***Official Political Discussion Thread***

He's talking about the majority of racists

The majority cannot possibly side with 2 different groups

Politics aside, it's pathetic that you don't understand such an elementary concept

No, it's pathetic that you guys say racism only exists on the right [emoji]128553[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]

Majority = more than 50%

A majority of rightwing racists + a majority of leftwing racists > 100%. That's impossible.

On top of that, you couldn't understand that you were essentially adding two different variables during the exchange with Rusty about taxes.

And the only rebuttal you can offer anytime any of your points is countered is insults.
Rusty, you do a great job of highlighting the contrasts between Obama and Clinton and Republican Presidents, past and potential.

However, let's be honest here. The CFPB and Dodd-Frank are the spinner rims of public policy. They look like they are going somewhere but they aren't. Until we have a firewall between deposits and insurance premiums and the wasteful, speculative side of finance, we will have repeats of 2008-2009, every few years.
Rusty, you do a great job of highlighting the contrasts between Obama and Clinton and Republican Presidents, past and potential.

However, let's be honest here. The CFPB and Dodd-Frank are the spinner rims of public policy. They look like they are going somewhere but they aren't. Until we have a firewall between deposits and insurance premiums and the wasteful, speculative side of finance, we will have repeats of 2008-2009, every few years.

I agree with Bernie's end goal, and I do believe there should be a firewall between the banks and the public.

That part was for a couple reasons:

-One to drive home the point that many people were complicit in creating the conditions that cause the financial crisis and subsequent recession. Even Bernie Sanders.

So to imply that a Hillary Clinton presidency will be the catalyst for the next crisis is something I can't agree on. Or even that her taking Wall Street money will prevent her some putting in needed regulations when the time comes. Especially if you tied her to Obama in the very same argument.

Saying Hillary will need to do more is one thing, saying she going to go nothing is another.

---------And lets be honest also, Glass Seagull had been weaken for decades before is was repealed. Like most regulations, the market had found was to beat it, or at very least, marginalize it.

The effectiveness of any policy from Glass Seagull to Dodd Frank hinges on how forcefully it is enforce.

So Bernie presenting Glass Seagull as a panacea for all American's concerns about the banking industry is a bit naive for my liking. Even though my reading his policies there is more to it than just that, he has many of his supporters believing that anything short of Glass Seagull is just appeasing Wall Street

And you and I both know, Wall Street doesn't like Dodd Frank

If Elizabeth Warren was the head of CFPB, was free to roam the jungles of economy, and hunt as she pleased, then we might be having a different discussion about the power of big business

If Barrack Obama got his way entire with ACA, and there was no push back from moderates, Blue Dogs, or republican state governors, if Jonathan Gruber was given free rein, then maybe the "Medicare for all" argument is not being had right now.

Perhaps we have almost gotten to the point that public policies need to overshoot to compensate for the backlash from Wall Street, big business social conservatives, and economic liberals.

Barrack Obama used to make a great point about civil rights laws. He argued that if civil rights lawsuits where much easier to bring about, and the damages more punitive. Then there could be a possibility that things like affirmative action would longer be needed.

And I think that applies to Wall Street regulation. Not matter the policy or program, unless it is shows it has bite, the size of the teeth won't matter.

--------With that said, America needs to elect Bernie Sanders so we can really start biting these clowns on Wall Street :lol:
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Oh lord

It's over. Bernie's only shot was if Millenials actually went out to vote.

With how vocal they are in social media you'd think Bernie would win this with ease.

I was hoping Trump would lose and maybe have a 4 squad race with Trump, GOP, Hilary, and Bernie. That would be lit.

This 2 party system needs to go :smh:

Then you have the most populated sate in the country not havinh a say in this till June when it's already a wrap :smh:
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It's over. Bernie's only shot was if Millenials actually went out to vote.

With how vocal they are in social media you'd think Bernie would win this with ease.

I was hoping Trump would lose and maybe have a 4 squad race with Trump, GOP, Hilary, and Bernie. That would be lit.

