Please send your thoughts and prayers to MPLSdunk's little girl

My thoughts are with you MPLS Dunk, I have a son and can't even bare to fathom what you're going through right now.
MPLSdunk, this news is so unsettling. My stomach is in knots. I can't imagine what you're going through. I hope she pulls through 100%. My prayers are with you and your family.
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I wish you and your family the best.  
Your daughter and family are in my prayers, hope she makes a speedy and full recovery! keep your head up fam!
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Good to hear that things are looking good. Really breaks my heart when a ****** situation like that occurs, but when you pull through it you're that much more appreciative. Still got you and yours in my thoughts.

Sounds like a strong little girl you got there.
So glad this post seem to be having a happy ending!!!!!   Hope everyday get brighter and better for your family!! 
Thanks guys. I've been staying at the hospital so I haven't updated but she's going to get the MRI soon today so it's kind of the big day
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