***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Aint no one mad, B. This is a sneaker forum. I do this for the entertainment and comedy in here. I get a kick out of your guys mocking and talking crap on Trump. Its keep me entertained in my 125K a year job. Thanks fellas.....
niketalk! Niketalk!
No you don't. You don't think where he is from is what makes what he says less valid you think that cause you don't agree with it or like it. There are many Americans born and raised in this country who and believe the same things many in this thread and on this site and you discredit and don't care about what they say as well even though they are American so please cut the bull**** of if you lived here then you would see how things really are cause there are plenty of people that do live here that don't agree with your POV.
We agree to disagree.

We still NT brothers in the USMNT thread though right?
I don't believe in agreeing to disagree I think thats a cop out. When it's time to cheer for the USMNT/WT I will BUT this thread isn't about the USMNT for someone who has asked people why they bring up subjects not related to politics in this thread you sure are quick to do it when you want to get off a subject.
Damm Looks like you are the ones that are mad that I dont agree with your politician views. Is all good. Trump's got this. I wonder how many of you will move out of the country when he wins?? :lol:
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Seems like a lot of people take issue with that guy in this thread. He adds absolutely nothing to this discussion. He watches some CNN or whatever news source and then comes in and parrots. Not a single unique perspective.
Not mad at all just stating I don't believe in "agreeing to disagree". And I don't plan on moving out of this country I plan on staying here and doing what I have to do to make it a become a better place and part of that is doing my part to make sure Trump doesn't get in the White House.
Seems like a lot of people take issue with that guy in this thread. He adds absolutely nothing to this discussion. He watches some CNN or whatever news source and then comes in and parrots. Not a single unique perspective.

You shouldn't talk about KRISPACINLA, ninja, and yourself like that.
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Always weird when someone brings up their salary as if that shines some light on their character. Then again, that seems to be a big reason for the initial Trump support.
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Still undecided, my ***

I believe in totality the number of people who are truly undecided is vastly over exaggerated. These NT Drumpf defenders have definitely made their choice already. The posturing as being independents when all of your ideology falls on the right and the mental gymnastics to avoid any real constructive discussion is hilarious. Funny for all the liberal bashing, we at least acknowledge Trillary has her share of flaws. Drumpf literally can do no wrong. Who's really in denial in here?
Again, yall just getting trolled by Krispa. Read his posts deeper, he just trying to get a reaction. NinjaHood and RicoHood are srs from the looks of it, though. Might eem be the same poster.
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lmao @ the thought of ninjahood at a trump rally

You guys should really attend a Trump rally. Wouldn't it make sense to see fellow trump supporters in person? To understand what Trump and his people are like in reality. Could turn out really well and enforce your vote. But wouldn't it be nice to see likeminded people in the flesh. Rather than all the backlash he gets. Especially for Ninja since he lives in NYC. Ultimately, Trump is trying to build a future for those people in attendance. Not so much his internet crowd.
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You guys should really attend a Trump rally. Wouldn't it make sense to see fellow trump supporters in person? To understand what Trump and his people are like in reality. Could turn out really well and enforce your vote. But wouldn't it be nice to see likeminded people in the flesh. Rather than all the backlash he gets. Especially for Ninja since he's in NYC. Ultimately, Trump is trying to build a future for those people in attendance. Not so much his internet crowd.
I went to a trump Rally and it was lilly white. No Ninjahoods in sight. I was one of a handful of people of color there.
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Seems like a lot of people take issue with that guy in this thread. He adds absolutely nothing to this discussion. He watches some CNN or whatever news source and then comes in and parrots. Not a single unique perspective.
we talking about ninjahood? i still think he means well.
Why do Dominicans like ninja dress like the average urban black dude? Do Dominicans have their own culture that is separate from hip hop/ urban culture? Most Dominicans I know dress like the stereotypical black hood dude. I respect Mexicans because they have their own distinct culture that separates them from other Hispanics in NYC.
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