***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Newsweek has contacted the UN and the Turkish Foreign Ministry for comment via email.

"It is clear that it is necessary to establish new international organizations, consistent with the spirit of the new century and new era, taking into account new balances," Altun said in a commentary published on his government's website.

"Turkey is making preparations for the new multi-dimensional and multi-actor international conjuncture in accordance with the motto of 'The World is Bigger than Five' declared by our President," he said.

"The world is bigger than five" is a slogan that has been used repeatedly by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan for UN reform, and refers to the UN Security Council's five permanent members—the U.S., China, France, Russia, and the U.K..

In September, Erdogan said the UN Security Council "is no longer the guarantor of international security and has become a battleground where the political strategies of five countries clash."

"We must immediately restructure institutions under the UN roof responsible for ensuring world peace, security, and welfare," Erdogan added. "We must build a global governance architecture that is capable of representing all origins, beliefs and cultures in the world."

Well, Elon really locked down Twitter now. I don't have an account but before he bought it, anyone could read tweets and replies. Once he took it over, you needed an account to read tweets and replies. If you didn't have a mn account, there was a backdoor way of just typing the account name and Twitter in Google (Acyn Twitter for example). This would bring up their most recent 5 posts in Google on a timeline as the first search in Google.

Well, that moron now took that away. Type in anyone's name to find their account, the posts don't show up, just their account. But it only goes to very old posts. Nothing recent at all. There goes my way of reading relevant news. I'll definitely rely on others posting them here. Thank you all for posting pertinent info.
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