***Official Political Discussion Thread***

:rofl: @ Bern not criticizing Bush

Not like Drumpf gives details in debates anyway but I hear you :lol:

Just to state that this isn't the first single payer has been brought up in the presidential race...http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2008/08/19/obama-touts-single-payer-system/

Obama said lets do universal now, transition to single payer down the road

Bernie is porpoising something more extreme than most liberals have ever pursued. He needs to be honest about how he will pay for it

And Hillary has a point, his numbers don't add up, he needs to stop yelling and start explaining.

Obama laid some of the groundwork for that path though and it's a bit further along that road right now,Bern won't just be repealing Obamacare completely the way Hillary claims. Yea he's gonna have to work on explaining his plans in detail in these debates,he'll be held under closer scrutiny the longer this race drags on so he'll definitely need to explain his plans with more specifics.

He is fundamentally replacing the ACA though.

The public option was the ground work Obama was talking about. If it expanded big enough, the government would have the power to negotiate prices down, and one day Medicaid, the public options and Medicare could merge for efficiency reasons.

It is find to think big, but Bernie needs to be forthcoming with the details. Because the numbers just don't add up. Even liberal economist that have been screaming about single payer forever say Bernie's numbers don't add up

If only Obeezy hadn't caved to the GOP on the public option :smh:,all this advancing single payer talk would be so much easier :lol:. I feel you there,if I was one of his aides, I'd be drafting up some outlines to some of his plans for public release as they speak :lol:. Seeing it explained in words would help out a lot with folks who believe all his proposals are too good to be true.

Blame **** boy Joe Lieberman for the public option's death. It got through the House

I swear if I see him in the streets, I'm slapping the fire out his damb mouth :smh:
I'm sorry, but I really think you misrepresent Obama and Hillary Clinton's position

This notion that anything sort of the most extreme progressive policy is somehow falls on the right is crazy to me.

Obama pushed for a lot of demand side policies too.

Two things:

I was referring to Bill Clinton in this case.

Obama did go demand side in 2009 and he did push for a jobs stimulus program in 2011, so I give him credit there. If the GOP was more responsible, we would have had de facto stimulus and a better economy today.
Joe Lieberman is many things,**** boy is near the top of the list :rofl: :x

Word to that Internet "kill switch"
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Thank you Bernie for growing a pair and calling the worst of the financiers vultures. I want him to go Matt Taibbi mode and say "blood suckers" at some point.
I'm sorry, but I really think you misrepresent Obama and Hillary Clinton's position

This notion that anything sort of the most extreme progressive policy is somehow falls on the right is crazy to me.

Obama pushed for a lot of demand side policies too.

Two things:

I was referring to Bill Clinton in this case.

Obama did go demand side in 2009 and he did push for a jobs stimulus program in 2011, so I give him credit there. If the GOP was more responsible, we would have had de facto stimulus and a better economy today.

-I figured you were talking about Bill, but I was referring to you constantly calling Hillary a neoliberal

She believes in a strong social safety net, and she believes in regulated capitalism.

She is not enough right for my taste. But I wouldn't put her in the same category of delusional economic thinking as the GOP
Great answerr by Hillary regarding the court. We do need Justices who will consider the impact on real people and real lives. Too many Conservatives treat the Supreme Court like a law school's moot court.
-Shout to Bern Gawd and Trillary for actually debating the real issues facing this country


Dear Hillary,

People don't just need for barriers to be lifted. The needs a boost upwards.

If you tear down the barriers that exist, new ones will form. Then you're just going to be playing a game of oppression whack-a-mole

You need s lil idealism with your pragmatism


Dear Bernie,

Goals without plans are wishes. You have once again perfectly explained the country America needs to become.

But I fear you plan to take us there is a bit naive.

You need a lil pragmatism with you idealism

-To both. You guys needs to be on the same ticket come this November.
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You can't compare the quality of discourse between both parties debates :lol:. On one hand you have a bonafied,televised roast and on the other you have an actual debate discussing how to "make America greater" :lol: :smokin
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-Shout to Bern Gawd and Trillary for actually debating the real issues facing this country


Dear Hillary,

People don't just need for barriers to be lifted. The needs a boost upwards.

If you tear down the ones that exist, new ones will form. Then you're just going to be playing a game of oppression whack-a-mole

You need s lil idealism with your pragmatism


Dear Bernie,

Goals with plans are wishes. You have perfectly once again explained the country America needs to become.

But I fear you plan to take us there is a bit naive.

You need a lil pragmatism with you idealism

-To both. You guys needs to be on the same ticket come this November.

That Bernie Castro video though. :smokin

Just because the audience cheered, don't mean they will win Florida. Remember, Florida is a Republican state.
You can't compare the quality of discourse between both parties debates :lol:. On one hand you have a bonafied,televised roast and on the other you have an actual debate :lol: :smokin

The moderators should have asked some GOP level questions:

Moderator: Senator Sanders, in light of Mr. Drumpf's latest comments, the America people wanna know........what that pipe print looking like papi :nerd:
You can't compare the quality of discourse between both parties debates :lol:. On one hand you have a bonafied,televised roast and on the other you have an actual debate discussing how to "make America greater" :lol: :smokin

Exactly, it's sad how the GOP has to end up a roast half the time, but that's because they are targeting Trump and attacking him often. If it was only two people like this democratic debate, it would be a little more smooth for GOP for debating.
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Not sure why Rubio still hasn't dropped out :lol:. Looks like he really wants to put a dent in his re-election chances eh...
That Bernie Castro video though. :smokin

Just because the audience cheered, don't mean they will win Florida. Remember, Florida is a Republican state.

Republicans don't vote in the Dem primary though

They can in some states


That's so weird though :lol:
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