***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Don't forget the reinterpretation of the 2nd amendment and the resultant gun epidemic.

As a Marxist, I'm pretty sympathetic towards civilian gun ownership although the NRA is trash because it lobbies for very dangerous people to amass an arsenal while doing nothing to allow former felons, such as 60 year old black guys who did time in the 80's for selling crack, to own a single gun for home defense. Fight for breadth of gun ownership not depth of gun ownership for a very few.

No matter your position on guns and gun rights, one argument that does not hold water is the idea that civilians will use their guns to form militias to fight tyranny. Aside from John Brown and few other abolitionists, the gun owning, white majority never does this. I'm imagining an America where gun owners would, en masse, form militias to fight tyranny. In that America, things would be very different.

Imagine the Whiskey rebellion succeeding and financial capitalism being less powerful. Imagine poor whites from across the south rallying to defend the Cherokee from eviction from their land. Imagine John Brown and bleeding Kansas amplified a thousand fold. Imagine white southerns rebelling against the confederate government and swiftly ending that war. Imagine poor whites protecting black voters in the late 19th century south. Imagine whites in California liberating Japanese internment camps. Imagine, so called tea party patriots liberating the concentration camps on the southern border today.

This is all the stuff of fantasy because guns without intra working class solidarity nor interracial solidarity are just a prop, a toy designed to make the great American lumpen feel free despite their material conditions suggesting otherwise.




Told you @aepps20 you need to be getting PAID!

I wonder what Colbert could have gotten with these guys.. considering bush and co had him at the correspondents dinner

Reminds me the black conservative chick in dear white people and the boondocks episode on Ann Coulter.

We had a similar one in Scotland in that the Chief Medical Officer (bit like Fauci - advising the government) travelled to her second home and was photographed taking a walk there with her family.

Tried to ride it out but had to resign the next day.
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