This 2 party system needs to go
a 4 way race would just split votes and give away the win to whichever party got their **** together and put their push behind a single candidate.

Without a complete overhaul of the electoral college, multiple runners from a party would guaruntee a loss.
I like what Dean Baker said about regulating the financial services sector, he said that Glass-Steagall (or some modified, new version of it) is indispensable for two reasons. One is the fact that there just are not that many lawyers at the SEC and it is difficult to police for, let alone prosecute, the vaguely defined "systemic risk" presented by every firm and every asset. Sometimes, a big and dumb, black and white regulation is the way to go when those whom we regulate are so litigious, unethical, opaque and well connected. The idea is that it is easy to catch and easy to prove that commercial banking deposits are used in investment banking.

That is the legal argument, there is also the economic argument. The growth of shadow banking, high frequency trading, derivatives and other risky, socially useless financial activities has been subsidized by the siphoning of money from commercial banking. If we could choke off the oxygen to speculative finance, there would soon be much less of it to have to regulate.

You are right that there is not one single solution and that Hillary Clinton would still be miles ahead of any Republican. In fact, Ted Cruz was recently boasting that on day one in office he would "suspend" the CFPB. Sometimes, I think of voting third party if Bernie loses the primary and then I hear someone like Ted Cruz speak. The GOP nominee will be Hillary Clinton's best get-out-the-vote surrogate, if she does indeed win this nomination.
Bernie will win Vermont but Hillary will still get more delegates than him. No way he's going to win, guess it's time to come to grips with it.
Bernie :frown:

Trump is still out here killing man. Can't believe this **** is really happening
Lol @ some of you being surprised trump is winning and will prob win presidency. Y'all thought they was gonna let President Obama being pres for 8 years slide?

You know how petty and ignorant they are. Hence why they will vote trump in even if it's to spite folks.

Anybody with any sense knows this dude trump is not fit to be the country's president.

Then again, it's all a game anyway. We vote the figurehead while they manipulate their agendas. [emoji]128521[/emoji]

Don't ask who "they" is...figure it out.

Its just wild to me that in 2016 someone like Donald Trump can win a political party's Presidential nomination.
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It's reality TV overconsumption mixed with real life and it's a virtual and literal nightmare.
Why though? :lol: Lets keep it 1k the core of this country are bigoted devils. Electing Trump is business as usual getting back to the white supremacist paradise that this country was founded to be. This should come as a surprise to no one.
This picture speaks so much volume man!

Donald is thinking "man I love these silly negroes! If we could just all get them to be this way, then I won't have to worry one bit about them or feel any kind of threat. Just keep them dumb n silly and we will prosper and maybe even stay whiter if our women would stop procreating with these people."


What the hell? That was your first thought? Psycho stuff :lol:
Why though? :lol: Lets keep it 1k the core of this country are bigoted devils. Electing Trump is business as usual getting back to the white supremacist paradise that this country was founded to be. This should come as a surprise to no one.

What's wild is in my heart of hearts I don't even think Trump is a bigot per se but I do think him being the savvy businessman that he is he recognized that the working class, uneducated white population is a group that the establishment has ignored.

So dude went and said whatever that group wanted to hear no matter how absurd. I hate to admit it but I'm not even mad at him for it.
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How is he not a bigot per se?

Because I truly don't think he cares about race I think he will say anything to anyone to gain political power.

The working class, uneducated white voter tends to be racist and xenophobic so I think he just says whatever they want to hear.

They are the base of Republican party at this point.

Who knows he could be a KKK member but he never started this rhetoric until the last few years.
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But what's the difference really between being racist and pretending to be racist?

A real racist becoming President is actually going to implement policy to cause harm to minorities. I think Trump is simply going to try and fatten his wallet and his sphere of influence.

For a man of his character he doesn't really have principles one way or another, this dude just wants to be President for the sake of being President.
Or this could be the real him. I think that's more likely. And we don't know what he would implement because he doesn't have a plan for anything.
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