Official White Privilege Thread

...that all lives matter thing is so stupid and a sort of disrespectful plea for attention.

As if saying black lives matter is saying that lives of other races don't.

There's also an implied "too" at the end of black lives matter because the system and society already shows us that the lives of white people matter.

...this **** with unfair treatment and regard for black lives from law enforcement (who are supposed to protect us) has become an obvious cause for concern in this country.

Heard a dude on CNN make those same exact bolded points I made 2 years ago, so I went back and searched for this post because I remembered saying it.

Anyways in lieu of what's been going on, maybe there are some new things on minds of NTers regarding this topic

Those folks need to understand it's not about exclusion (from a white person's perspective), it's about inclusion (from a black person's perspective).
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...that all lives matter thing is so stupid and a sort of disrespectful plea for attention.

As if saying black lives matter is saying that lives of other races don't.

There's also an implied "too" at the end of black lives matter because the system and society already shows us that the lives of white people matter.

...this **** with unfair treatment and regard for black lives from law enforcement (who are supposed to protect us) has become an obvious cause for concern in this country.
Heard a dude on CNN make those same exact bolded points I made 2 years ago, so I went back and searched for this post because I remembered saying it.

Anyways in lieu of what's been going on, maybe there are some new things on minds of NTers regarding this topic
Those folks need to understand it's not about exclusion (from a white person's perspective), it's about inclusion (from a black person's perspective).
strong avy to post ratio. couldn't have said it better  
Molestation is worse than murder? Huh!? :lol:

Pretty sure killing someone is the worst thing you can do unless it's self defense.

Quoting an old response here.

That is the dumbest post in NT. There's no excuse for molesting a child.

Killing another person, like you said, there's actually good reason for certain scenarios to kill another human being.

Holy crap... I hope you were just trolling. The stupidy is just wowwww.
Molestation is worse than murder? Huh!?

Pretty sure killing someone is the worst thing you can do unless it's self defense.
Quoting an old response here.

That is the dumbest post in NT. There's no excuse for molesting a child.

Killing another person, like you said, there's actually good reason for certain scenarios to kill another human being.

Holy crap... I hope you were just trolling. The stupidy is just wowwww.
if you had a kid...

would you rather they get molested or murdered if you had to choose... sit down
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Molestation is worse than murder? Huh!?

Pretty sure killing someone is the worst thing you can do unless it's self defense.
Quoting an old response here.

That is the dumbest post in NT. There's no excuse for molesting a child.

Killing another person, like you said, there's actually good reason for certain scenarios to kill another human being.

Holy crap... I hope you were just trolling. The stupidy is just wowwww.
Those "good reasons" are called self-defense.

Let me rephrase it for you: would you rather have your child molested or killed senselessly?
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I don't play many games, but saw the pic somewhere else and thought those guys were the heroes and was wondering if they were promoting that whole patriot bs. At this point, patriots are the villains in real life. They're stuck in a time that no longer exists and want the whole world to suffer so they can remain in their fantasy.
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I don't play many games, but saw the pic somewhere else and thought those guys were the heroes and was wondering if they were promoting that whole patriot bs. At this point, patriots are the villains in real life. They're stuck in a time that no longer exists and want the whole world to suffer so they can remain in their fantasy.

Nah, that's how Ubisoft promotes Far Cry games. The villain is at the forefront of the marketing. They did the same thing for the last two games

‘The Lowest White Man’
Charles M. Blow Jan. 11, 2018

President Trump at the White House on Sunday. Eric Thayer for The New York Times

I guess Donald Trump was eager to counter the impression in Michael Wolff’s book that he is irascible, mentally small and possibly insane. On Tuesday, he allowed a bipartisan session in the White House about immigration to be televised for nearly an hour.

Surely, he thought that he would be able to demonstrate to the world his lucidity and acumen, his grasp of the issues and his relish for rapprochement with his political adversaries.

But instead what came through was the image of a man who had absolutely no idea what he was talking about; a man who says things that are 180 degrees from the things he has said before; a man who has no clear line of reasoning; a man who is clearly out of his depth and willing to do and say anything to please the people in front of him.

He demonstrated once again that he is a man without principle, interested only in how good he can make himself look and how much money he can make.

Yes, he has an intrinsic hostility to people who are not white, particularly when they challenge him, but as a matter of policy, the whole idea of building a wall for which Mexico would pay was just a cheap campaign stunt to, once again, please the people in front of him.

