Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

David Simon's latest project for HBO, a six part series called Show Me A Hero directed by Paul Haggis starring scar Isaac, Catherine Keener, Jon Bernthal, Jim Belushi, Alfred Molina, & Winona Ryder.

I've watched about 30 something movies the past 2 months and this is hands down the best movie I've seen this year. The drama is so good. Do yourselves a favor and check this out if you haven't.
Kind of a large statement, but I definitely do agree that Whiplash is one of the best movies in recent memory.

"There are no two words in the English language more harmful than 'good job.' "

@JapanAir21 I couldn't find a free view of Love&Mercy over the weekend

Just saw this on LM and IMDB
Cast is 
  (Have not had a chance to see Joel Kinnaman since The Killing)
I'm on it.
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Just took a look at a lot of the series' debuting this fall that were shown during Comic-con too...

Into the Badlands looks like it could be fun as hell. :lol:

Real interested in the WWII alternate universe show though, The Man in the High Castle.
Pretty cool youtube vid. Baltimore Knife & Sword Co. have a youtube series called Man at Arms: Reforged. They made the Hattori Hanzo Katana from Kill Bill using the ancient techniques.
So I just kinda watched Da Sweet Blood of Jesus for the most part. What the **** was that? Pure trash. That was really the type of movie I feel sorry if anyone paid to see it. That's the kind of movie you walk out on.

Spike Lee directed this. What happened to Spike Lee? I know some feel he kinda fell off and he really hasn't come out with a lot of :wow: worthy films lately but still he has enough of a rep where I expected more than what I saw.

I literally was :stoneface: most of the film. Just so bad. The genre said comedy, mystery & suspense. I'll tell you right now there wasn't anything suspenseful about it, completely devoid of comedy and the only mystery was trying to figure out what the **** was the point of this story. It wasn't interesting, it didn't engage, it was just :stoneface: or :x This was soo bad man. Make me not want to watch another Spike joint for as long as I live. That's how I'm feeling right now. That's how terribad it was. I'm pretty much upset at how much of the movie I sat through.

I mean if you get in to this story, this well off dude gets stabbed with some African dagger and I guess becomes immortal but mainly gets addicted to blood. So he's a vampire without the fangs sorta. Then he bags the dude's wife that stabbed him after that guy killed himself. Shortly later turns her in to what he is as well. Kills a few ppl for blood and after getting married she's forced to as well. What gets me at the end is I don't get how what appears to be the message is that Jesus and Christianity trumps w/e African curse turned him in to what he is. There's a literal getting saved/seen the light church scene near the end where again I :stoneface:

The only thing good about this movie were the fine women in it (especially shorty in the projects) and the soundtrack. Sad thing is the soundtrack for the most part does not match any scene. **** is so off it's vexing. It's like why are you playing this good music during this scene? **** don't blend or match or vibe together.

Da Sweet Blood of Jesus 2/8. Would not watch again or recommend.
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So I just kinda watched Da Sweet Blood of Jesus for the most part. What the **** was that? Pure trash. That was really the type of movie I feel sorry if anyone paid to see it. That's the kind of movie you walk out on.

Spike Lee directed this. What happened to Spike Lee? I know some feel he kinda fell off and he really hasn't come out with a lot of :wow: worthy films lately but still he has enough of a rep where I expected more than what I saw.

I literally was :stoneface: most of the film. Just so bad. The genre said comedy, mystery & suspense. I'll tell you right now there wasn't anything suspenseful about it, completely devoid of comedy and the only mystery was trying to figure out what the **** was the point of this story. It wasn't interesting, it didn't engage, it was just :stoneface: or :x This was soo bad man. Make me not want to watch another Spike joint for as long as I live. That's how I'm feeling right now. That's how terribad it was. I'm pretty much upset at how much of the movie I sat through.

I mean if you get in to this story, this well off dude gets stabbed with some African dagger and I guess becomes immortal but mainly gets addicted to blood. So he's a vampire without the fangs sorta. Then he bags the dude's wife that stabbed him after that guy killed himself. Shortly later turns her in to what he is as well. Kills a few ppl for blood and after getting married she's forced to as well. What gets me at the end is I don't get how what appears to be the message is that Jesus and Christianity trumps w/e African curse turned him in to what he is. There's a literal getting saved/seen the light church scene near the end where again I :stoneface:

The only thing good about this movie were the fine women in it (especially shorty in the projects) and the soundtrack. Sad thing is the soundtrack for the most part does not match any scene. **** is so off it's vexing. It's like why are you playing this good music during this scene? **** don't blend or match or vibe together.

Da Sweet Blood of Jesus 2/8. Would not watch again or recommend.

Never even heard of it. Was it straight to video? Looked it up on IMDB and the average rating was 4/10. Not going to waste my time.
so when is the next great non comic/starwars/action movie coming out?

So, you're saying a drama? :lol:

There's been a few this year that don't fit that description that have been phenomenal. These are just the ones I've seen.

Ex Machina
It Follows
Love & Mercy
so when is the next great non comic/starwars/action movie coming out?
So, you're saying a drama?

There's been a few this year that don't fit that description that have been phenomenal. These are just the ones I've seen.

Ex Machina
It Follows
Love & Mercy
like before 2014 everyone was hyped for the big comic book/action movies (cap2, gotg, godzilla, DOFP, ect..) but whiplash and birdman ended up being the best movies by far

this year it seems like the best movies are the big comic book block busters. of course there are great indie films but one has yet to steal the spotlight imo 
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