Promiscuous girls with awesome personalities. Vol. Would you wife?

what classifies a broad promiscuous tho? i mean i'd have reservations bout her past, but at the end of the day EVERY chick has a past wit dudes and if she says otherwise she lyin...i'd rather have a chick be honest and upfront instead be like a lot of fools running around thinkin they got the truth and then the "truth" comes out later...most importantly it doesn't matter what others think
Originally Posted by Sloane Kettering

what classifies a broad promiscuous tho? i mean i'd have reservations bout her past, but at the end of the day EVERY chick has a past wit dudes and if she says otherwise she lyin...i'd rather have a chick be honest and upfront instead be like a lot of fools running around thinkin they got the truth and then the "truth" comes out later...most importantly it doesn't matter what others think

As long as I don't know a bunch of people she's smashed I think I'd be cool. What I don't know can't hurt me.

goukiteg wrote:
From MY personal experience I have found that most non-hoish women who engaged in no strings sex approach in one of two ways. They almost always have sex with an ex or they seek out someone they've known personally for awhile that always peeked their interest. And for me, either situation is fine. Then again, I'm almost 30 and view life differently than most 16 year olds on this board.

and OJ...I see what you did there 
Would you view yourself as any less of a catch if you slept with the same number of people, or would you think it justified if a girl held your "number" against you?

Who cares how many people she's slept with as long as she's clean and will stick with you from here on out?

Besides, once it's a decade down the road and you're only *%#@+!* every other week, you'll be glad that her personality still keeps you interested.

I care about who she's slept with, not how many...
I would wife as long as she aint slept with one of my friends, who cares how many people she slept with.

I'm 26, I believe most girls in my age range been smashed by a avg of 28.9 guys lol so it is what is.
Nah. Once you've been around like that thats a no-go for me. Being with all them people like thats just nasty.
Originally Posted by Tetsujin23

Who cares how many people she's slept with as long as she's clean and will stick with you from here on out?
even if she slept with 100+ people?
Don't care.

Like I said, for me, it's who she slept with, not how many.
Originally Posted by Mayhemgatz

Originally Posted by goukiteg

There's a huge difference between being a ho and being sexually active. And believe it or not, woman enjoy sex just as much as men do and if you don't believe me then you weren't giving it to your girl right.
Originally Posted by goukiteg

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by Rudemiester

Originally Posted by goukiteg

There's a huge difference between being a ho and being sexually active. And believe it or not, woman enjoy sex just as much as men do and if you don't believe me then you weren't giving it to your girl right.


I asked this question on Twitter for men's opinions in what in what they think is the difference between a woman who has innocent casual sex and being a shameless !!$@$. One guy tweeted back that innocent casual sex is usually set up and more recurrent with a certain someone and whoring around is more like having sex with many many different people every other weekend. 

I also asked that if a girl is single, with no boyfriend, and she wants to have sex and wants to with no strings attached, so she should only have sex under circumstances of being in a relationship?
From MY personal experience I have found that most non-hoish women who engaged in no strings sex approach in one of two ways. They almost always have sex with an ex or they seek out someone they've known personally for awhile that always peeked their interest. And for me, either situation is fine. Then again, I'm almost 30 and view life differently than most 16 year olds on this board.
peeked their interest?  

peek  (pēk)  
intr.v. peeked , peek·ing , peeks

  1. To glance quickly.

  2. To look or peer furtively, as from a place of concealment.

  3. To be only partially visible, as if peering or emerging from hiding: Tiny crocuses peeked through the snow.
n. A brief or furtive look.

you dudes have some high standards for women. i don't even ask girls how many dudes they've been with because either way, i'm not gonna be satisfied with the answer. if the answer is too low, i'm going to think she's lying. if it's too high, i'm going to feel uncomfortable from then on out so it's best to leave it unsaid. the same way i don't like a woman asking me my body count.

but Snoop said it best, though.. we don't love these +*$!.
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