Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

watched insurgent and not good movie, but man kate winslet looked so right in that blue dress...
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Watching the first terminator.. It's amazing how many bit parts bill Paxton was in

Movie thread regulars got opinions I like it


94 posts a day for a month. Cot damn JRS. :lol:

To be fair, 1500 of them came on draft night.
That's od man :lol: damn
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In terms of recent stand up, I'm a fan of Bill Burr's new Netflix special, Hannibal Burress's Animal Furnace/Live From Chicago, Louis CK's Live at the Comedy Store/Oh My God... those are the few that I thought of off the top. 

Agreed with all these. I heard Jen Kirkman's recent Netflix special was really good as well. Another is Anthony Jeselnik, but I think his special is a few years old by now.

There are a lot of bad standup shows out there though. I'm not surprised Chris Tucker's was lame; I think he's been resting on his laurels since Rush Hour came out. I guess the draw of the special is supposed to be that he's doing one.
The All Time list is almost all S&T folks. This thread has much to do with that. :pimp:

Finishing up season 3 of The Americans. Slow, slooooooooow burn.
Ben Affleck To Team With DC’s Geoff Johns On Stand-Alone ‘Batman’ Film

Here’s one for the Comic-Con crowd to gnaw on. I’m told that Ben Affleck is teaming up with Geoff Johns to co-write a stand-alone Batman movie that Affleck will direct and star in after he completes his longstanding plan to helm his scripted adaptation of the Dennis Lehane novel Live By Night. Johns has about as much comic cred as anybody around. He’s DC Comics’ chief creative officer and has written some of its best remembered comic book series including Green Lantern, Aquaman, Batman, Justice League, The Flash and Superman. He also has written TV series superhero transfers Smallville, Arrow and The Flash, as well as the Supergirl project with Greg Berlanti for CBS.

It's really a golden age for the movies I've wanted all my life.

Previews for Star Wars 7, Batman v Superman, Deadpool, Suicide Squad, Cap 3 Civil War coming soon, Fast 8 in development, Star Wars spin off, Spidey/Marvel, new Bond film, new QT, and still more with Apocalypse, Solo Batman, Avengers 3/4, Ant Man, Guardians 2, Thor 3, even more Star Wars and spinoffs, Justice League 1/2......

Jesus Christ.
The All Time list is almost all S&T folks. This thread has much to do with that. :pimp:

Finishing up season 3 of The Americans. Slow, slooooooooow burn.

Would you recommend it? I watched an episode with my pops a few years back and enjoyed it, but I've had such a hard time starting new shows that I'm gaining more on my list than taking off.
The All Time list is almost all S&T folks. This thread has much to do with that. :pimp:

Finishing up season 3 of The Americans. Slow, slooooooooow burn.

Would you recommend it? I watched an episode with my pops a few years back and enjoyed it, but I've had such a hard time starting new shows that I'm gaining more on my list than taking off.

As a marathon, sure. Week to week? No way. Too slow.

Brilliant leads, but freakin tape recorders, and walkmans, and land line codes, too dated for a weekly follow.

But doin a weekend marathon? It's alright in that capacity. 13 ep seasons, easily doable.
"50... 40... 30 the USA Network is LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSE, 15, 10, 5 ... TOUCHDOWN. Mr. Robot."
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Just caught the recent True Detective.
I like this season way more than last.

And what's up with the new Leftovers commercial. It looks like the season skipped towns? New cast then?
Kind of blows if so
"50... 40... 30 the USA Network is LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSE, 15, 10, 5 ... TOUCHDOWN. Mr. Robot."

Show has been pretty good so far. I'm not in love with it yet like most. I enjoy the weirdness and the fine women though.
If anybody liked her music, the Amy Winehouse doc was really good. 6.8/8. Really sad the way her life deteriorated into oblivion as she got bigger. The doc might even be Oscar worthy.
True Detective is terrible this year. I think Vince Vaughn sucks. Like him as an actor but he's horrible for this show. I've always liked Rachel Mcadams but I don't believe her either. Two terrible casting jobs right there.
Suicide Squad ‏@SuicideSquadWB · 40m40 minutes ago
SUICIDE SQUAD Comic-Con First Look, making it official, the way you should see it #SuicideSquad
Finally watched that "7 Days of Hell" short film. It was okay. A few laughs but forgettable.

Suicide Squad looks okay, need to see more but Deadpool.......:wow: been dying for an R rated Marvel movie. So tired of all the family films they're doing. Finally, some real violence and foul language. I'm so hyped to see it :smokin
Even with 2 of 4 big-name leads not showing up for the game(s), two others who are undoubtedly big names have brought it. Kitsch added himself to that group with this last episode, outside of the diner scene. His performance while in the car with Farrell was unbelievable. Terrific.

It's too layered and clearly tax-driven plot lines don't cater to the show's viewership, especially coming off of last season, but 1.) a lot of the shows we bat around in here are not as good on their great days as True Detective's been on its worst days, and 2.) If it "were like last season" people would complain about originality, but straying too far from the past season (even if you give the public an advanced notice that you're doing so) is also apparently not okay to people.
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Is the 2012 Netflix one any good? There's two Netflix ones I believe.
I haven't seen the 2012 one. I'll add that to the list. Let me know what you think if you end up watching it. 

Just off the top of my head, if Bill Burr maintains the same obnoxious character he normally plays, (and I imagine that's the case) it'll be
Someone at showtime has a sense of humor.. Saw they were playing get rich or die trying
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