Trump is not committed to that wall on principle. He is committed only to looking good as a result of whatever comes of it. Mexico is never going to pay for it, and he knows it. He has always known it. That was just another lie. Someone must have stuck the phrases “chain migration” and “diversity lottery” into his brain — easy buzzwords, you see — and he can now rail against those ideas for applause lines.

But he is completely malleable on actual immigration policy. He doesn’t have the stamina for that much reading. Learning about immigration would require reading more words than would fit on a television news chyron.

If Donald Trump follows through with what he said during that meeting, his base will once again be betrayed. He will have proved once again that he was saying anything to keep them angry, even telling lies. He will have demonstrated once again his incompetence and unfitness.

And once again, they won’t care.

That is because Trump is man-as-message, man-as-messiah. Trump support isn’t philosophical but theological.

Trumpism is a religion founded on patriarchy and white supremacy.

It is the belief that even the least qualified man is a better choice than the most qualified woman and a belief that the most vile, anti-intellectual, scandal-plagued simpleton of a white man is sufficient to follow in the presidential footsteps of the best educated, most eloquent, most affable black man.

As President Lyndon B. Johnson said in the 1960s to a young Bill Moyers: “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”

Trump’s supporters are saying to us, screaming to us, that although he may be the “lowest white man,” he is still better than Barack Obama, the “best colored man.”

In a way, Donald Trump represents white people’s right to be wrong and still be right. He is the embodiment of the unassailability of white power and white privilege.

To abandon him is to give up on the pact that America has made with its white citizens from the beginning: The government will help to underwrite white safety and success, even at the expense of other people in this country, whether they be Native Americans, African-Americans or new immigrants.

But this idea of elevating the lowest white man over those more qualified or deserving didn’t begin with Johnson’s articulation and won’t end with Trump’s manifestation. This is woven into the fabric of the flag.

As I have written here before, when Alabama called a constitutional convention in 1901, Emmet O’Neal, who later became governor, argued that the state should “lay deep and strong and permanent in the fundamental law of the state the foundation of white supremacy forever in Alabama,” and as part of that strategy he argued:

“I don’t believe it is good policy to go up in the hills and tell them that Booker Washington or Councill or anybody else is allowed to vote because they are educated. The minute you do that every white man who is not educated is disfranchised on the same proposition.”

In his essay “Black Reconstruction in America, 1860-1880,” W.E.B. Du Bois discussed why poor whites didn’t make common cause with poor blacks and slaves but instead prized their roles as overseers and slave catchers, eagerly joining the Klan. This fed the white man’s “vanity because it associated him with the masters,” Du Bois wrote.

He continued:

“Slavery bred in the poor white a dislike of Negro toil of all sorts. He never regarded himself as a laborer, or as part of any labor movement. If he had any ambition at all it was to become a planter and to own ‘******s.’ To these Negroes he transferred all the dislike and hatred which he had for the whole slave system. The result was that the system was held stable and intact by the poor white.”

For white supremacy to be made perfect, the lowest white man must be exalted above those who are black.

No matter how much of an embarrassment and a failure Trump proves to be, his exploits must be judged a success. He must be deemed a correction to Barack Obama and a superior choice to Hillary Clinton. White supremacy demands it. Patriarchy demands it. Trump’s supporters demand it.
This Quora Answer Is the Perfect Metaphor for White Privilege


Answer by Omar Ismail, Stand Up Comedian, on Quora.

I am white. That’s all you know about me. Am I privileged based on that alone and assuming I am, should I feel guilt and what should I do about it?


Consider it this way. All I know about you is you’re tall.

Do you have any advantages?


Does that mean you don’t deserve the can of tuna on the higher shelf? No. Nobody is saying that. Eat away mighty giant.

Should you feel guilty about getting the tuna from the top shelf? No. Nobody is saying that. Lighten your soul’s burden and let it fly free in the clouds beneath your knees.

Does that mean short people can’t get the tuna? No.

Does that mean there aren’t disadvantages of being tall? No.


Nobody is saying that. You have our sympathy for your poor bruised knees.

