Quick question / urgent help

Jul 3, 2015
Yesterday at Macy’s I was with my 5 year old ex step son ( were very close still)
And while he was messing up a whole bunch of things while shopping for colognes he tossed an Armani cologne into our bag in his smartcart that was basically a car for kids to be in while in the mall
Can I take it back and just put them a note saying sorry for taking this accidentally- please don’t press charges or something?
because I read online on reddit that if you take things back to big box stores they can call the police

Not a shoplifter so I can’t in good conscience take this
And I don’t want to keep it because I purchased something with my cc and they probably have us on security cam so I don’t want popo knocking my door for a Armani cologne that doesn’t even smell that good
Fam I’m more than sure if you talk to the manager, they will understand.

If you don’t want to speak with someone, just walk in and put it on the counter or shelf and keep it moving.
I am paranoid of talking to someone about it and them thinking I stole it and bought it back, you think I can leave them a note explaining the situation and saying I don’t want any problems?
I am paranoid of talking to someone about it and them thinking I stole it and bought it back, you think I can leave them a note explaining the situation and saying I don’t want any problems?

If you’re paranoid, why leave a note? They’re not going to come to your home an arrest you. :lol:

Just go in the dressing room and leave it on the bench.
Why not take it back and slip it onto the counter (with the note) WITHOUT talking to someone?

You successfully returned the item and they didn't know it was you unless they do some research via cameras.
They absolutely cannot press charges on you or call the police. They don’t have proof of 1. Selection 2. Concealment or 3. Exiting the property with product while knowingly refusing to pay.
For those reasons, their loss prevention team cannot legally detain you.
If they tried, you could sue them and win easily.

but you’re way over thinking it playboi. Literally just walk back in the store and give them the bottle back and tell them your son took it by accident. They won’t even blink an eye.
:lol: Some generic designer cologne is eating at my man’s soul. Ain’t even niche.

They literally will not care and completely understand. **** like that happens all the time. When I was that age, I stole chocolate from the gas station and when I got home, my mom saw. Made me return it and apologize.
I wouldn't bother. The federales might be waiting in the cut.

Turn it into a positive and gift it to someone for Christmas.
Thanks for the advice fellas
I took it back to the store today, when no one was around I just put the bottle on the counter with a note saying “ my son took this last night by accident, I didn’t want any problems over a cologne bottle, I apologize “
Left without a word
Should've just kept the damn thing. If they didn't catch you in the act, they're not launching the manhunt over a god damn bottle of cologne.

Ol' Honest Abe *** dude.
Fam I’m more than sure if you talk to the manager, they will understand.
Had a friend do this when his kid was young and did the same thing. After he laid into his kid of course, they returned the item and explained it to the manager, manager felt that was his cue to turn to the kid and chastise him. Oh no, they almost got into it. I get the point of trying to raise a good kid and teach them a lesson but the world isn't on board, and may actually still press charges since you're there.
I used to work loss prevention
They can’t do anything unless you take 2 sample bottles.
hope this helps
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