***Official Political Discussion Thread***

32. TRUMP OR BUST!!!!!!!!!!!
You edited your post asking me when you ever insulted my illness 

I got da receipts. Now who's making an *** of themselves here?

But either way, let's get back on topic. You're free to block me if you can't handle a discussion with a foreigner.
Crazy part is they know they can't.

Ninja might get lynched at a Trump rally dressing like a member of G-Unit who just woke up out a 9 year coma, boy better show up dressed like trump's african american and keep quiet in the back. :rofl:


Security ain't letting Ninjahood in the building off the bat.
You edited your post asking me when you ever insulted my illness :lol:

I got da receipts. Now who's making an *** of themselves here?
But either way, let's get back on topic. You're free to block me if you can't handle a discussion with a foreigner.

^^^ How is me saying your chasing POKEMON mocking your illness???

Smh* Why even bring up your illness in a political thread on a sneaker forum board????
People are actually supporting Trump's childish behavior and attack of the family of a war hero?

Some of you really should take a long look in the mirror if you seriously support such behavior from ANYONE let alone the Republican presidential candidate.

selective outrage again?

where was this during...

last week?
I'm just asking if you go to the rallys? If you think me mentioning race is bad, I'd love to seriously know how you feel while surrounded by his supporters.

In general I don't go to rallys. But since I live in Nova, if the like who wins I'll make the trek into dc for the inauguration.
People are actually supporting Trump's childish behavior and attack of the family of a war hero?

Some of you really should take a long look in the mirror if you seriously support such behavior from ANYONE let alone the Republican presidential candidate.

selective outrage again?

where was this during...

last week?
My point still stands. Would you like to dispute my point or would you rather discuss the things you see me post on Niketalk about?

I'd like to see you respond wth more than a sentence and a biased video in response to my post, but who am I kidding. I don't think you're capable.

If you're unwilling or incapable of discussing the actual topic at hand and not deflect or shift focus by accusing people of being biased, just ignore my posts.
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Trump and his supporters have this tactic down!

Ask them ANY question, and they will answer the vague generic response, than in the next sentence deflect the question and start attacking Clinton on any of the following;

1. Email
2. Wall St.
3. Clinton Foundation
4. Benghazi

I have read so many Facebook comments, article comments, forums, etc. that answer in this manner.
^^^ How is me saying your chasing POKEMON mocking your illness???

Smh* Why even bring up your illness in a political thread on a sneaker forum board????
Because you're the one who asked for it. 

You ask me why I spend time discussing US politics and questioned if I am as invested in my own politics. Implying I cared more about the US than my own country.

I brought up my chronic debilitating illness in response because it's the reason I have so much free time, more than enough to follow both national and international politics. Your response came off as insulting and dismissive of my disease. Such comments don't offend or bother me but you can go look back if you want and see that others found it insulting. In context, the way you responded makes it look like you doubt there's any truth to what I said because I play Pokemon Go.

As for playing Pokemon Go, thanks to my carnitine supplements and repairing my granddad's electric bicycle, I can now finally ride a bicycle again and the game provides some more motivation to go outside and hop on the bike. I lost the ability to ride a standard bicycle around a year ago due to the disease and I can't walk that far either so my time spent outside is pretty limited.

If you want to talk about going off-topic, perhaps you should start with yourself and stop whining about me being a foreigner and questioning my dedication to my own country every time I poke holes in your arguments or say something you don't agree with. Ninja keeps accusing da damn liberals of being unable to handle opposing views but him and you are always the ones crying about it.
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It's so blatant at this point.

I just wonder if they're conscious of it, because I see right through it. I'm sure we all see how ridiculous some of this stuff is, but I'm genuinely starting to think ninjahood really believes the things he talks about.
Respect to McCain. One of the few Republicans with some semblance of a backbone.

I was never a fan, but I'm very disappointed in Paul Ryan. A lot of these dudes really showed how spineless they are.

I spent a good 10 minutes watching the video of him snatching the mic away in '08 just to purge myself of the lack of humanity displayed throughout this whole campaign.

I've never understood the fascination and **** riding of paul ryan and I never will. I don't think he is uniquely intelligent either. He is paraded around like the smartest person in the room.

Trump is just out of his mind or trying to lose. I don't knkw what the **** he is going on about. That response about sacrifice was embarrasing. I don't know why he was going at the mom. He's a walking dumpster fire.
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^^^ How is me saying your chasing POKEMON mocking your illness???

Smh* Why even bring up your illness in a political thread on a sneaker forum board????
Because you're the one who asked for it. :lol:
You ask me why I spend time discussing US politics and questioned if I am as invested in my own politics. Implying I cared more about the US than my own country.
I brought up my chronic debilitating illness in response because it's the reason I have so much free time, more than enough to follow both national and international politics. Your response came off as insulting and dismissive of my disease. Such comments don't offend or bother me but you can go look back if you want and see that others found it insulting. In context, the way you responded makes it look like you doubt there's any truth to what I said because I play Pokemon Go.
As for playing Pokemon Go, thanks to my carnitine supplements and repairing my granddad's electric bicycle, I can now finally ride a bicycle again and the game provides some more motivation to go outside and hop on the bike. I lost the ability to ride a standard bicycle around a year ago due to the disease and I can't walk that far either so my time spent outside is pretty limited.

If you want to talk about going off-topic, perhaps you should start with yourself and stop whining about me being a foreigner and questioning my dedication to my own country every time I poke holes in your arguments or say something you don't agree with. 