What people are saying is:

  1. Denying you are lucky is silly.
  2. Stop looking bewildered every time a short person can’t reach something. We’re sick of explaining this incredibly simple concept.
  3. We know there are things you do not have (i.e. even higher shelves).
  4. We know there may be other things preventing you reaching the high shelves. Maybe you have bad elbows or arthritis. Short people with arthritis are still below you. You are still lucky you are tall.
  5. It works out well for most people, for the grocery store to put most things on medium shelves.
  6. If you can help shorter people with things on higher shelves, do so. Why would you not do that? Short people can help you with stuff on lower shelves.
  7. We are annoyed that the people who run the grocery store put all the best stuff on the top shelves.
  8. There are a lot of people who are putting things on higher shelves because they hate short people. Don’t associate with those people. They want everything to be about this height:

Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945) in Munich in the spring of 1932. (Photo by Heinrich Hoffmann/Archive Photos/Getty Images)
Heinrich Hoffmann—Getty Images

Same with white. Advantages. It doesn’t mean you’re rich. It doesn’t mean you’re luckier than a lucky black guy. Nobody wants you to be crippled with guilt. Nobody has ever wanted that, or means those things.

It means you have an advantage, and all anyone is asking is that you *get* that. Once you get that, it’s pretty straightforward to all the further implications.
Lately, my company has completely turned a 180 on me. Volume is picking up and we are losing staff faster than we are hiring people.

My supervisor is a very privileged white woman who randomly became our supervisor for my department out of nowhere back in October. I have been going through some hardship because I lost my roommate back in January because I thought my company was going to transfer me to their other location in NC but I was told I had "weaknesses" to take care of before I could get transferred. Anyways, NC is not going to happen because I have to pay my way down there and they would adjust my pay rate to conform to NC. I am in Massachusetts.

We had our 1-on-1 meeting last week and she knows that I am going through some hardship at the moment because I can't find a roommate and can't sustain living in a 2bed/1bath in Massachusetts by myself. Plus, they gave me a false sense of hope thinking that I would be able to go to NC.

Anyways, she tells me that she went through some hard times as well. Her tough time was that she was a young mother with 2 kids who had just bought an 8000 square feet home with her husband. However, they couldn't afford it so she had to move back in with her parents. An 8000 square feet home is a mini mansion. An 8000 square feet home in Massachusetts costs millions. That right there showed me how different our worlds are. I was thinking to myself "I wonder how much square footage her parents house is?"

Unfortunately, all this false sense of hope from my company has put me in a very depressed state. Now, my supervisor keeps micromanaging me. I'm trying to get out of there but I can't seem to find employment right now. I just need some kind of income to come in before I can say I am out at this company.

Thanks for reading/listening. I've been wanting to get this off my back.
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Damn, sounds rough man. I will say though that that's just a priveledged response. Most white people ain't buying 8000 sq ft homes.

Sorry about your current situation, your supervisor sounds like a real prick. How could she even compare the 2 situations?
Michigan Woman Who Lied, Saying 4 Black Men Kidnapped, Raped Her, Receives Prison Time After Failed Escape

Michigan Woman Who Lied, Saying 4 Black Men Kidnapped, Raped Her, Receives Prison Time After Failed Escape

Yesha Callahan
Friday 7:15am

Leiha Ann-Sue Artman (Muskegon, Mich., Jail)

You’d think that lying about being kidnapped and raped by four black men, and then only receiving a year in fake “jail” for the fabricated story, would have been more than enough reason for Leiha Ann-Sue Artman to get her life together. But apparently it wasn’t, because she’s been sentenced to an additional 13 months to four years in prison for resisting and obstructing police.

In 2016, Artman concocted the kidnapping story that included her being thrown into the trunk of a car and raped, and her boyfriend even received fake text messages demanding a ransom. She was then sentenced to a year in an alternative jail program. Well, now she’s heading to the big pokey, according to MLive.

Artman apparently violated the alternative jail’s parole orders and was taken into custody. But during an October hospital visit under police supervision, Artman tried to make a run for it.

“Ms. Leiha Ann-Sue Artman was transported from the Muskegon County Jail to Hackley Hospital based upon information provided by her indicating that she may have been sexually assaulted prior to arriving at the jail,” Muskegon County Chief Assistant Prosecutor Timothy Maat explained.

Of course, Artman’s escape was foiled, and now the 27-year-old says that her life and drug addiction are spiraling out of control.

A Michigan woman who said that four black men kidnapped, raped and beat her for two days will spend a year behind bars for making the incident up, reports.

Leiha Ann-Sue Artman, 25, pleaded guilty to making a false report of a felony, a crime punishable by up to four years. MLive reports that even though Artman has a considerable rap sheet, the judge did not send her to prison, so she will do her year in the county jail.

