Post pics of your girl. show her off!

No you guys! There's this thing called blackboard and teachers post the class syllabus or announcements they have to make! He didn't hack in the schools system! He knew my username and all he had to do was answer some security questions to change the password. So he went on my student account and got the syllabus.
.  This thread has a feeling of rapid devolvment.
so you're not going to answer? no one cares I'm just curious how easy it was for u to get another man

The kid was interested in me while I was in the relationship with my ex but I never gave him the chance because obviously I respect a relationship that shouldn't of been respected
I'm sure he means it, and is going through emotional hell. But honestly, using my experience, if she had taken me back during that emotional high I gotta get her back period, things would've probably settled back into the same ****. Don't settle, spend time getting better, and give him a chance to as well. Once emotions have calmed down months later and you're both improved and ya'll can talk, talk. If he holds resentment, made no changes and doesn't care to talk at that point, oh well. And I can never get with women getting with a rebound so quick.

Very true.
I don't think he's going to use his username on here. Because that's his username for twitter/IG
OP can I pm you? Me and you are dealing with the same issue but from different sides of the fence. I need a woman's advice, you can have mine in return...
If I was a heartless/crazy ex I would of actually put her pics on here and allowed you guys to roast her. But I am better than that :smile:

Don't temp me!
20 pages of people talking back and forth with DrTootie, aka Terrence from the Bay
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The story could be wack, but keep it real. We on NT hate partial explanations to everything. If you gonna tell it, tell it. Don't tease us, or risk being called out as a fraud. Simple as that. 
The kid was interested in me while I was in the relationship with my ex but I never gave him the chance because obviously I respect a relationship that shouldn't of been respected

sounds like you don't even care for new guy u just want his entertain/attention :/
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