Report: Manny, Ortiz tested positive in '03

Peter Gammons reaction when he heard the news would be priceless.

He's probably still on the floor weeping.
I'm shocked

didnt Ortiz publicly speak out against steroid users at one point?

im a yankee fan and I agree yankee fans should shut up, but there is totally something satisfying about the fact. its not like Jeter, O'Neill, Bernie havebeen caught...feel me (Knoblauch dont count in this case)
IncredibleEv wrote:
didnt Ortiz publicly speak out against steroid users at one point?

im a yankee fan and I agree yankee fans should shut up, but there is totally something satisfying about the fact. its not like Jeter, O'Neill, Bernie have been caught...feel me (Knoblauch dont count in this case)

I think he did when Manny was initially caught a few months back...

oh an FYI: They ALL should be in the hall of fame.

I can't agree with this until ALL the names come out of people who have failed tests over the years....if guys like Griffey, Thomas, Thome, etc haveremained clean then it's not fair to them or others who have played the game the right way and not cut corners by using PED's. This is why I'minterested in seeing what names are on the list. Get them all out there and get this over and done with...
im a die hard fan of the yankees and i will not say anything cause as far as i know alot of yankees have roid-ed up
soo i dont give a @%!% anymore cause its getting out of hand
just a year or two ago i would stand up and fight that a-rod never used roides now i cant.
nor can i do that for anyone else soo.
alll of em should just be able to go to the hall of fame
im a die hard fan of the yankees and i will not say anything cause as far as i know alot of yankees have roid-ed up
soo i dont give a ++@# anymore cause its getting out of hand
just a year or two ago i would stand up and fight that a-rod never used roides now i cant.
nor can i do that for anyone else soo.
alll of em should just be able to go to the hall of fame
Both Red Sox and Yankees fans have no place to throw mud around. Both have major eyesores as far as world series players caught or suspected for steroids go.
christ just release the list ! get it over with insted of singling out out people . Superstar or not get this crap over with
didnt Ortiz publicly speak out against steroid users at one point?

He said during Spring Training anyone caught should be suspended for one year.

oh an FYI: They ALL should be in the hall of fame.
Nope. Not until they own up at least. Sorry but to me if you want to keep lying to everyone then you got no rights getting recognized for HOF.

These cats all thought it was no big deal to roid up.....yet now all a sudden when caught they deny deny deny and NO WAY did they do anything like that. Thatto me is funny. And sad.
Originally Posted by Q46totheE

IncredibleEv wrote:
didnt Ortiz publicly speak out against steroid users at one point?

im a yankee fan and I agree yankee fans should shut up, but there is totally something satisfying about the fact. its not like Jeter, O'Neill, Bernie have been caught...feel me (Knoblauch dont count in this case)

I think he did when Manny was initially caught a few months back...

oh an FYI: They ALL should be in the hall of fame.

I can't agree with this until ALL the names come out of people who have failed tests over the years....if guys like Griffey, Thomas, Thome, etc have remained clean then it's not fair to them or others who have played the game the right way and not cut corners by using PED's. This is why I'm interested in seeing what names are on the list. Get them all out there and get this over and done with...

This assumes that steroids can take someone who isn't a hall of famer and make him one, I don't think that is the case.

Sure it's unfair but that's what baseball is, an unfair game cheating is encouraged, it's a culture that defines the sport, the whole game revolvesaround cheating, there are tons of people in the hall who cheated in one way or another.

Plus baseball HOF shouldn't be about moralizing it should be about documenting the history of the game and for better or worse the steroid era is a part ofthis, put it on the plack if it helps you sleep at night, but your hall of fame can't be taken seriously if Pete Rose, Barry Bonds, and Manny Ramirez arenot in it.
i could care less about name by name at this point just put the whole *+%!$#+ thing out
Well I'm on my phone so. I cant quote people. But Im not shocked. No we don't get an asterisk. And poor Peter Gammons. Must feel like his world camecrashing down.

Oh yeah. Release the entire list. I want to see em all. Even varitek nomar and lowell.
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