Oklahoma City Thunder vs San Antonio Spurs - OKC WINS in 6, Congrats!

can we get a flop mix tape for manu and parker?? them dudes just dont care anymore. i mean how many times can you check your mouth for blood just to see theres nothing?
Originally Posted by jordan23dotcom

can we get a flop mix tape for manu and parker?? them dudes just dont care anymore. i mean how many times can you check your mouth for blood just to see theres nothing?

Truth. These guys are too good to be doing that on every single play.
Yeah watching the Spurs play basketball reminds me of Euro League Futbol....Ronaldo-esque dives out there. 

Manu is the best at flopping when no one is even around....

After he missed the game tying three....he was probably regretting not attempting to flop.  

I dislike seeing grown men fly and fall around, but it is what it is at this point. 

Like someone else said...the best way to overcome the officials and flopping is to strap up and make huge shots like OKC did. 
Originally Posted by dako akong otin

Originally Posted by akajaedeuce

So glad those damn floppers didn't win last night

Ska, what's the breakdown on flops this series??

Originally Posted by Do Be Doo

1-3 points???...ten more seconds???

It should have been a 8 point game. the thunder hit some 3s in the end that didnt matter at the end of the game.
Oh I have also seen this SPURS team play enough were I know they wont let down.

This isn't just any team. This is the 4 time NBA champs San Antonio SPURS.

OKC gonna get 4 out of 5?

You know what Im just gonna quote this post. Not gonna say mush until after the series.

Change the sig too. Foolish. 


excellent use of the grave dig
[h1]Can anyone stop the Thunder?[/h1]

The Oklahoma City Thunder are one of the youngest teams in the league, with an average age of 26.4. (D. Clarke Evans/NBAE via Getty Images)

Here’s how good the Thunder are: Their offense went through the late-game yips again in their Game 5 win against the Spurs, with Russell Westbrook authoring perhaps the single worst possession of the entire playoffs as he double-dribbled as Kevin Durant stood in the corner with about 3:30 to go — and yet they still ended up scoring at a points-per-possession rate that would nearly have led the league.

That has been the story of this team’s offense for two years now: It looks stagnant and uncreative, often at the very worst times, but when you look at the numbers, there are the Thunder in the top five (last season) and top two (this season) in the league’s overall points per possession rankings.

The occasional crunch-time micro-level collapses, born of bad shot selection and Scott Brooks’ love for difficult three-pointers regardless of the score, represented a serious problem that cost the Thunder dearly in the Western Conference finals against Dallas last season. It led to endless nit-picking about Russell Westbrook’s tendency to blindly gun, Brooks’ alleged lack of coaching chops and the team’s dismal assist rate.

The nit-picking was justified in a way; it is what we do to greatness aspiring to something higher, especially when old problems continue to pop up. Westbrook still kills Thunder possessions by breaking plays early in the shot clock, leaving his teammates shaking their heads and scrambling to get out of his way as he drives into a painted area packed with Thunder players setting up for the play they thought Westbrook would run. This happened early in the third quarter on Monday, during San Antonio’s furious rally, when the Thunder set up to run Kevin Durant off a Thabo Sefolosha screen under the hoop, only Westbrook decided to drive past Tony Parker and into a wall of bodies for a wild miss.

Brooks spent much of the regular season leaning on the same old isolation stuff at the end of games, banking on Durant to bail the team out as James Harden stood around like a scrub with a nice beard. In fact, during the regular season, Harden took just five shots in the last three minutes of close games, while Westbrook and Durant combined to attempt 103 of the Thunder’s 120 shots in those situations, per NBA.com. That speaks to an inexcusable lack of end-game creativity. Brooks is perhaps too loyal to Derek Fisher and a starting lineup that doesn’t work all that well, and he strangely ignored Sefolosha as a possible option in small-ball lineups — until this series against the Spurs.

And yet there was a forest/trees thing going on amid all the hand-wringing. The Thunder ranked among the league’s top three offenses the entire season. They played the Harden/Durant/Westbrook trio more together than they did in 2010-11, and the results were devastating. And very slowly, the Thunder got better at all the subtle things that make champions. Maximizing the impact of three perimeter stars is difficult, even if the Thunder’s star trio doesn’t have the same overlapping skill set issues that made the LeBron James/Dwyane Wade growth process a fitful one in Miami. But the Thunder have gradually figured it out, thanks to improvement among all three of the stars and the coaching staff’s small, always ongoing tweaks to the Thunder’s offensive system.

Westbrook has transformed his mid-range jumper from a liability into a strength, and he has improved as a passer. His assist numbers dropped this season because he increasingly shares ball-handling duties with Durant and Harden, but he has widened the range of passes he can work. Last night alone, he tossed four or five I’m not sure he could have made last season — two cross-court skip passes to Daequan Cook out of the pick and roll, a nearly blind pitch-back to Durant for an open three-pointer and a gorgeous drop pass to Nick Collison out of a pick and roll, a play on which Westbrook froze the lurking help defender (Stephen Jackson) by yo-yo-ing his dribble in the lane and looking briefly at Jackson’s man (Harden, on the wing) before the dish. On one of those Cook passes, Westbrook saw Tony Parker deciding whether he should leave Cook to help on Westbrook in the lane, and he took one extra hesitation dribble into the paint, forcing Parker to commit.

This was “pure
if you thought gm5 was intense, it's gonna be even louder, and more in okc, especially with that environment. i think spurs play their best ball in gm6 and i also think russ gets off. should be a good one.
Thunder have all the momentum but I still think you guys are crowning them entirely too early. Its very possible the Spurs tie the series tomorrow. Can't count out the old fossils just yet.
Idk it's definitely possible the spurs can win game 6 but i just have the feeling that OKC's momentum will be too much following into that game
Just like last year...I believe the Spurs will lose Game 6 on the road.   Will be a close finish with OKC leading the majority of the game.
Thunder fans, after this series, you will despise Do Be Doo 
But don't worry, if the Spurs lose this series, he will be ghost so that's always good. 
Originally Posted by SosaP23

Idk it's definitely possible the spurs can win game 6 but i just have the feeling that OKC's momentum will be too much following into that game

If OKC lose it, then they'll lose it.  The momentum can change at any moment.
Spurs fans should at least be content with the fact that as always. we weren't considered to make much noise this year and we managed to be the #1 seed in the West (again). My friends are already gearing up the "Time to rebuild" nonsense they say every year in regards to the Spurs. We'll just fly under the radar again next year as usual.

Obviously I would like a championship but we definitely exceeded everyone's expectations this year by making it to the conference finals.
Although I really want the Spurs to win, I'll be suprised if the Thunder don't close out tonight given they way they've played...
I think Westbrook is due for a big game and the Thunder will be playing with unbelievable energy.  I see them taking advantage of the every other day schedule and sticking it to the Spurs tonight. 
Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

I expect Game 6 to be close one. The Spurs, I just can't count these guys out. 
That's how I feel. But then again, I picked the Spurs to win the series in 6, so I'm just no sure at this point. I just have to give it to the the Thunder for how they're playing and how they responded to being down 0-2. I never thought they'd be able to shut down the Spurs offense like the have. Hats off to them. I won't be surprised if the Spurs pull out a win tonight. But I also won't be surprised if OKC wraps it up.  
Flying out to OC and then to vegas for the weekend, hopefully I can catch the game tonight. Go Thunder!
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