Artman told investigators that she had been kidnapped March 27, when four black men snatched her from her driveway and threw her in the trunk of their car. She claimed that the foursome drove her to an unknown location, where they repeatedly raped and beat her.

The Fruitland Township, Mich., woman kept the farce going by sending her boyfriend text messages that included selfies of herself bound, gagged and bleeding from the head. She begged the boyfriend to pay the “ransom” the kidnappers were asking for.

Artman eventually called the boyfriend to say that her abductors had dropped her near her home. He drove her to a hospital, where she told police of the fabricated kidnapping. She later admitted that she had made the entire story up.

Artman is the not the first white person who accused black men of some heinous harm or crime and turned out to be lying. From Susan Smith and Charles Stuart to the Emmett Till and Scottsboro Boys cases, this country’s history is littered with these notorious and fabricated situations, sometimes leading to death for the falsely accused.

In addition to jail, Artman will be placed on probation for two years and will pay a fine of $1,158.
Mark Wahlberg recently filed a petition seeking to have a 1988 assault and robbery conviction permanently cleared from his record. But what of Marky Mark's other youthful indiscretions?

Remember when Mark Wahlberg allegedly yelled racial slurs and threw rocks at black kids?
In a 1986 civil rights action, the Massachusetts Attorney General sued Wahlberg and two friends, Michael Guilfoyle and Derek Furkart, alleging that Wahlberg—then 14—and his buddies yelled racial slurs and threw rocks at schoolchildren. The incident began when they noticed three black children walking home from school. Via the Smoking Gun:

As they were walking, defendants Michael Guilfoyle, Derek Furkart, Mark Wahlberg, and another white male began to follow them on bicycles. One of the defendants said to the Colemans, "We don't like black ******s in the neighborhood so get the fukk away from the area." The group of white males then chased the Colemans, using their mopeds.

During the chase, the group of white males yelled, "Kill the ******, kill the ******," and each threw a rock at the Coleman brothers and sister.

According to the suit, Wahlberg and his friends spotted the children with their teacher, a Mrs. Deshaies, out on a field trip the next day. Wahlberg and his friends allegedly yelled racial slurs and again threw rocks at the children. Two girls—one black student and one white student—were hit in the head. Wahlberg was also accused of throwing a bag of rocks at another white female student. The teacher had to summon an ambulance, which eventually "chased the defendants away from Mrs. Deshaies and her students."

Wahlberg agreed to a final judgment by consent, settling the case without admitting any guilt. He also made an agreement not to assault, threaten, intimidate or harass people because of their race, violation of which would result in criminal charges.

Remember when Mark Wahlberg beat a Vietnamese stranger with a stick while calling him a "Veitnam fukking ****"?
This is the incident detailed in Wahlberg's pardon application. In 1988, Wahlberg, now 16, attacked a Vietnamese man named Thanh Lam who was walking down the street with two cases of beer. Via theSmoking Gun:

Wahlberg was carrying a large wooden stick, approximately five feet long and two to three inches in diameter. Wahlberg approached Thanh Lam calling him a "Vietnam fukking ****," then hit him over the head with the stick. Thanh Lam was knocked to the ground unconscious. The stick broke in two and was later recovered from the scene.

After police arrested Wahlberg... he stated: "You don't have to let him identify me, I'll tell you now that's the mother-fukker who's head I split open," or words to that effect.

But Wahlberg committed a second assault before police caught up to him, court documents say.

Remember when Mark Wahlberg blinded another Vietnamese man in one eye almost immediately afterward?
As he fled from Thamh Lam, he ran into a second Vietnamese man, Hoa Trinh.

Wahlberg ran up to Hoa Trinh, put his arm around Hoa Trinh's shoulder, and said: "Police coming, police coming, let me hide." After a police cruiser passed, Wahlberg punched Trinh in the eye, causing him to fall to the ground.

Police arrived and Hoa Trinh identified Wahlberg as the person who punched him. Wahlberg was placed under arrest and read his rights. Thereafter he made numerous unsolicited racial statements about "****s" and "slant-eyed ****s."

Trinh was permanently blinded in one eye. Wahlberg, who also had marijuana on him, was arrested for attempted murder and eventually pled guilty to two counts of criminal contempt. Though 16 at the time, he was charged as an adult and received a 90-day sentence, of which he served 45 days.

Remember when Mark Wahlberg wrote a memoir?
In 1992 20-year-old Wahlberg, now famous as Marky Mark of Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch, wrote a memoir. He dedicated it to his penis.

