R.I.P. John Wooden (October 14, 1910 – June 4, 2010) inspiration to many

Originally Posted by Scott Frost

Originally Posted by jumpman247

He lived a long wonderful life

I find it disgusting that these sports "reporters" jumped on the opportunity to break the news of his death earlier this morning when he wasn't dead at all. Anything to get that breaking story.

RIP Coach Wooden. You are a great example to everyone who loves life/strives to live a good life.
R.I.P. to the greatest basketball coach of all times. Graduating from UCLA next week, its a bittersweet end to my college career here.
RIP to a great MAN. His coaching stint at my alma mater was a only a brief stop in his long life. I mean he only coached 27 years at UCLA, he lived 35 years past his final game...

I know he has found Nell again and they are catching up on everything they've missed about each other all these years she's been gone...

I love you Coach. You were an amazing teacher of valuable life lessons and I hope to grow to be half the man you were.
RIP to coach Wooden. There's not a lot of famous people that I've said I would be interested in meeting, but John Wooden was definitely one. What a remarkable man. He will be missed.
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