***Official Political Discussion Thread***

A real racist becoming President is actually going to implement policy to cause harm to minorities. I think Trump is simply going to try and fatten his wallet and his sphere of influence.

For a man of his character he doesn't really have principles one way or another, this dude just wants to be President for the sake of being President.

His xenophobia and fear mongering are gonna have disastrous effects. And don't get me started on his foreign policy.

Trump becoming president is the absolute worst case scenario. The worst part is that it's slowly become inevitable.
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I like what Dean Baker said about regulating the financial services sector, he said that Glass-Steagall (or some modified, new version of it) is indispensable for two reasons. One is the fact that there just are not that many lawyers at the SEC and it is difficult to police for, let alone prosecute, the vaguely defined "systemic risk" presented by every firm and every asset. Sometimes, a big and dumb, black and white regulation is the way to go when those whom we regulate are so litigious, unethical, opaque and well connected. The idea is that it is easy to catch and easy to prove that commercial banking deposits are used in investment banking.

That is the legal argument, there is also the economic argument. The growth of shadow banking, high frequency trading, derivatives and other risky, socially useless financial activities has been subsidized by the siphoning of money from commercial banking. If we could choke off the oxygen to speculative finance, there would soon be much less of it to have to regulate.

You are right that there is not one single solution and that Hillary Clinton would still be miles ahead of any Republican. In fact, Ted Cruz was recently boasting that on day one in office he would "suspend" the CFPB. Sometimes, I think of voting third party if Bernie loses the primary and then I hear someone like Ted Cruz speak. The GOP nominee will be Hillary Clinton's best get-out-the-vote surrogate, if she does indeed win this nomination.

Don't get me wrong, I'm for Glass Seagull returning, and I am upset that Hillary hasn't moved left on that issue.

And I agree, even though it wouldn't be an absolute cure, but would act a great form of preventative care.

I just wish more progressives, especially some members of the Bernie Sanders base would stop discussing it issues like these are either all of nothing scenarios.

I'm always worried about the progressive movement indulging in the same stubbornness you see in the Tea Party.
I'm chalking it up to name recognition & the fact that Bill was the "first black president" :rolleyes

As a Black man I have no incentive to vote for Hillary, but then again I'm supposedly a super predator *shrugs*
I'm chalking it up to name recognition & the fact that Bill was the "first black president" :rolleyes

As a Black man I have no incentive to vote for Hillary, but then again I'm supposedly a super predator *shrugs*

She called you a super predator?
For the life of me I can't figure out why Black people are voting for Hilary.

Because Bernie didn't give them a compelling reason to do otherwise

This is more about Hillary than it is Bernie. Black folks couldn't wait to vote for Hillary. It doesn't matter who her opponent is--the majority of older black folks (who make up the largest segment of the black voting population) are riding with her regardless.

Bernie could've presented a cure for cancer in the midst of his campaign. Wouldn't have mattered. That name recognition and love of Bill is real, no matter how misguided it may be.
Why though? :lol: Lets keep it 1k the core of this country are bigoted devils. Electing Trump is business as usual getting back to the white supremacist paradise that this country was founded to be. This should come as a surprise to no one.

What's wild is in my heart of hearts I don't even think Trump is a bigot per se but I do think him being the savvy businessman that he is he recognized that the working class, uneducated white population is a group that the establishment has ignored.

So dude went and said whatever that group wanted to hear no matter how absurd. I hate to admit it but I'm not even mad at him for it.
Me either. I know people clown him but he worked it to the T. He's a master negotiator and persuading peeps. All the outrageous stuff he said was part of the plan.

He didn't even bother with the under 40 demo because they don't vote. Look at Bernie's numbers tonight.

Millenials the only peeps heated he's about to win.
For the life of me I can't figure out why Black people are voting for Hilary.

Because Bernie didn't give them a compelling reason to do otherwise

This, I don't know why Bernie supporters can't get it through their thick heads.

So Bernie Sanders advocating for equality and speaking out against the establishment's biggest tool of oppression against Black people isn't enough?

After he's done it for damn near 30 years?
Hilary's speeches and the issues she supposedly cares about now sound almost exactly like Bernie's.
For the life of me I can't figure out why Black people are voting for Hilary.

Because Bernie didn't give them a compelling reason to do otherwise

This is more about Hillary than it is Bernie. Black folks couldn't wait to vote for Hillary. It doesn't matter who her opponent is--the majority of older black folks (who make up the largest segment of the black voting population) are riding with her regardless.

Bernie could've presented a cure for cancer in the midst of his campaign. Wouldn't have mattered. That name recognition and love of Bill is real, no matter how misguided it may be.

You're kinda exaggerating. The black vote was there for Hillary in 2008 too, and Obama had to put in work to steal it away too.

The black vote in not a monolith, the GOP is so **** on minority issues that black people are with the democrat. And the endorsement of the person really depends on turnout.

Bern couldn't even crack 25%, and that to says it is more his fault than anyone else's.
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For the life of me I can't figure out why Black people are voting for Hilary.

Because Bernie didn't give them a compelling reason to do otherwise

This, I don't know why Bernie supporters can't get it through their thick heads.

So Bernie Sanders advocating for equality and speaking out against the establishment's biggest tool of oppression against Black people isn't enough?

After he's done it for damn near 30 years?

If that was his actual message, Black people might vote for him. However, all he talks about is Wall Street.
For the life of me I can't figure out why Black people are voting for Hilary.

Because Bernie didn't give them a compelling reason to do otherwise

This, I don't know why Bernie supporters can't get it through their thick heads.

So Bernie Sanders advocating for equality and speaking out against the establishment's biggest tool of oppression against Black people isn't enough?

After he's done it for damn near 30 years?

When did do this? Could you expand on what you're referring too? Because I honestly can't think of what you're referring too.

-Like I said, he game most black voters no compelling reason to jump to his side.

He had no angle to appeal to most black voters. And his campaign has been plagued by more messaging toward the black community

Do I think Bernie cares, sincerely, yes.

But he is horrible at talking about race, and when your trying to reach black folk, that is a red flag.
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So Bernie Sanders advocating for equality and speaking out against the establishment's biggest tool of oppression against Black people isn't enough?

After he's done it for damn near 30 years?

Words and actions are two different things, he's tried to model himself as the anti Washington candidate. But I don't know how you can do that when he's been in the beltway for as long as he's been. And he's also voted for some of the same mass incarceration initiatives we attributed to the Clintons.

And right or wrong it took him a minute to actually speak on the social issues since he's been focused on economics for the majority of his campaign. Add that Hillary had all but promised a third Obama term and Bernie trying to distance himself early in. You could see this coming. Now the question is will the Bernie supporters have sour grapes and not support Hillary in the general election against that maniac Drumpf if he's not VP on the ticket.
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