Remember when Mark Wahlberg beat a security guard so badly his jaw had to be wired shut?
In 1992, Wahlberg managed to avoid criminal charges for assault and battery when he reached a settlement with the victim just days before the trial was scheduled to begin. The victim, a 20-year-old security guard named Robert D. Crehan, said Wahlberg kicked him in the face repeatedly while Wahlberg's bodyguard, Derek McCall, held him down.

Crehan, who later had to have his jaw wired shut, said he was "satisfied with the [unspecified] settlement and didn't want to pursue the case any further."

Remember when Mark Wahlberg admitted to stealing cars and freebasing cocaine?
Wahlberg also claims he "stole cars, rolled rich kids and was freebasing cocaine by age 13," which he played up in a 2010 60 Minutessegment.

Asked if he was a good thief, Wahlberg told [Lara] Logan "I was pretty good. I was pretty good. I was pretty daring."

A rare positive influence for Wahlberg was [Father Jim] Flavin. The street punk and the parish priest struck up an unlikely friendship. Flavin saw a glimmer of Wahlberg's future one day during one of Wahlberg's many appearances in court before a judge.

"He was just pouring it onto the judge, you know, 'I'll never do it again.' You know, 'I'm sorry,' and he was wonderful. You know, he started tearing up, and the judge just melted and said, 'All right, you know, this'll be it.' And he turned around and started out. And he looked at me and winked. And I said, 'You little bugger. That was an Academy Award performance in the court room,'" Fr. Flavin remembered.

"Father Flavin says that he could barely see you over the steering wheel when you were driving around, waving at him from stolen cars," Logan told Wahlberg.

Now a successful actor, producer, and director, Wahlberg's only recent assaults on unsuspecting members of the public have aired on HBO. In his pardon application, he emphasizes his charitable endeavors—many of which involve at-risk kids—and says his past has prevented him from working with law enforcement to further those efforts. Wahlberg, a restauranteur, also notes he's had trouble obtaining a California concessionaire's license because of his record.
Bryan Singer: The Epitome of Hollywood’s White Male Privilege Problem
The director, who was fired from the Freddie Mercury biopic, has reportedly exhibited unprofessional behavior for years, from hard-partying to sexual-assault allegations.


When Jessica Chastain tweeted, “Let us not forget,” before linking to an article about Bryan Singer’s past sexual-assault allegations, who could’ve imagined that he’d soon be fired for a completely unrelated offense?

On Monday, The Hollywood Reporter broke the news that Singer has been fired from directing the upcoming Freddie Mercury biopic Bohemian Rhapsody, starring Rami Malek. It comes following reports of repeated absences from the set, which were explained away as “a personal health matter” and “unexpected availability,” according to different outlets.

Whatever the real reason, Singer hadn’t returned to the set since Thanksgiving, which led to his dismissal from the film. However, THRrevealed today that there was far more drama on the set than unplanned absences. After Malek complained to the studio of Singer’s absence on set, they reportedly had a confrontation in which Singer threw an object at him. Amidst this, the actor Tom Hollander is alleged to have quit the production and had to be persuaded to return. During Singer’s sabbatical, cinematographer Thomas Newton Sigel directed to keep the film on schedule.

If you want an egregious example of the type of privilege afforded to white men in Hollywood, look no further than Singer’s career. Instances like this on set would get almost anyone fired, but this isn’t even the first time Singer has been unreliable and unprofessional on set.

THR reports that he pulled similar disappearing acts from the sets of X-Men: Apocalypse and Superman Returns, and there have long been rumors of strife with actors on the sets of his X-Men films. Most famously, there was the time Halle Berry allegedly got into a fight with Singer and told him to “kiss [her] black ***” on the set of X2. During an interview with Empire, Singer laughed it off and said the quote was actually, “You can watch my black *** while I walk out of here,” but insisted that he and Berry are fine now. For what it’s worth, she did return to work with him on X-Men: Days of Future Past. But given her current slate of B-movie grindhouse flicks like The Calland Kidnap, perhaps Berry wasn’t in the position to turn down a superhero paycheck.

If Berry indeed had problems with Singer yet swallowed her pride to work with him again, it’s a testament to how the industry allows bad behavior by men to go unchecked—particularly powerful men like Singer. Earlier this year, The Wrap reported that Fox was one of two Hollywood studios that have no female-directed movies scheduled through the next year. Not only that, but the studio hadn’t released a film from a female director since Elizabeth Allen Rosenbaum’s Ramona and Beezus in 2010. It’s hard enough for women and directors of color to get a foot in the door, and it’s impossible to believe that any could get away with the flagrant chaos Singer brings to his sets.

