in these rural states with a groupthink mentality and have no problem voting against their best interest if in their eyes it means spiting the blacks and browns and making sure they don’t get “handouts” all while they usually live in states which are on the higher end of spectrum in terms of relying on government assistance.
We need our own media and radio to push back against the lies. Rather have this L tonight than next year.
Man forreal. I loved Michelle's speech and all, but when they go low, you have to meet them there. I also hate when dems say "the voters are smarter than that." No the **** they are not. Let them know over and over that the repubs are lying and they are the reason things don't get done.
For what it's worth Virginia usually goes for the opposite party of the Presidency. Tom was not a good candidate but we have to push back against these basic soundbites.
I'm waiting to make my take. Can't think you can point to any one thing

Dem lost the Attorney General race too.

Seems like there is just a general shift toward the GOP too. Across the board

Same thing is happening in NJ
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Don't worry, I'm sure the usual suspects are in the lab cooking up a banger of a hot take.
Or at least a lazy link drop to spike the ball.

It’s both sad and predictable.

They voted purely on something that isn't even happening to soothe their white fragility. Voters are not smart.
But don’t you dare consider them racist. I’m sure they were just responding to one of those transformational GOP policies for working folks we’ve been hearing so much about.
Yep. It's the *checks notes* PROGRESSIVES fault that the centrist lost. Open the floodgates, hottake media.
I’m not gonna overreact to the VA losses, but acknowledging the trend of things is important. Should things continue down their current path, 2022 and 2024 will not be fun for Dems.

Imagine if we didn’t have those 2 dickheads in Congress blocking any worthwhile legislation and progress. :smh: :smh:
You can't serve two masters (labor and capital). This is why their messaging suffers.

The Dems will not win with centrist politicians. They will not win with wishy-washy appeals to rationality. They will not win with displays of internal bickering they try to portray as bipartisanship.
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