Pics from my trip to San Francisco. Sick place to visit, put it on your list. Warning large pics

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

dom no bi-rite, no humphrey slocombe, no ghiradelli, no chocolate factory over the bridge on this trip. Wish I did though...the ben & jerrys on haight and at fishermans wharf had to suffice for this trip though.

No wine country for me...I rolled into S.F. with my cuzo and it was something both of us probably wouldn't feel right some "Sideways" man-venture. If I find a wifey i'll def take her through there though and take one of those tours.
If you ever come back and head out to Napa for wine tasting, hit me up and I'll help you plan your trip. I took my girl out there for Valentines day and we had a great time. 
nothing like the bay area

OP did you go to haight and ashbury? (sorry if you mentioned that, i just skimmed thru the thread
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

BART was far easier to navigate than the local MTA...cleaner, more efficient in my eyes.  I wondered if putting my metrocard into the BART turnstiles would blow up the stations
You can't be serious!
Maybe bart is cleaner, but Bart is not as efficient IMO and the metro system in SF will take you to way less places than it will in NYC.
My favorite city
  Can't wait to get back there before Christmas

OP, next time you go check out House of Prime Rib, North Beach Pizza, & House Of Nanking, those were some of the restaurants I liked. I'm sure others will give you better places as well.
Originally Posted by Luong1209

Thing is, many people complain about the weather...But I've learned to love it.

There aren't really seasons here
. I went to Davis/Sac and it was hot like a mug-mug, couldn't wait to return to the fog.

i think the weather is the best part of SF.

i love foggy/gloomy cold weather
Originally Posted by Luong1209

I went to Davis/Sac and it was hot like a mug-mug, couldn't wait to return to the fog.
the weather in sac is a joke man especially during the summer..
Man I miss SF so much (currently in school at Santa Barbara). Def the best city on Earth...
I love SF too, but NYC > SF... NYC is just so much bigger, and it has sooooooo much to do, even if you live there for decades, you still won't be able to explore it fully.

so many dope ethnic neighborhoods in NYC, such amazing cultural diversity.
SF is diverse too, but you can't go into any neighborhood other than chinatown and be entrenched in a different ethnic/cultural experience
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by Luong1209

Thing is, many people complain about the weather...But I've learned to love it.

There aren't really seasons here
. I went to Davis/Sac and it was hot like a mug-mug, couldn't wait to return to the fog.

i think the weather is the best part of SF.

i love foggy/gloomy cold weather
I really don't get how people think SF is cold. I'm out here in Santa Barbara and its the SAME weather (60-70 degrees in the morning, 50-55 at night) and people here consider it paradise. It's only foggy in the morning and late at night, unless you live near the marina. Would you guys really prefer 80+ on daily basis 
 hot weather sucks @#$% especially when you have to park and then walk a bunch of blocks in dress clothes to get to work (which is what I had to do)
Plus it never gets "cold" or hot no matter what time of the year it is. You can be out in basketball shorts in december, something you can't say for any major city in the world besides LA, Miami, and a few others
nice city. it seems bart police are something else though
i thought i was the only one who thought it was the nyc of the west coast
I love San Francisco. One of the only cities I'd consider living in. Luckily I've been able to go down a couple times this year already.
Luong your right the weather was the best part...I mean it got brisk at night but its nothing to complain about...i'm a foggy type dude myself

Jay - that's what I want to do with my next trip out there...explore the surroundings of the bay some more...maybe take a day trip out to berkeley or san jose

940 - haight and ashbury was
too bad I had to settle with the ben and jerrys right there

milk - idk bro while the BART is limited, meaning it only runs/divides S.F. on market street, I felt like riding the MTA for damn near 15 years has made me despise it so much more. BART was cleaner, it got you where you needed to go fast, no bums that I saw walking through the train asking for change...but like we said it's limited. But the buses helped me out on this trip as well and were way easier to navigate than nyc buses...alot of sketchy people towards the back of the bus though...but nothing i'm not used to...I agree with you that NYC is a much bigger place and theres plenty of stuff to do here...but if you look at it from a tourists perspective all they usually do when they come over here is stay in Manhattan...they rarely mess with the outer boroughs

imaballer - and S.F. are crazy similar...

Noskey - I might end up moving out to S.F. one of these days...I wanted to attend USF for grad school but out of state tuition would kill me...we'll see.
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