Pixar's "Brave"

....i have a theory on why Cars 2 sucked so bad.
- that movie was made around the time Owen Wilson had his suicide attempt. im thinking Cars 2 was already in the development stages and they had to change the story up real quick trying to include more of Larry the Cable Guy, not knowing how much Owen could participate in it. plus Paul Newman had passed as well.
Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

Originally Posted by Cragmatic

Still waiting on Monsters Inc 2.....

I am still waiting for Incredibles 2. I don't see how they wouldn't make a sequel for it. It's a super hero movie.
Brad Bird is talking about an Incredibles 2 here. I can't wait for this movie if it happens. Loved the first one. Also looking forward to Brave too. 

...just checked it.
.....Owen Wilson attempted suicide in August 2007. Cars 2 was announced in September 2008, so they had to have been working on a story for the movie before then.
Originally Posted by psk2310

Mr Fongstarr wrote:

Cragmatic wrote:

Still waiting on Monsters Inc 2.....

I am still waiting for Incredibles 2. I don't see how they wouldn't make a sequel for it. It's a super hero movie.
Brad Bird is talking about an Incredibles 2 here. I can't wait for this movie if it happens. Loved the first one. Also looking forward to Brave too. 


Oh...good stuff. Seems like he's put a lot of effort into the new Mission Impossible movie because he hasn't done much since his Pixar movies.
First thing I thought about was "How to Train a Dragon"

The animation looks amazing.
The story... Not so much...
Originally Posted by amel223

Originally Posted by omgitswes

What I didn't like about Wall-E was the character Wall-E.
Like I was low key wishing he would of just got lost in space or dismantled


you should be banned for saying this
Spoiler [+]
I am actually kind of serious lolol
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

....i have a theory on why Cars 2 sucked so bad.
- that movie was made around the time Owen Wilson had his suicide attempt. im thinking Cars 2 was already in the development stages and they had to change the story up real quick trying to include more of Larry the Cable Guy, not knowing how much Owen could participate in it. plus Paul Newman had passed as well.
Man alot of the stuff that was in Cars 2 was too over the top for me, like +@@$%% spies and %$@! 
 i think Cars wouldve been better w/o a sequel
Other than Cars 2 (and I disliked the first one too), Pixar is always a must-watch.
Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

Originally Posted by psk2310

Mr Fongstarr wrote:

I am still waiting for Incredibles 2. I don't see how they wouldn't make a sequel for it. It's a super hero movie.
Brad Bird is talking about an Incredibles 2 here. I can't wait for this movie if it happens. Loved the first one. Also looking forward to Brave too. 


Oh...good stuff. Seems like he's put a lot of effort into the new Mission Impossible movie because he hasn't done much since his Pixar movies.
I know people are down in Tom Cruise, but the last MI was pretty good. The new one looks really nice. 

Also, why is everyone so down on Wall-E? I really liked the movie. It was so different from the other Pixar movies & had so many strong messages. Loved how they tied the number from Hello Dolly to tie in old school Hollywood. 

I can't understand all the hate for Wall-E. It was an exceptional film in my mind and this comes from someone who had really started to not care for Pixar movies outside of how far the technology and graphics have been pushed. Wasn't into Nemo, Incredibles, or Cars, and Can't say I am excited for Brave, But Toy sTory 3 pulled the heart strings again and Wall-E was a phenomenal film. I don't understand how you can weigh The Pixar stuff against the animated Disney movies either, totally different medium. Wall-E can never beat the first TS, but it is definately a close, close 2nd.
i thought wall-e was great up until he got onto the ship. I understand the message they were trying to send but i just didn't enjoy that part of the movie. very ambitious tho. and altho 2009 was a weak year for movies i thought UP was one of the top 3.

This looks like a dreamworks movie rather than a pixar one. Pixar is normally goes into new territory with their movies, but as some of you have pointed out this has been done before.
@ the level of disrespect Wall-E, probably the most adult Pixar movie ever imo
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