And though Singer has denied the sexual-assault allegations that continue to pop up in the news, their existence has sowed distrust among actors who would likely never work with him in the future. Aside from the aforementioned Chastain tweet, other actors like Evan Rachel Wood have tweeted, “Yeah, let’s not forget Brian [sic] Singer either.” Furthermore, the allegations themselves often make headlines, causing Singer to withdraw from public events where he’s expected to promote his films. He dropped out of all press for X-Men: Days of Future Past in 2014 amidst a lawsuit that was later withdrawn by the accusers. In 1998, his film Apt Pupil generated controversy due to a lawsuit alleging that he made a group of underage boys shower in the nude on film.

This week, Gabriel Byrne shared a disturbing story about the making of Singer’s 1995 film The Usual Suspects. Byrne told The Sunday Times that filming shut down due to “inappropriate sexual behavior” on the part of its lead actor, Kevin Spacey.

Spacey’s long history of alleged sexual abuse against minors has now been made public, but if his improper behavior was enough to shut down one of Singer’s sets, it’s incredibly reckless of Singer to have worked with him again a decade later on Superman Returns. It calls into question Singer’s judgment as a director, given that he knowingly put a film in danger just to work with Spacey again.

Then again, THR reported in 2014 that Singer brought his own brand of messiness to Superman Returns: “Executives who have worked on his movies say the director was sometimes erratic, often complaining he was in pain, at times appearing ‘heavily medicated’ and sometimes failing to appear on set. But it seems only on Singer’s 2006 Warner Bros. film Superman Returns did these issues contribute to budget overages. There were widespread rumors that Singer’s partying was part of the problem, but a friend who visited the set says that was not the issue. ‘There were times that production was interrupted or delayed,’ says this person, but the problem was Singer ‘battling his own demons’ with respect to medication.”

Singer’s unprofessionalism aside, he still managed to throw a lavish afterparty once the film was completed. According to BuzzFeed, “a gay screenwriter in his thirties working his way through the film industry landed an invitation to the afterparty for the Los Angeles premiere of director Bryan Singer’s film Superman Returns. ‘It started at like 1 a.m. It was super crowded. Someone told me to stick around as late as I could because after most of the guests leave, the scene in the pool ‘gets freaky.’ There were a lot of twinks inside, just hanging out, and all of them were white. I wandered into what seemed like a screening room or TV room. There was a PlayStation set up, and a blond twink in a tank top who looked like he was 16 was sitting on the floor alone eating fried chicken straight from a KFC bucket. More white twinks showed up. I felt old and gross, so I left.”

Who, after all, doesn’t love a bacchanal to celebrate all the work you didn’t do on your latest film?
Fox, meanwhile, was fully aware of what they were getting by hiring him. According to THR, “Singer had been warned before production began by both Fox Film Chairman and CEO Stacey Snider and Fox Film Vice Chairman and President of Production Emma Watts that they wouldn’t tolerate any unprofessional behavior on his part. A representative from the Directors Guild of America also arrived on set to monitor the situation.”

The #MeToo movement in Hollywood has seen the ouster of accused sexual predators like Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey, yes, but it also aims to expose a system that continuously rewards men who time and again prove to be wildly unprofessional. I’m reminded of comments like those from Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy, who, when asked why there are no female directors in the Star Wars universe, told Variety, “We want to make sure that when we bring a female director in to do ‘Star Wars,’ they’re set up for success. They’re gigantic films, and you can’t come into them with essentially no experience. We want to really start to focus in on people we would love to work with and see what kinds of things they’re doing to progress up that ladder now, and then pull them in when the time is right.”

This year, Kennedy has fired multiple white male directors who weren’t up to snuff. Maybe Hollywood should spend a little less time trying to “set up” women and directors of color for this “success,” and stop coddling men like Singer who bring nothing to the table but the stench of vodka from last night’s afterparty.

We accidentally took a yogurt from Amazon's new grocery store without paying, but Amazon told us to keep it
  • We packed a shopping bag full of cookies, snap peas and Amazon-branded drinkware — all of which appeared on a virtual receipt moments later.
  • But a single-serve Siggi's yogurt cup was noticeably dropped from the list.
  • We promptly confessed to Amazon, and VP of Amazon Go Gianna Puerini told us not to worry about it.
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