Official Post Your Ethnicity Thread


Word to HEH, glad someone pointed this out (even though ya'll are ignoring what she said).

My ethnicity: Pakeha/NZ European

My nationality: 1/4 English, 1/4 German, 1/2 Kiwi
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by LESfamilia

Great and concise explanation, HH. I wanted to type something like that out, but I was too lazy.
Thank you!Everytime I come in these type of posts, I just shake my head. Ethnicity also tends to be linked to race at times,but more likely I find it linked a lot to language too.

Here is a list I found that lists ethnicites/races by countries:

It is not accurate or perfect in its listing, but does give a general view of the different ethnicities by countries.
well according to the list you found, i am "mixed black-Amerindian"... or possibly mulatto. idfk, but either way both of my parents arecolombian & i was born/raised in Miami. ay!
I come from a somewhat large tribe of Natives in Alaska, actually two, I'm half Tlingit and half Haida, so technically I'm full blooded but twodifferent tribes.
Is black an ethnicity?

Not trying to be funny, but is it just assumed if someone says they are black they are African American? To me black is a color and ethnicity is like yourbackground where you or your family originates. Many ethnicity's have black people. Again not trying to make jokes.
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