Price Gouging in medicine: $500+ for $1 epipen

Dec 9, 2002
What are your thoughts on this? I'm not surprised because money is such a necessity in this country, and that's a businesses #1 concern, but where do you think the line should be drawn? Or do you feel that a line isn't necessary?

Mylan's rationale is that "the price reflects the products value", which is a load of ****, it reflects the company's greed. The value is that it saves a life, so it's invaluable,you can't put a price on it. But since they want to make a profit, they'll put a ridiculous price on it.

I'm just trying to put myself in a board meeting and picture the rationale that allows them to do such a thing. Maybe they feel that people have the money but just spend it on frivolous items, and something like this should be a priority over a pair of shoes or an expensive car payment. I think greed such as this will be the downfall of society.

Please chime in and let me know your views.
They have the market power so they can do this ****, and is a shinning example why we need price controls in the pharmaceutical industry.

Especially for drugs that have mini monopolies. Companies are well within their right to earn a profit, but but the public good must be consider.

We can have both.
It seems the only way we fix something is if it becomes a huge catastrophe and lives are lost.

Perhaps this is the wakeup call needed to get the pharmaceutical industry in order. It's the ******* wild west with how much market control they have.
I'm thinking, what if they make it astronomical, like the price of a house, and force people to have to get loans or something crazy like that. Would anyone stop them from making a two pack $10,000 (after a generous $1,000 coupon of course)? Like, what do they think is too high?
This is why we'll never ever see cures for diseases.

The medical & pharmaceutical industries make too much money in treating illnesses rather than curing.
One of the senators sitting on the judiciary committee investigating the price gouging, Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota has a daughter dependent on epi pens while another Joe Manchin from W Virginia has a daughter that is the CEO of the company under investigation.

:lol: I pissed off an in law I met at a Christmas party when we were chit chatting. He ask me what I did & then I asked him. when he said he was in pharmaceutical sales I was like, "Great, you guys are the new lawyers... The dregs of society..."
Completely unethical. 

They pushed for having their epipens in all schools and then decided to raise the prices by 500%

It's not like epipens are some obscure drug hardly anyone uses either, these things save many lives

Pharmaceutical monopolies and no price caps allow these things to happen. 
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Ish like this makes me sick ..dead a**

That ***** salary went from 2.5 to 19 million. Heartless broad
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Didn't the dude who purchased Wu Tang's album do the same?

Real classless

I actually listened to him on a few different interviews and he gave reasonable explanations behind his logic.

Plus, he comes off as a dooshey yet likeable dude.
I don't think it's fair to demonize the whole industry, as a lot of people do. Sure, there are some bad apples, but imo there are much more patient-centric companies out there doing great things and genuinely trying to help sick people.
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Didn't the dude who purchased Wu Tang's album do the same?

Real classless

I actually listened to him on a few different interviews and he gave reasonable explanations behind his logic.

Plus, he comes off as a dooshey yet likeable dude.

He comes off as a douche in every interview I have seen him in, and the one where he sort of gives a reasonable explanation he was lying through his teeth. Because he didn't lower prices like he promised

Second the "well I'm not really price gouging the customer, I'm price gouging the insurance companies" is not really a solid excuse to me. Basic economics tells us that insurance companies will just recoup that money from the consumer anyway.

I hate finance dudes like Scumbag Skrill trying to make greed seem less slimy.

The finance industry and the pharmaceutical industry, a match made in economic hell. :smh:
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I don't think it's fair to demonize the whole industry, as a lot of people do. Sure, there are some bad apples, but imo there are much more patient-centric companies out there doing great things and genuinely trying to help sick people.

So why don't these companies speak against all the rent seeking behavior of larger firms?

I have lil to no sympathy for free riders.

When the regulation hammer finally comes down (which it needs too), maybe then I might say something in their favor. That is the extent of the sympathy I have for Pharma firms
That's business but so damn evil. Making the price hike so high that a lot won't be able to get them is the decision of scumbag humans.
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What's interesting to me is people really think these companies genuinely care about people getting better.

If we were healthy, they wouldn't be in business.
People should have listen to Hillary in 1993. Everyone in that industry needs to be squeezed

-Healthcare needs to be a public good guaranteed by the Federal government, not be left up to the free market.
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