***Official Political Discussion Thread***

That airport video was nuts.

Furthermore, I think a lot of people on the left are making themselves look silly by acting like it is not an issue or and engaging in antisemitic behavior themselves.

And whenever I voice this simple opinion to some of my friends, I get a whataboutism about things the Israeli government does.

Knowing that I hate Bibi, and the IDF.

I been trying to be patient with people because his is a terrible situation and I understand emotions are running high. But I have started to lose my temper.

Like I say stuff like Jewish college students shouldn't have to deal with threats and hostility on campuses (this was in relation to a story I heard about something that happened locally) and my girlfriend's cousins tried to tell me some **** that amounted to me not caring about dead Palestinians kids.

I couldn't resist calling him a clown to his face.

There is nothing progressive, pro-muslim, or Pro-Palestine about harassing random Jewish people.
Spoke with a Jewish colleague after a meeting wrapped up today. She said her Rabbi told her to find the peacekeepers on both sides and support them. A teacher at her synagogue asked how many of them would put a menorah in their window this season; many said they wouldn’t. And some are removing the mezuzah from their doorways. Told her those were wise words from the rabbi.
And at least 2 have attempted to if not actually raped a drunk girl in college. .
Not yet. They look 15. Sounds about right though. 1 of them may also go on to be a law maker in some form.
Is it possible for Biden to rescind the navy travel policy for like 2 days, confirm everybody, and then re-implement it?

Makes sense. Israel is basically America with fewer pretenses.

It’s ironic because from a MMTish point of view, the US has the resources to send weapons to Israel and Ukraine, and fix critical infrastructure, and write off student debt, set up free to use tax software at the IRS, track down wealthy tax cheats, and feed everyone in the US with ample food to spare for victims of famines elsewhere on earth.

So whatever you may think of those policies, the US could do it all. But our elites, at least when it comes to domestic spending act like we’re on a tight gold standard. So through artificial scarcity, they have created a situation where it is Ukraine aid versus student debt relief, more weapons for Israel versus a functioning IRS, Raytheon’s contracts versus quality infrastructure, stabilizing a banking system versus child tax credits and so on.
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Zionists want to take away your civil rights if you disagree with them.

In the last decade or so, Zionists have shown that they cannot be moved by non violent action. Inside and outside of Palestine, they greet Palestinians with violence and elsewhere, since they cannot bomb and besiege us, they use doxxing and harassment and demand loyalty oaths all in response to stuff like not buying from Israeli companies that exploit Palestinians.

Even the GOP usually doesn’t do crap like this. At least not as often relative to the number of times that someone publicly rebukes or criticizes them.

There needs to be regime change in Israel.
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