Pray for NTer MPLSDunk

How did I miss this?

Thoughts are with you, my friend.
latest update:
Ian's surgery went well today. The liver was showing improvement. They were able to sew him up a little bit. Have not been able to because his organs have been enlarged.
Originally Posted by Air Murphy 23

latest update:
Ian's surgery went well today. The liver was showing improvement. They were able to sew him up a little bit. Have not been able to because his organs have been enlarged.
keep us updated murph.

i'm also gonna borrow that sig.
Ian will pull through this. I talked with his mom today. Like Air Murph said, the docs were happy with how the surgery went today.
Holy crap, Ian!

that's my e-dude(nh). Really sad to hear this

 I hope you make a full recovery bro, you need to get well quick to make it back to O'sheas again soon in Vegas and play at the $5 black jack tables

Seriously, you'll definitely be in my prayers man. Couldn't believe it when i heard
"ANYWAY, the first day that Ian was here, I repeatedly asked all the doctors and nurses that came my way, if Ian was going to make it. They only thing that they would say to me is, "all we can say is we believe he may make if through the night." I appreciated the fact that they didn't sugar-coat anything, but that was pretty tough to hear. Now, I am happy to report that I am hearing that they expect Ian will make a full recovery. As they apparently don't believe in sugar-coating, I now feel very optimistic that Ian will pull through this."

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