***Official Political Discussion Thread***

“The federal government may neither issue directives requiring the states to address particular problems, nor command the states’ officers, or those of their political subdivisions, to administer or enforce a federal regulatory program,” Justice Antonin Scalia wrote in a 1997 Supreme Court ruling.

On Tuesday, Mr. Trump appeared to seek a face-saving way out, saying he was “authorizing” governors to decide for themselves when to reopen their states. He offered no explanation for the implication that his permission was necessary before they could lift their own orders.

Such an interesting legal argument that one of the most far right justices in the history of the Supreme Court has precedent of him arguing the opposite and Trump himself backtracked on the claim after a day. Very interesting.

Her run for governor in 2018, Beto O’Rourke’s Senate run in 2018 Bernie Sanders presidential run all were based on a theory of mobilizing non voters. Abrams was the most success of those three.

Biden would be a fool to not select her as VP.

A whole fool.

I hope picking Klobuchar over her isn’t a serious consideration.
once the 2k a month stimulus check rolls out our president-elect will have the 2020 presidential race wrapped up! dude has done so much for Americans during this crisis
Look, now is not the time to get comfortable.

They are using Covid as an excuse to take away our freedoms. They are forcing us onto welfare. Then Fraudulent Fauci and Guilty Gates are going to use the "vaccine" to a) force autism on us, b) alter our DNA, c) inject us with microchips so that they can read our minds and control our behavior. If this seems far-fetched to you, YOU HAVNE'T BEEN PAYING ANY ATTENTION. Stop watching lamestream media like CNN and Fox News and WAKE UP sheeple.

This will culminate with the ultimate death of democracy when they TAKE AWAY OUR ASSAULT RIFLES. Yes, you heard me right, they want to rip apart the Constitution to take away our guns.

How do we stop it? How do we stop them from trampling our rights? ONE: give executive branch full authority over the states. TWO: silence the media. THREE: gather in church parking lots and show love of Christ to all by shaking hugs, hugging, and kissing. FOUR: make sure women, immigrants, and non-land-owners are not allowed to vote. That is the only way to make sure of FIVE: elect DONALD JENIUS TRUMP for President in November so that he can undo these last 4 years that have been a disaster.
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