***Official Political Discussion Thread***

12th golf course trip in 9 weeks..

That's disgusting. If I want a golfer for president I'd vote for Tiger Woods.
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Never thought I'd ever be giving props to the Freedom causcus

Bannon is supposed to be the "intellectual " behind agent orange's agenda,dude is no more of an intellectual than Deebo. Dude is a bully first and foremest
Bannon and the Freedom Caucus have the most in common on their political ideologies, too...this **** just gets stranger and stranger if he was in there trying to strong arm the folks he should theoretically agree with the most...

the circus continues, i guess...
So I was strolling around DC earlier, trying to mind my own business, and all around me were immigrants and foreigners -- Indian, Chinese, Arab, you name it. Disgusting! And then I hear from a mile away this truck blaring "Coming to America," and I thought, how awful, this city is overrun by liberals trying to promote immigration and the demise of our pure nation!

Just when I was about to lose it, I see that the truck is da hemi and it's pulling a giant float with the word "TRUMP" in giant letters. On the float stand half-a-dozen overweight, poorly dressed, unattractive middle-aged white people: unmistakable Trump supporters. The float was covered in the great slogans of our time: Lower Taxes, Repeal Obamacare, Make America Great Again. I rose up in a furious chant: "MAGA! BARSON TWENTY TWENTY! MAGA! BARSON TWENTY TWENTY!"

People cringed at the obnoxiously loud music coming from the truck. Glorious! The liberal tears flooded the streets. I wish ninja could've been there with me to lick the sidewalks.
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Flynn getting ahead of the **** storm, I hope is true, Flynn will become an immediate national hero if he single handedly puts all these clown in prison for treason...son imagine seeing this Cheeto in cuffs...man what a time
Flynn getting ahead of the **** storm, I hope is true, Flynn will become an immediate national hero if he single handedly puts all these clown in prison for treason...son imagine seeing this Cheeto in cuffs...man what a time

Flynn was never at fault criminally though.

where some of ya seem to have forgotten is his talks were leaked via raw intelligence surveillance..da FBI is also zeroing in on who leaked Flynn's name during that surveillance.
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Bannon and the Freedom Caucus have the most in common on their political ideologies, too...this **** just gets stranger and stranger if he was in there trying to strong arm the folks he should theoretically agree with the most...

the circus continues, i guess...

I have to disagree a little bit about the so called "alt right" and the so called "Freedom Caucus" being the same ideologically.

The former will use plutocratic and libertarian means to bring about white supremacist and socialist ends. Meanwhile, the latter will do the opposite.

Bannon and his ilk will talk about liberty and demonize government and try to collapse the Americans State but the ultimate goal is to implement a socialist State that serves white people at the expense of non whites.

The Freedom Caucus will use veiled white supremacist language and talk about "moochers" and "freeloaders" and "makers and takers" in order to get white people to support plutocratic policies.
12th golf course trip in 9 weeks..

That's disgusting. If I want a golfer for president I'd vote for Tiger Woods.

Are you sure he's at a course today? There arent any flight restrictions down in florida or other places in the country right now from what I can see.
12th golf course trip in 9 weeks..

That's disgusting. If I want a golfer for president I'd vote for Tiger Woods.

Are you sure he's at a course today? There arent any flight restrictions down in florida or other places in the country right now from what I can see.

I can't confirm. I'm just going off of the tweet that was posted a page ago.
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12th golf course trip in 9 weeks..

That's disgusting. If I want a golfer for president I'd vote for Tiger Woods.

Are you sure he's at a course today? There arent any flight restrictions down in florida or other places in the country right now from what I can see.

I can't confirm. I'm just going off of the tweet that was posted a page ago.
He changed it up. I think he went golfing in Virginia this time.
Trump mad that Kushner was on vacation while his health bill died


:lol: But he takes weekly vacations himself. He's on one right now. I've noticed dudes literally close shop for the weekend, has there been any other Presidency like that? I can't remember.
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Trump mad that Kushner was on vacation while his health bill died


:lol: But he takes weekly vacations himself. He's on one right now. I've noticed dudes literally close shop for the weekend, has there been any other Presidency like that? I can't remember.

I hope the whole idea that business makes you ready for the political world dies with Trump. Dude is treating the position like a 9-5 with PTO, health, and travel benefits.
Da Don is playing 10D chess right now. He confusing Da Libbies with alternative statements. Carson/Stephen Smith 2020.
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