Happy to hear it.
Mom of the Benghazi victim directly blamed Clinton for her husband's death... It's like saying Bush is responsible for every death associated with the war in Iraq. 

The parents of the fallen solider didn't blame Trump for his death, they were upset at the fact that Trump would put a ban on people that have died fighting for this country. It's a slap in the face. 

Because you're the one who asked for it. :lol:
You ask me why I spend time discussing US politics and questioned if I am as invested in my own politics. Implying I cared more about the US than my own country.
I brought up my chronic debilitating illness in response because it's the reason I have so much free time, more than enough to follow both national and international politics. Your response came off as insulting and dismissive of my disease. Such comments don't offend or bother me but you can go look back if you want and see that others found it insulting. In context, the way you responded makes it look like you doubt there's any truth to what I said because I play Pokemon Go.
As for playing Pokemon Go, thanks to my carnitine supplements and repairing my granddad's electric bicycle, I can now finally ride a bicycle again and the game provides some more motivation to go outside and hop on the bike. I lost the ability to ride a standard bicycle around a year ago due to the disease and I can't walk that far either so my time spent outside is pretty limited.

If you want to talk about going off-topic, perhaps you should start with yourself and stop whining about me being a foreigner and questioning my dedication to my own country every time I poke holes in your arguments or say something you don't agree with. Ninja keeps accusing da damn liberals of being unable to handle opposing views but him and you are always the ones crying about it.

All we are saying is, The way you come in here, Talking about our politics is like you live in the country and you know what is going, which you DONT. All you know about it is what you see in the Liberal news and what they say in here. If you actually lived here and see the things how they are, I can see where you can come and chime in and make it seem like you know what's up.
Looks like this is the beginning of the end for Trump!


In the wake of the Democratic convention, positive views of Hillary Clinton have risen five points among registered voters, from 31 percent a week ago to 36 percent today. Unfavorable views of Hillary Clinton have dropped six points: from 56 percent to 50 percent.

Earlier this month, two-thirds (67 percent) of those who backed Bernie Sanders during the primaries said they would vote for Clinton in November. After the Democratic convention, and a motion by Sanders himself to have Clinton selected as the nominee, her support among Sanders voters has risen to 73 percent. :smokin

Because you're the one who asked for it. 

You ask me why I spend time discussing US politics and questioned if I am as invested in my own politics. Implying I cared more about the US than my own country.
I brought up my chronic debilitating illness in response because it's the reason I have so much free time, more than enough to follow both national and international politics. Your response came off as insulting and dismissive of my disease. Such comments don't offend or bother me but you can go look back if you want and see that others found it insulting. In context, the way you responded makes it look like you doubt there's any truth to what I said because I play Pokemon Go.
As for playing Pokemon Go, thanks to my carnitine supplements and repairing my granddad's electric bicycle, I can now finally ride a bicycle again and the game provides some more motivation to go outside and hop on the bike. I lost the ability to ride a standard bicycle around a year ago due to the disease and I can't walk that far either so my time spent outside is pretty limited.

If you want to talk about going off-topic, perhaps you should start with yourself and stop whining about me being a foreigner and questioning my dedication to my own country every time I poke holes in your arguments or say something you don't agree with. Ninja keeps accusing da damn liberals of being unable to handle opposing views but him and you are always the ones crying about it.

All we are saying is, The way you come in here, Talking about our politics is like you live in the country and you know what is going, which you DONT. All you know about it is what you see in the Liberal news and what they say in here. If you actually lived here and see the things how they are, I can see where you can come and chime in and make it seem like you know what's up.
No you don't. You don't think where he is from is what makes what he says less valid you think that cause you don't agree with it or like it. There are many Americans born and raised in this country who and believe the same things many in this thread and on this site and you discredit and don't care about what they say as well even though they are American so please cut the bull**** of if you lived here then you would see how things really are cause there are plenty of people that do live here that don't agree with your POV.
Aint no one mad, B. This is a sneaker forum. I do this for the entertainment and comedy in here. I get a kick out of your guys mocking and talking crap on Trump. Its keep me entertained in my 125K a year job. Thanks fellas.....:nthat: niketalk! Niketalk!
He needs to be from America to understand Benghazi? 

or the email scandal? 

or any of the other reasons why people don't like momma'Hill? 

how would PHYSICALLY BEING IN america help him understand the **** that anti-Hillary people use against her? Lol

it's nothing but reading material....anyone could form an opinion with all the information available on the internet --- facts have no political ties 

All we are saying is, The way you come in here, Talking about our politics is like you live in the country and you know what is going, which you DONT. All you know about it is what you see in the Liberal news and what they say in here. If you actually lived here and see the things how they are, I can see where you can come and chime in and make it seem like you know what's up.

Man shut up

Your understanding of this election BARELY goes past Trump's campaign slogans and buzzwords

You sound absolutely ridiculous trying to insult the depth of someone else's knowledge on the topic
No you don't. You don't think where he is from is what makes what he says less valid you think that cause you don't agree with it or like it. There are many Americans born and raised in this country who and believe the same things many in this thread and on this site and you discredit and don't care about what they say as well even though they are American so please cut the bull**** of if you lived here then you would see how things really are cause there are plenty of people that do live here that don't agree with your POV.

We agree to disagree.

We still NT brothers in the USMNT thread though right? :tongue:
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