***Official Political Discussion Thread***

The thought that Alaska might be the deciding factor in this election is HILARIOUS....and watch him take it because of Palin :rofl:
Craziest night of politics I've ever witnessed man,that kind of swing has to unprecedented man :x :x :x

Nothing was crazier than 2000. Nothing. And, in 2004, everyone was convinced Bush was going down. The look on everyone's face that night...man
Part of me wants the orange cheeto to win, so WHEN he fails I can meanmug every person who I know voted for anyone/thing but Hillary
This was an actual question on an exit poll in South Carolina. This country has regressed back into the 1800's

via tariq nasheed
this is from a special election in 2014
Dog, The Apprentice guy is on the verge of leading the most powerful country in the world. Let that sink in for a minute.

I'm looking at my options to **** the U.S. Not just because of Trump, but the asshats I'm surrounded by daily that champion his BS.
I'm convinced that everything was a ruse and this was planned all along. Like how many people who claimed to be voting Hillary actually were for trump the whole time


no one knows who you vote for, so every republican saying they were against Trump was just saying that to save face in case Trump lost because you were seen as a racist x sexist if you backed up Trump and they would have got a bad rep
It's the only thing that makes sense. You have the outward supporters who don't care about being labeled racist and bigots, and you have the closeted supporters lay low the entire time
Craziest night of politics I've ever witnessed man,that kind of swing has to unprecedented man :x :x :x

Nothing was crazier than 2000. Nothing. And, in 2004, everyone was convinced Bush was going down. The look on everyone's face that night...man

Losing all 3 branches in this fashion after being the frontrunner from the outset and duration of the campaign though...

2000 was before my time of being politcally active so I can't say much about then
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Women in the us are ok with trump assaulting women?




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